Two steep hills and short legs = bad news :(


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
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San Diego
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New rider checking in with my story of the week.

I went to my friends house and i have never been there before. He has been riding for almost his whole life and he wanted to see my bike. :BLAA:

So i come up to the house and im like holy crap where am i going to park the street is crazy steep and i have never parked on that deep an incline before. So i pulled into his driveway squeezing by his brand new audi a4. His drive way also slopes up. I pull up and i cant flat foot the ground so i hold the brake and get off the bike to push it up the drive way a little. :D

We get geared up he pulls his bike out and is whipping it around like its a toy. He 6'5 and im 5'7. :cheer:

There is no way i can back down his driveway and then back up a crazy hill only being able to touch my tip toes on the ground. So i turn the bike around and get set to go forward out the driveway. I thought the steep driveway would be an issue for me so i decide to walk the bike down to the bottom of the driveway. DUMB IDEA. :spank:


We are getting ready to roll out and im right next to his brand new car, my stand is down and my wheel turned left towards down hill street. I get on the bike and i cant touch on the right hand side........ the bike is fully leaned over to the left. I turned back and asked him what im supposed to do. He says lean the bike to the right as much as possible then kick out the stand. I did that and started to roll to the left in front of his car as planned.

Here is the problem. IM rolling to the left but i cant put my foot on the rear brake because its whats holding me up withe the bike leaned right. I grab the front brake very lightly and then im in trouble :(. The bike starts going very left and leaning left...... It starts going down!!!! I catch it with my left leg and my leg instantly cramps up.

He saw me going down and pulls up next to me on his bike and catches me. Hes yelling at me to hold the brake because he cant hold it, but with the brake held i couldnt turn the wheel right so i went down even more. I couldnt hold it any longer but he strong armed me to the right and saved the bike (mostly because he was going into his car, adrenaline kicked in).

The WORST PART of it all was i damaged his sexy bike in the process :(. When he pulled next to me to save my bike i was about to push him over too, and into his brand new car so he was fighting for dear life to push me over. He bruised his leg slightly and got my paint all over his fairing. I felt like an idiot, he has never downed his bike and damaged it in any way and i scarred his baby. I didnt mind that mine was bruised it already has a few nicks and scrapes.



IN THE END: He said what i did wrong was trying to turn left onto the street. He said i have to lean the bike over to the right with the wheel turned right and go up the street slightly, and then turn left. I tried to illustrate this with paint shop but because i couldnt touch the ground on the left i just dont see how i could have done it..... Im getting my seat shaved ASAP, this is getting ridiculous lol. I told him hes always coming to my place instead but he insists i have to master his street/driveway combo. I told him short people with bikes wont ever live on his street

So i made a five minute event into a long read but i figured being as detailed as possible helps out others who might be in my situation. :ban:
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Well Phillip We short people sometimes have these problem. We never get a knee down and when there's different anomalies that are easy for average or tall people to deal with, we have difficulty.

I'm the same height as you in case you didn't notice when you were here. Main thing is you're okay.

Randy Newman said it this way....

[ame=]‪Randy Newman - Short People‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Been there (5'5"). Tipped my bike over at a gas pump where the ground was not level because of my itty bitty legs.

I rode with a lady who couldn't even touch the ground with both toes on her DRZ400, and she does just fine. It's a matter of experience and confidence.
Thanks for the words of wisdom. I just have to encounter new situations and hopefully not damage my wonderful bike in the process.

We should get a cruise together of just short people LOL.
Sorry to hear that.

I thankfully don't have this problem, I'm able to stand up (both feet on the ground) with the bike under me.
Sometimes you have to be tactical with terrain. I'll stop and get off the bike and get in a better position and remount if I feel uncomfortable with terrain and surface. I don't like playing with suspension on the bike because once my feet are on the pegs I want the advantage of geometry the bike was designed for. Today I'll be working on a KLR 650 with tall suspension and I will test ride it.

I know this lady that is so short she's had special extensions made for her riding boots, there is a custom section on the boot for the shift lever. She's got to be at least 60 yrs old, has a titanium elbow from a crash, rides a Zuki GSXR 750 and she is fast!
I actually got some excellent news back about modifying my seat. I may just not ride for a few weeks and send this sucker in to get pumped up LOL.

He is going to lower it an inch and also:

"The typical requests for the single piece FZ6 seat are correction of the seats angle to provide a more neutral position with less of a forward slant to the tank, creation of an actual supportive seating pocket, and a softening of the frontal midline to take pressure off of the crotch. These changes combine to better distribute the riders weight across the width of the seat rather than concentrating it in the crowned center. Adding the Supracor material included in the LD mod is definitely recommended. It will allow a more form fitting shape, provide better weight distribution, reduce vibration in the seat, and dampen road shock."
Then if you're short and you get a little older, you start making strange friends.......Well let me let Randy Newman say it again!

[ame=]‪Mad TV: Randy Newman sings Star Wars‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Is that why you needed my windscreen?

No lol i didnt drop my bike, thanks to my friend. Who actually just texted me and said the damage to his bike was removed using bug remover, so i feel much better.

I need your screen because mine is yellow as heck and i hate pulling up to my gf and her mint condition bike with my yellow windscreen rusty fz6......
Well Phillip We short people sometimes have these problem. We never get a knee down and when there's different anomalies that are easy for average or tall people to deal with, we have difficulty.

I'm the same height as you in case you didn't notice when you were here. Main thing is you're okay.

Randy Newman said it this way....

‪Randy Newman - Short People‬‏ - YouTube

That was genius! :rockon:
don't feel bad it happens to all of us short guys. I dropped it recently at Laguna Seca because of my short legs. here is a pic I dumped it near the post.
View attachment 37404
it does not look that steep on the pic but it was for me. the guys directing traffic had the guy in front of me stop so i had to stop fast with my right leg on the rear brake. i expected the bike to lean left as i always stop with my left leg because of being short. but something happened that it went right with my leg not on the floor, by the time i put it down it was too late and off i went. Now i have not dropped my bike in a long time and the worst part of this was that My WIFE WAS ON IT !!! :spank: i felt so bad for her i have never done this to her and i should had known better :( but it happened. honestly it still hunts me.
I told him hes always coming to my place instead but he insists i have to master his street/driveway combo.

this guy rocks ! ride with and learn from him more. just don't ding up his stuff :spank:

the turn right to go left makes sense. uphill/downhill stuff is funny sometimes, even for us 6'4" weirdos. and yes, we drop bikes. it's just louder and more damage usually.