They Took my Baby


Junior Member
Nov 7, 2012
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I honestly get too mad even typing about it, so I'm just gonna leave a bunch of pictures here as a memorial & say that there is a special place in Hell for bike thieves.






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Re: The Took my Baby

I don't think Flickr works right on this site. This happened last time too. They started showing up a day later. :don'tknow:
Re: The Took my Baby

I don't think Flickr works right on this site. This happened last time too. They started showing up a day later. :don'tknow:

I use Photobucket, firsy=t time posting a pic, no problem, if I edit the post, the pic goes away, re-edit-advanced, the pic comes back...

You might luck out and get it back, if you have ins, I'd rather have the $ as they'll not treat it as you would... :(

I had my first car (68 Chevelle, 2dr, 327, stick, Cragers, buckets) stolen years ago. Never got anything back and my ins didn't cover it...:(
Re: The Took my Baby

I use Photobucket, firsy=t time posting a pic, no problem, if I edit the post, the pic goes away, re-edit-advanced, the pic comes back...

You might luck out and get it back, if you have ins, I'd rather have the $ as they'll not treat it as you would... :(

I had my first car (68 Chevelle, 2dr, 327, stick, Cragers, buckets) stolen years ago. Never got anything back and my ins didn't cover it...:(

Man that sounds brutal. What kills me is I know it was a couple of junkies who are just gonna trade it for whatever they can get. An actual bike thief would know ours aren't the ones to steal. Also that there's way more valuable ones a couple streets over.

This spring has sucked. I just got it on the road Saturday & things were finally looking up.
Re: The Took my Baby

I can top that unfortunatly..

My across the street neighbors elderly mom was always up all hours of the night. She WATCHED them tow my car away, thought it was me working on the car at 2:00am..

Talk about pissed, could have caught the bastards in the act....
Re: The Took my Baby


I actually had an eye witness last night too. I park across the street from a bar. The guys hanging out near my bike were so sketchy the bartender actually locked the door because he thought he was about to get robbed. He just assumed it was their motorcycle. Don't know why he didn't put 2 & 2 together and call the police, but he was nice enough to give me a big glass of Jameson once he figured it out.
Re: The Took my Baby

Why wouldn't you call the cops if you feel that uncomfortable about the situation??

Especially if you think your going to be friggin robbed??? Unbelievable....
Re: The Took my Baby

Yeah.....I guess he didn't want to waste their time. I mean there's shady looking people everywhere, but it sucks that it could have been prevented.

Still, I wouldn't have known & they probably would have just come back the next night.

(trying to stay positive)
Re: The Took my Baby

The pic's, at least on my puter didn't load.

Sucks big time :(... Hope you have insurance..

I don't think Flickr works right on this site. This happened last time too. They started showing up a day later. :don'tknow:

They also stole the picture! :eek:
So sorry to hear this. Get ready for that bike you've been thinking about.
Re: The Took my Baby

Sorry to hear!

I'm getting kinda paranoid with all these bike theft stories lately! :spank:
Re: The Took my Baby

I have been there buddy. I hope you had insurance, I did , but I had to eat the 1100$ in mods.

The feeling never really goes away and gets worse when you get a new bike.

The only good way to look at this is. I used to be fz6 now it's fz09. Take the money and get something else. (Don't blow it all on a payment like me, get a security system.)
Re: The Took my Baby

They also stole the picture! :eek:
So sorry to hear this. Get ready for that bike you've been thinking about.

Hahaha I'll try to figure out the pics tonight.

Sorry to hear!

I'm getting kinda paranoid with all these bike theft stories lately! :spank:

Economy's not back yet, I guess...

I have been there buddy. I hope you had insurance, I did , but I had to eat the 1100$ in mods.

The feeling never really goes away and gets worse when you get a new bike.

The only good way to look at this is. I used to be fz6 now it's fz09. Take the money and get something else. (Don't blow it all on a payment like me, get a security system.)

I've got comprehensive, just had my recorded convo with progressive. Should know more in 2 or 3 weeks. Hopefully I get a good number from them.

Honestly, I'm thinking about just waiting til the fall to buy a new one. This is the worst time....but I may lose my mind if I can't ride this summer. We'll see.
Re: The Took my Baby

Sorry man - that REALLY BLOWS in a big way!

Hang in there....

[MENTION=17223]FZ09Bandit[/MENTION] - who'd you have coverage through that wouldn't cover the "AS IS" cost of the bike?

As it stand now, I think I'm at a moot point. I've paid enough in coverage I could have had a second bike! AND I DON'T know 100% they'll cover all the mods! 3 years ago I had no idea it'd end up like it is now!
Re: The Took my Baby

Sorry man - that REALLY BLOWS in a big way!

Hang in there....

[MENTION=17223]FZ09Bandit[/MENTION] - who'd you have coverage through that wouldn't cover the "AS IS" cost of the bike?

As it stand now, I think I'm at a moot point. I've paid enough in coverage I could have had a second bike! AND I DON'T know 100% they'll cover all the mods! 3 years ago I had no idea it'd end up like it is now!

Oh I got 5k for the bike, owed like 2800$ or so, but I didn't pay the " extra mod " insurance.

Direct general insurance.
Re: The Took my Baby

Hahaha I'll try to figure out the pics tonight.

Economy's not back yet, I guess...

I've got comprehensive, just had my recorded convo with progressive. Should know more in 2 or 3 weeks. Hopefully I get a good number from them.

Honestly, I'm thinking about just waiting til the fall to buy a new one. This is the worst time....but I may lose my mind if I can't ride this summer. We'll see.

From what I see prices really don't fluctuate all that much. I bought my 09 in January.
Re: The Took my Baby

I've been insurance shopping and depending on what coverages you pick, some will provide $1.5K-$3K for aftermarket upgrades as part of their coverage. I'm currently with Foremost but Progressive sure was agressive with their quote, albeit for higher deductibles than I have now.
Re: The Took my Baby

I had my first car (68 Chevelle, 2dr, 327, stick, Cragers, buckets) stolen years ago. Never got anything back and my ins didn't cover it...:(

I am curious, did you ever use any of the LE dbases to search for it? You are always fond of your first.:rolleyes:

Man that sounds brutal. What kills me is I know it was a couple of junkies who are just gonna trade it for whatever they can get. An actual bike thief would know ours aren't the ones to steal. Also that there's way more valuable ones a couple streets over.

This spring has sucked. I just got it on the road Saturday & things were finally looking up.

I really feel bad for you, I hope that wasn't your only form of transportation.
The best therapy might be to start looking at another bike, especially when you find out how much $ the insurance company is willing to pay. :thumbup:

But it got me thinking and maybe some of our EE's can chime in, I don't know anything about stealing bikes, but it really only has the exposed ignition switch to deal with. At 400 lbs +/- it is not hard for a couple of guys to pickup the front end and roll it or in your case it sounds like they broke the ignition/handlebar lock and rode off with it. My idea would be at simplest end of the spectrum to install a secondary inline fuse or killswitch between the battery and ignition. I would position it under the seat of another inconspicuous place. You could remove the fuse when you felt like you were in a shady area. Add to this some type of bar lock through the rear wheel. Thieves could still take it, but they may not want to lift/carry it. There may be some more high tech ignition disablers out there. :spank: