this might save your life one day

Neat idea, but overkill. I added two round convex mirrors to my fairing corners and they show my blind spots quite well.

i do not use them but yeah you can get those little mirrors for $1.00 about anywhere. Big lots has them really cheap, the little rectangular ones would fit the bike a little better than the round ones.
Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say if you use your mirrors properly and always do a head check before lane changes (like you should), there is no need for that product. Certainly won't hurt though (unless you're awful at judging convex effect, in which case it WILL hurt).
i do not use them but yeah you can get those little mirrors for $1.00 about anywhere. Big lots has them really cheap, the little rectangular ones would fit the bike a little better than the round ones.

True the rectangles would be better, but I had these lying around. It helps add to my situational awareness but no replacement for turning your head.
The best bit of advice I got during my MSF course was the instructor yelling at me, "Hey! Your head swivels, Use It!"
Glad to see you found my Youtube channel.
It's a good bit of kit once you become acustomed to glancing at your dash to look back.
Especially good when your going down a sliproad to join a motorway/highway.
I'm not trying to be harsh.... But a lifesaver is there for a reason. I know this is an alternative but it doesn't give nearly as good vision as a shoulder check.

Seems like a product for people who cant turn the head physically... If you too lazy for a shoulder check you shouldn't be on a bike in my opinion.
I think anything that helps increase your awareness of what's around you is a good thing, as long as it doesn't become a substitute for a life-saver.

How'd you actually buy the thing though?
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Neat idea/product, but +1 on shoulder checks. I'm sceptical about things that become 'crutches' or substitutes for actions that you should be doing anyway. Being humans, human nature tells us that we typically take the path of least resistance - i.e. one could easily become dependant on this item over time and use it instead of performing shoulder checks.

But I do agree that anything that can help make riding safer is a good thing. :thumbup:

I've also seen rear view helmets: Reevu motorbike helmets. Reevu - the world's first rear view helmet