Too poor to buy a TS seat? Too lazy to custom shave your seat? Me too...


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Jan 11, 2009
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calgary alberta canada
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I do a decent amount of touring and have had my heart set on a TS seat, as the stock one is merely "satisfactory" until about 200kms and then its no longer joyous at all.
I figured today, I would try something radical; wear my biking underwear on the motorcycle.


I cycle enough to warrant a pretty good set of chamois underwear (as opposed to the spandex short) so I tossed on the extremely padded, breathable underwear under some shorts, put on my overpants and gear and headed out on a quick 150 km (50 of which were very twisty) test ride.
The padding provides LOTs of comfort at the middle of my butt (where the bone can somewhat be felt) and the extra material between my gouch and seat gave a very supportive feeling. these shorts sit are designed for a road bicycle, which has a more forward stance than my fz6 so the material wraps around the "package" and a little over the top... PERFECT for those times the gas tank gets a little too.. err.. friendly. Shifting position for the switchbacks was a breeze as they are held in place with elastics on all sides; no more boxers riding up to your nips!

I can honestly say that it was the most comfortable ride ive even had on my bike, all the padding in exactly the right areas. All for some $50 underwear!! Any thoughts I was playing with to drop the $500 on a better seat are now out the window.

For anyone that tries it out, it does take a day or two to get used to the feeling of a chamois.. You will find it uncomfortable for a bit, as its a weird sensation. I wouldnt suggest them for bombs around town and they arent exactly designed with walking around and hanging out in mind. (but they also turn a bar stool into a Laz-E-Boy if you like to go out for wings on the bike)
Washable, very breathable, inexpensive, efficient and very discrete... 10/10 from me!

PS: Only a QUALITY set of chamois will help you out. I have many cheaper pairs and none of them have the same material quality or padding or engineering. My decently high quality shorts were $54 from a local cycle shop.

They are Sugoi S.100. I highly recommend any Sugoi product. Bikers usually get them fit tight for biking (obviously) im not sure how moving a size up could affect comfort on a motorcycle. It could become too loose and bunch up or could provide an even better airflow.

Figured Id pass on the word! Excuse the blunt and politically incorrect anatomical terms... Ride safe guys
I can second this, I live in NC but go to school in TN and it is about a 350 mile jaunt. I bought a pair of shorts last time I came home and the made an amazing difference.
*goes buys a pair*

My buddy has a good set as well. There is a bike shop literally across the street from my place so I'll have to go get a pair. I just went on a 350km ride, and I can start to feel some discomfort to my arse...and my bawlz. heh....
been doing this for years on my longer rides, just not my 26 mile commute. Most definitly helps, and the extra padding will come in handy in the case of a crash too.
What about the shorts with gel in instead of Chamois? I was thinking about getting some before I tour next week...
Now that's some out of the box thinkin!! very good idea! I'm going to get some....I can't beleive i'm going to buy cycling short's!! LOL :rockon: :D
One more thing: I use the underwear/liner chamois. The actual riding short (the ones people wear with nothing over them) will be very uncomfortable under normal clothing.
Well thanks to this topic and advice by geetarhero, I went out on the weekend and bought a pair of Sugoi RC Pro Liner for my upcoming trip this weekend! They were as close as I could find to what the OP was talking about.

Tried them on, they felt very comfortable (I'll spare you all any pics!).

I also spoke with my uncle who rides a ton and was surprised to find out that he also swears by cycling shorts! Good enough for me!

Thanks again for the tip and the info geetarhero!! Looking forward to giving them a test run this weekend!
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Hey that's great :thumbup: On the weekend trip I was thinking the same: Why not put on that comfy cycling shorts underneath the protective pants (even with a TS saddle). Good to see this wasn't just a silly idea :D
I forget who told me this but if you do buy a pair make sure they are not too tight. Remember cyclists are pumping their legs which help circulation where as we aren't. So make sure the shorts won't hurt your leg circulation.
I forget who told me this but if you do buy a pair make sure they are not too tight. Remember cyclists are pumping their legs which help circulation where as we aren't. So make sure the shorts won't hurt your leg circulation.

I was just thinking about this. Tight shorts could actually make the situation worse.
Ahh very good point!

Lucky for me the size selection was poor and I ended up with XL shorts instead of L which would be what I would had normally got. So probably work out well that they are a tad on the big side.