To GSX-R 750, or not to GSX-R 750? That is the question!


Sep 1, 2008
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Dilemma time.. When I got my FZ I initially wanted a full out sportsbike, but since the insurance was too pricey I ended up with the more reasonable FZ6. Today however I found out that I can get cheaper insurance for a GSX-R 750 than what I pay for the FZ as of today. And so the problem arose... Do I make the jump or not? The 750 is pretty much exactly what I want, but if I trade in I have to pay approximately 60,000 NOK ($10,256).. Which is quite a lot. I'm torn between following my dream to own a supersport, and trying to be reasonable with my money. :confused:
Ppl here will tell you:

1- "do it!"
2- "don't do it and keep your FZ6, which is the best bike in the universe for the money!"
3- "it's your own decision to make"

I vote for 1 but really, 3 is right! :D
Ppl here will tell you:

1- "do it!"
2- "don't do it and keep your FZ6, which is the best bike in the universe for the money!"
3- "it's your own decision to make"

I vote for 1 but really, 3 is right! :D

Yeah, I know. I just had to put it out there:p It's a tough decision but in this case I do know what I really want. The question is just if it's worth the cash.. :rolleyes:
It's a great bike that you really want... so that makes it worth it for sure... the real question is: can you really afford it without sacrificing other more important stuff in your life? If you can, or if there's nothing more important than your bike in your life, then do it! :)

come back with pics after you buy it...

/thread closed :rof:
That 750 is one killer bike. If it fits your budget and you can live with clip ons I'd say do it. It is one of the best sport bikes out there.

If you get it be sure to post lots of photos. I assume going into winter you can get a very good deal on it?
Here is the Gixxer I want. there is one that parks next to me everyday and I have yet to meet the owner. This thing is beautiful IMO.

As for your dilema... Do what feels right.
Take it. My boy was riding FZ6 last season and in May this year took GSXR750. I tried it and it scared me first time, it is that fast.
He however, loves it! Absolutely and definitely. I tried and he said he would never go back to FZ6.
what kinda riding do you do? Will you put the bike to use, or is the FZ a good fit for you?

Do you gotta steady job? What would the monthly payment be compared to now?

those are the questions id ask myself
That's alot of money for a bike... have you looked at the used bikes? I could have bought an 05 gixxer 1000 for $5,000 in May,2008 with a little over 500 miles on it .I didnt buy it because the bike looked like all the miles were from the drag strip.... I bought my fz with 99 miles on it for $5,340 out the door.If I were you I would find a better deal.
I bought a new 2002 GSX-R750. It was by far my most favorite bike. I had to get rid of it due to financial issues and finishing school and moving. I don't regret getting rid of it because it was best at the time. However, I do miss it. I went 2 years with no bike and it hurt. The FZ6 fits what I need in a bike and what I need for transportation (25 mile round trip on straight tollway).

I'm sure if you go test drive one, the decision will be very easy to make. That's what I did and 2 hours later I was polishing it in the driveway.

It really comes down to "can you afford it?"... if so... your decision.
that's a lot for a bike. you'd have to have some major insurance savings to make up the difference.

750's are nice. my thought when i first read it is, "what's the rush?" hopefully you have many more years of riding. if so, save up the money and get it later. and if you don't have many more years of riding then it really won't matter. that's just a lot of money for a bike to me.
im currently going through the exact same dillemma. I feel like I really want a supersport bike, and the gixxer fits the bill perfectly. But its an hour long highway ride to ANY sort of motorcycling roads around here, and im just not sure if my back will be feeling as positive about the change. do it, then let me know how itg compares haha
Thanks for all your opinions.. You all make valid arguments. Regarding the cost difference you have to realize that I live in Norway. Which is pretty much the most expensive country in the world to own anything with a motor in it. In dollars the 750 will cost me ~27,300, and I'll get approximately 17,000 for the FZ. So when you say that you could get a whole bike for the difference that I have to pay, that doesn't really apply in my case.

Anyways, I don't have any loans on my bike, and I won't be taking any loans to finance the 750 either... And yes, I can get a good deal on it since we're going into winter. :) I'm leaning towards getting the bike.. :p
I'd say get it, it sounds like you've weighed your options. If you can buy it and still pay all your bills, mortgage, insurance, etc... than why not?

I don't understand the argument that if you buy a Gixxer you're automatically going to turn into a squid or crash your bike. Same head on your shoulders, just a different bike underneath you.
Do you know what the import taxes are like? It may be cheaper to use one of us to source a bike in the UK and get it sent over there. Have a look at this from my local dealer:

SUZUKI GSXR 750K8 749cc

I haven't checked but I know they're very high. It could probably be done but then I would also have to change the headlight configuration since we drive on the opposite side of the road from you guys. :)

In the US yes... the gixxer syndrome is very much alive here for sure... Europe is a difference story though :)
I agree. Sportbikes are very big over here, and I mostly see people who ride sensibly. It also seems that people here are better at wearing full gear when they ride.
Regarding the cost difference you have to realize that I live in Norway. Which is pretty much the most expensive country in the world to own anything with a motor in it.

Your Avatar said you are from Earth? Had no idea you were from Norway.
Beautiful country, but motoring isn't the only thing thats expensive. Just about everything is. Good thing I was there working, but still I still burned up all my per diem when I was in Oslo.