The "Off Topic" thread...

No worries mate. Glad to help.

All settled in now, cool. When's the house-warming party??? hehehe.



Good to see folk pitching in and helping out.

Gotta get that carport sorted out. That way I can park in the driveway when I stop for an Iced Coffee on the way home...LOL:thumbup::D

Good to see folk pitching in and helping out.

Gotta get that carport sorted out. That way I can park in the driveway when I stop for an Iced Coffee on the way home...LOL:thumbup::D

Yes, the carport is priority number one, after i get my boys room, my office, and my walk in robe in some sorta state of order!!!

Just gave the back lawn a dose of weed & feed....had to pry Aidin and his trampoline off the lawn first though....

Foxtel was also connectedd today...and seeing as my monthly rent bill is over $200 cheaper, i decided to spoil myself, and get the full high def service, plus a 2nd top box in my's only $30 more a month for the total "spoilt brat" package!

My dog is even barking a lot less at this joint...and Aidin even took her for 2 walks tonight....must be the lack of hills to walk up around here...that got him "motivated"!!!

No worries mate. Glad to help.

All settled in now, cool. When's the house-warming party??? hehehe.


That will be a while......quite a long way off getting the new joint sorted right now...and i have a bike to re-build this weekend!

But, dont worry, i will be having a House Warming...just yet another excuse to drink beer and bench race!

Awesome night for riding in Adelaide tonight...decided to ride to work...with the wolfcub riding pillion (dropping off at my mums on way). All is good...we pull up at traffic lights next to a couple of squids on gixxers resplendant in shorts, t-shirts and runners...

Sure enough I take off from the lights, with them holding back...before about 150 metres past the lights, one of them decides to pass me in my lane on one wheel, whilst standing on the pegs!

Nice wheelstand I thought...anyway we pull up at the next set of traffic lights...wheelstanding squid pulls up next to me, lifts his visor to say hi to what he thought was a petite young lady on the back of my bike...

Little does mr squid know, but he is about to get a dose of wolfcub reality!!!

Anyway, he says hi, my sin lifts his visor, and says quite loudly and clearly..."hey buddy, I ain't a chicky babe, I am a boy, who obviously has more brains than u...where's your riding gear, and how about staying in your own lane whilst proving how stupid you are!"

my chest pumped up with pride....and said squid, says nothing, pulls his visor down, and puts indicator on, and then takes off around the corner thru a red light...with red light camera attached....flash!

Pure squid! LMAO!
Awesome night for riding in Adelaide tonight...decided to ride to work...with the wolfcub riding pillion (dropping off at my mums on way). All is good...we pull up at traffic lights next to a couple of squids on gixxers resplendant in shorts, t-shirts and runners...

Sure enough I take off from the lights, with them holding back...before about 150 metres past the lights, one of them decides to pass me in my lane on one wheel, whilst standing on the pegs!

Nice wheelstand I thought...anyway we pull up at the next set of traffic lights...wheelstanding squid pulls up next to me, lifts his visor to say hi to what he thought was a petite young lady on the back of my bike...

Little does mr squid know, but he is about to get a dose of wolfcub reality!!!

Anyway, he says hi, my sin lifts his visor, and says quite loudly and clearly..."hey buddy, I ain't a chicky babe, I am a boy, who obviously has more brains than u...where's your riding gear, and how about staying in your own lane whilst proving how stupid you are!"

my chest pumped up with pride....and said squid, says nothing, pulls his visor down, and puts indicator on, and then takes off around the corner thru a red light...with red light camera attached....flash!

Pure squid! LMAO!

LMFAO...Good lad that one:cheer::rockon::thumbup:

Was a very nice day for it though:thumbup:

Pity so many of the idiots today were on two wheels.
LMFAO...Good lad that one:cheer::rockon::thumbup:

Was a very nice day for it though:thumbup:

Pity so many of the idiots today were on two wheels.

Yeah, not a bad effort for a 10 year old!!!

Am hoping his knowledge if good road riding etiquette and gear philosophies will hold him in good stead when he gets out on the roads in a few years time!
Little does mr squid know, but he is about to get a dose of wolfcub reality!!!

Anyway, he says hi, my sin lifts his visor, and says quite loudly and clearly..."hey buddy, I ain't a chicky babe, I am a boy, who obviously has more brains than u...where's your riding gear, and how about staying in your own lane whilst proving how stupid you are!"

my chest pumped up with pride....and said squid, says nothing, pulls his visor down, and puts indicator on, and then takes off around the corner thru a red light...with red light camera attached....flash!

i know i'm not australian but i just have to say... well done! :thumbup::thumbup: both to you for teaching your son and for your son being willing to standup and speak the truth. great job.
i know i'm not australian but i just have to say... well done! :thumbup::thumbup: both to you for teaching your son and for your son being willing to standup and speak the truth. great job.

Lol....well my boy is a pretty grown up ten year old, and spends most of his life hanging out with a bunch of loud mouth, bike riding 40 year olds, that ain't backward about coming forward, when tools need to be told!!!

Bike culture runs deep in his veins!
OMG I was floored by your little tackers verbal lashing of that rider. All I can say is you should be proud, what a kid, to be able to voice himself like that at his age BRAVO.
He has his head screwed on right, well done wolfman.
Hehehe, way to go Wolfcub.
The things some squids will do to "try" (and I use that term very loosely) and impress a chick, only to get a mouthfull from a 10 year old. Would love to have seen inside his helmet when Aiden said that.

Well done Wolfcub :cheer: , puff your chest out proud Jamie the little fella is a legend :thumbup:..... The fact that the :squid: in question hooked through a red light with a camera no less proves that the truth really hurt :D....
Awesome night for riding in Adelaide tonight...decided to ride to work...with the wolfcub riding pillion (dropping off at my mums on way). All is good...we pull up at traffic lights next to a couple of squids on gixxers resplendant in shorts, t-shirts and runners...

Sure enough I take off from the lights, with them holding back...before about 150 metres past the lights, one of them decides to pass me in my lane on one wheel, whilst standing on the pegs!

Nice wheelstand I thought...anyway we pull up at the next set of traffic lights...wheelstanding squid pulls up next to me, lifts his visor to say hi to what he thought was a petite young lady on the back of my bike...

Little does mr squid know, but he is about to get a dose of wolfcub reality!!!

Anyway, he says hi, my sin lifts his visor, and says quite loudly and clearly..."hey buddy, I ain't a chicky babe, I am a boy, who obviously has more brains than u...where's your riding gear, and how about staying in your own lane whilst proving how stupid you are!"

my chest pumped up with pride....and said squid, says nothing, pulls his visor down, and puts indicator on, and then takes off around the corner thru a red light...with red light camera attached....flash!

Pure squid! LMAO!

LOL! Thats just awesome, bet the squid felt like a real dick too, hopefully he learnt something
LOL! Thats just awesome, bet the squid felt like a real dick too, hopefully he learnt something

I doubt it....but the look on his face was worth a thousand bucks! And i am guessing, when he receives his fine in the mail, for running the red light...he will remember that little boy that gave him what for!

No Super X for Adelaide this year!!!! WTF! I just went to the Super X site (Australian Supercross Championship), and noticed that Adelaide is missing off the Schedule for 09!!!!

No chance to see Chad Reed!!!

Wait till the Wolfcub finds out...he will be devo!
