Traffic in India


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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[ame=]YouTube - It happens only in INDIA[/ame]

You know those Discovery channel specials about the ocean life?? Schools of fish in those look a heck of a lot more organized than that traffic!
You know those Discovery channel specials about the ocean life?? Schools of fish in those look a heck of a lot more organized than that traffic!

I don't know. Something smells fishy about that claim.
Amazing how we can be successfully civilized with each other without all those other controls. I bet everyone gets to work faster and with less fuel consumption....:rockon:

That should be your motorcycle road test. You have to get through that intersection without incident. :D
when i was there our driver would sometimes drive on the sidewalk because it was quicker. one time he got off the road and drove through a field parallel to the road because the field was smoother than the road.

there is a bit of controlled chaos, but trust me, they have their fair share of wrecks. the rule is generally, "i'm bigger so i have the right of way." that and their horn gets them a long way. i'd never want that system here.
One of My friends sister married a guy from India. My friend went with her to India to visit. He said one day he had to take a taxi to cross the road. :eek::eek::eek:
Back home in Pakistan the traffic is similar, and I rode/drove there for years before coming to the UK. No helmet either. The deciplined traffic here took a lot of getting used to, but when I visit back its like a switch is thrown and I change my driving style back to the one shown.... :) the really scary parts are roundabout; everyone just forces their way in and out... driving on the wrong side of a dual carraigeway is common to avoid a u-turn and doubling back.....