Track to myself!


Howie Mandel's evil twin
Elite Member
Apr 28, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsford, VT
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So just out of curiosity, what gear are you in 95% of this vid? If I were on the littler Fizzer, I see us banging through a bunch of gears to keep her in the sweet spot! :)
What's the deal with the front straight and the line of bikes, follow the leader? I've never lightening but from the video it doesn't seem as exciting. How do you compare it to thunderbolt?
What's the deal with the front straight and the line of bikes, follow the leader? I've never lightening but from the video it doesn't seem as exciting. How do you compare it to thunderbolt?

That will be us first-timers who chose to ride in the slower group. We had to move over on the straight to let the fast riders through.
Good stuff guys,
Looks like the weather was fantastic too. The camera footage is very good, and I am amazed how far the quality of the film has come in the last few years.

So just out of curiosity, what gear are you in 95% of this vid? If I were on the littler Fizzer, I see us banging through a bunch of gears to keep her in the sweet spot! :)

3rd all the way through. Zero need to shift on FZ1, unless you're timing laps and trying to go a little faster each time around. Loads of power from 5k. Stupid power from 7k. On 600, you'd be doing some shifting (not a whole lot, still).
I've never lightening but from the video it doesn't seem as exciting. How do you compare it to thunderbolt?

Exactly as you said.. not as exciting. It's not as technical as T-bolt, but it does have more elevation changes, which does make it entertaining. Turn 1 is blind (going up a hill). Turn 5 is a steep uphill into a relatively steep downhill.. bike completely unweighs on the backside.. better be smooth there!
Looks like you had great weather for your track day, was the sun and shadows causing any visibility problems? I am looking forward to your tire choice post regarding the Z8's. Thanks again. :thumbup:
was the sun and shadows causing any visibility problems?

Yup! Last session.. riding right into the sun was adding to the challenge. As long as you could see your braking point and turn-in point, it was OK, but it made it a bit more challenging.

This was one of the reason I chose to not do last session. Sun was getting low.. would be looking directly at it on the long straightaway .. not to mention we were all pretty tired.. which is when bad things are more likely to occur.

Great great day, overall!