Trust noone but yourself.......


Mr. Know-It-All
Dec 11, 2009
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Pittsburgh, Pa
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When I picked up my FZ6 last December, it was 'professionally' serviced by the dealers 'crack' service team. They changed the oil, lubed the chain, checked the coolant and sent me on my way.

It's now riding season and I decided to give the bike a good once over before getting into some serious riding. To my horror, when I pulled the dip stick out of the block (with the bike on the center stand) oil started pouring out and running all over my garage floor.

When I put the bike back down on the kick stand, the dipstick read 'full' (top of the cross hatches). But when I put it back up on the center stand, oil came out of the hole in the block.

I'm not a professional motorcycle mechanic, but I'm reasonably sure that the oil is supposed to be checked ON THE CENTER STAND (at least that's what it says right there in the MANUAL!!!!)

WTF is wrong with these service techs that they would make such a basic mistake like that???? The crank case was almost 1 quart OVER FULL!!!!!!

It's no wonder I got crap gas mileage out of the first two tanks. I'm actually surprised that I wasn't puking oil into the exhaust and leaving a plume of blue smoke as I rode by.....

Word to the wise... When it comes to maintenance, never trust anyone else to do it for you. When you want it done right, do it yourself!!!!

*now I have a colossal mess to clean up in the garage.... GRRRR! *
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Zanotti's in Butler, Pa.

Wouldn't be the first bike they screwed up either... Apparently put the wrong air filter on my buddy's bike, which caused all sorts of running problems (unexplained stalls, surging and really crappy gas mileage.)

If you ever find a stealership with a service department that's worth half a crap, let me know....
Another Pittsburgh FZ6 rider! Where in Pgh are you located? There's several stealerships around the city. I've only had my FZ6 for 1.5 months, so I haven't taken it to any of them yet. My friends bought their bikes from Bob Tracey's (I think their prices suck, but I've only called for quotes from several other places). I'd like to get my steering head bearings replaced, as well as the front forks and rear shock, and I've been trying to get some quotes for that. Unless it's easy enough that I can do it myself with the help of some of my more mechanically inclined friends. I'll probably end up DIYing it, since I hate the idea of paying $60+/hr for labor. Except for the rear shock, that I might leave to a shop.

Sorry to hear about your story. Enjoy the FZ6 and when you find a good dealer in the area, let us know!
That's so messed up! Hopefully it didn't cause any damage to your bike (how long did you ride it with oil so high?)
I've had few bad experiences like that too and finally decided to do all my own work, if I can help it.
Between one motorcycle, two cars, two snowboards and seven bicycles, I'm pretty damn busy.
I would suggest you open up the air box, and take a look at the section after the air filter..... with the level that high, there's a good chance the EGR valve pumped some of that excess into the air box. If you see any standing puddles of engine oil, wipe them up with paper towels, after you take some pictures so you can chew out the service department royally.

Extremely high engine oil levels in the cases can lead to damage to the rings. If your bike is still under warranty, you would be well advised to get this documented in Yamaha's data base...... if there is an issue later, that can be attributed to the faulty service provided by the dealership, they will be liable for that damage. But you only have a leg to stand on if there is documented proof of that.
Im not sticking up for them in anyway. But how many sport bikes have a center stand? Very few. The service was probably performed on a lift. Which means the bike wouldn't have been put on the center stand. It would have been put in the front wheel clamp. to be honest I never read my owners manual and have always changed my oil in the clamp like you would just about any other motorcycle on the planet. I will have to take a look at that when I get home. Thing is many shops can't afford to pay great mechanics. The way things are with the economy i'm surprised there are any shops left that even service anything. Economy in the crapper and crazy high insurance..... I have always double checked anything that gets done by someone other than me. Should you have to no, but it is a very well known fact that a vast majority of the human race is getting lazier by the day! You better get used to double checking everything that is done by someone else.
This SHOULD NOT have happened! I have known of car engines being overfilled like this and it blew the valve seals! I too hope it caused you no damage! Sorry man.
Im a automotive mechanic myself and i understand your pain. it is for certain the mechanics mistake. i believe even on bikes with a side stand the oil level shoud be checked with the bike level (someone holding it up) another HUGE issue is oil being severly full can cause the crank to spin in the oil in the pan and cause the oil to airate and it wil have the same affect as low oil level and can cause pressure issues. i would for sure document it.