Top gear usa


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Nov 1, 2010
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Madison, WI
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Any top gear fans out there? What do You guys think about the US version on the History Chanel? I have seen the first three episodes of TG USA.... Its.... ok maybe even good. The third one is the best. (aired last night). It definitely doesn't compare to the original. 1) Top Gear BBC. 2). top Gear Australia 3). Top Gear Usa. there is also a Russian and Romanian version..... I think.
I'm a huge original Top Gear fan. Have only seen 1st TG USA episode and was so unimpressed that I haven't even gotten around to watching the next two (I've got them on my DVR though).
It's essentially the same show, so obviously it comes down to the hosts. As it stands, I'd rather watch a repeat of original over new episode of TG USA.
Top Gear in the UK just finished their 15th season. If you go back and look at Season 1 (Pre James May) and you'll see some clunkers. If you go back even further to when it was a 30 min show from the pebble mill studios you'll think you are watching a very old Motor Trend TV.

I too watched the first episode in the US and thought it was OKish, but I have to agree that between trying to teach a blind man to drift (last week) and the Moonshine Runner adventure this week I was laughing out loud. I'll give it to the end of the season to see how it does, but so far I'm impressed.

Keep your eyes out for the Top Gear Christmas special on BBC this year. They are going to re-enact the journey of the 3 wise men (in convertibles !!)

If you want to go back and check out the old (and not so old) episodes check out this web site
Love Top Gear UK but admit I've never seen the first few seasons. So far TG USA is pretty lame. Adam Ferrara and Rutledge Wood not only can't outdrive a blind man, they are about as entertaining as watching paint dry. At least Tanner Foust knows how to handle a car.

I think that the total season budget for TG USA is equal to about 1/5 the budget for a single TGUK show.

But...I'll keep watching and keep my hopes up! Now only if they could bag Jay Leno to head the trio!
The UK version is still way better. I honestly didn't like the first episode, the second was better, but the third was really good. Tanner Faust annoys me for some reason but I'm getting over it and he seems to be the only one on the show that can drive.
The UK version is still way better. I honestly didn't like the first episode, the second was better, but the third was really good. Tanner Faust annoys me for some reason but I'm getting over it and he seems to be the only one on the show that can drive.

I'm with you.. just watched 2nd episode and have to admit it was better than 1st. Actually looking forward to watching 3rd one now :D
The UK version is still way better. I honestly didn't like the first episode, the second was better, but the third was really good. Tanner Faust annoys me for some reason but I'm getting over it and he seems to be the only one on the show that can drive.

I agree with everything you just said
I'm with you.. just watched 2nd episode and have to admit it was better than 1st. Actually looking forward to watching 3rd one now :D

Watch it. The third one is the most entertaining so far. But like you all said..... they just cant beat May, Hammond and Jezza!
I haven't seen a single episode of Top Gear USA yet. It sucks because I work Sunday nights when the show airs. I do however watch Top Gear UK online and enjoy their show.
I haven't seen a single episode of Top Gear USA yet. It sucks because I work Sunday nights when the show airs. I do however watch Top Gear UK online and enjoy their show.

No DVR? I never watch shows live anymore. So nice to skip commercials :D
After buying diapers, formula and other baby related stuff... there isn't much $$$ left over for a DVR and the related monthly fees.

I'm lucky I can still afford high speed cable internet.
There's only 1 Top Gear - the UK version.

Not many people watch the Australian version - it is a poor mans imitation of the UK version. Not funny AT ALL.

Jeremy, Captain Slow and the Hamster are an unbeatable team. Even watching old repeats are entertaining :thumbup:
There's only 1 Top Gear - the UK version.

Not many people watch the Australian version - it is a poor mans imitation of the UK version. Not funny AT ALL.

Jeremy, Captain Slow and the Hamster are an unbeatable team. Even watching old repeats are entertaining :thumbup:

You are absolutely right. Russian TG is the crappy show as well. It's ridiculous when russians try to imitate Jeremy and other guys. Russians can't compete with them.

May be local TG is a good show for those guys who have never seen the UK version. But there is only one TG for me and this is the original version.
I have to agree, the UK version is the best. The host is what make a show entertaining. Me and my wife still watch rerunes over and over again with countless laughs, we both really enjoy it. we tried watching the first episode of the US version but didint really feel it. I think they try to hard on trying to make you laugh