The "Off Topic" thread...

Look out peoples the Torana is back :eek:

C'mon Dave , how much truth is in it ??

Torana may be on its way back | Perth Now

And this is what they are basing it on :shakehead:

Look out peoples the Torana is back :eek:

C'mon Dave , how much truth is in it ??

Torana may be on its way back | Perth Now

And this is what they are basing it on :shakehead:

Hmm, not too sure on the 130R, looks a bit fugly to me.

As for truth??? I haven't heard anything, apart from Holden's "big daddy" Mike Devereaux saying "there are some exciting plans ahead, but we can't let the cat out just yet"


Personally, I prefer our concept a few years back...

Torana TT36 - Holden. Go better.
One of the reasons that retail is dying in Australia.

I brew my own beer from scratch, (all grain, not that horrid kit stuff you buy in Big W).
Anyway, I just bought 1.34kg of hops from Washington state in the US for 41.38AUD including freight.

The same amount would be $181AUD here from my local store.
I'm all for supporting the little guy, but Jesus.
One of the reasons that retail is dying in Australia.

I brew my own beer from scratch, (all grain, not that horrid kit stuff you buy in Big W).
Anyway, I just bought 1.34kg of hops from Washington state in the US for 41.38AUD including freight.

The same amount would be $181AUD here from my local store.
I'm all for supporting the little guy, but Jesus.

Yep, the reality is that Internet shipping is so much cheaper these days! It will be the death of many uncompetitive local retail outlets! :(
Yep, the reality is that Internet shipping is so much cheaper these days! It will be the death of many uncompetitive local retail outlets! :(

Nature of the beast :(

Of my last 30 purchases... only 2 were from Australia.

Aussie retailers cannot get the purchasing power that others have and we have no cheap factories pumping out **** for a dime a dozen either.

Classic example is I was looking for some decent integrated mirrors that weren't the $30 ebay **** items...

Finally found a thread that mentioned Puig's version... thought I'll look up where I can get them locally... Puig has a link to the Australian importer... contact them. $150 a pop, without postage. Don't have them in stock.

Figure I'll check websites, doesn't appear to be many, however I find them at 53.00 EUR or 67.0523 AUD a pop. So I can get 2 for less than the cost of one?

No prizes for guessing what I'd prefer to do...
I ALWAYS try to buy Australian made/sourced. Even at the supermarket. But, let's face it - times are tough for everyone at the moment. Sometimes you just have to buy the best value for money and that's not always from Australia.

If you're not in a hurry, you can sometimes source it locally, but it's not always possible.


I just bought some batteries on Ebay for the car remotes - Dick Smith's - nearly $7.00 each. Bought 5 on line, free delivery from Hong Kong - $1.00 total....... Seriously, that's $34 saving if I had bought 5 locally.
It's easier to buy Australian made at the supermarket than anywhere else tho... I mean show me an Australian made motorbike part for instance :( Most products are imported thru a middle man who takes a big cut, then a local store puts their cut on top... impossible to compete with someone who ships it to you direct from a factory... or with a different country where the parts are sold cheaper due to various other factors like buying power. Our market is too small.

We buy local farmers produce thru a local distributor and go to three separate stores for other groceries to get as much Australian made stuff as we can.

I don't mind paying a bit extra to support an Australian business... but when the cost doubles ... and in other cases gets into the realm of absurdity... I cannot justify that. :(
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The matte black one has bottled beer in it, the other two are fermenting fridges. Another 500l is on it's way to me today, and that'll be for fermenting 60l batches, or cold crashing, not sure which.

New brewery is also on it's way...
The matte black one has bottled beer in it, the other two are fermenting fridges. Another 500l is on it's way to me today, and that'll be for fermenting 60l batches, or cold crashing, not sure which.

New brewery is also on it's way...

Too much beer is never enough!

What do I do....

I've had an offer from a guy at work , a straight swap of my bike for his 1 owner 2000 Suzuki TL1000R :drool: with only 18000k's on the clock...

His missus has told him the TLR has to go because she cant go with him so he needs a pillion seat , at first I said No but the more I think about it the more tempted I am !!!!
Don't swap it, you got the FJR for a reason. The TL will sripple your old body lol.
