Update on slow progress


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Feb 19, 2008
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Johnson City Ny
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So I've got it down to naked state now. Just need to clean off the rest of the paint and get the money saved up to by a naked kit. Going to be putting some stuff up for sale in a bit
Sorry to see that! I can't imagine being in your shoes.... :(

Something I didn't think of before but may be worth a try is CLAY BAR. Its properties are meant to remove surface impurites from a finish. It may just work on this.

WD40 might also be a good choice for not harming the finish too. Soak a rag and tape it on a section for say 10 min. Then start rubbing.

If you try the clay bar, make certain the area is washed thoroughly and do it before putting WD on it.

On the painted parts some swirl and haze remover should work. I prefer "The Wax Shop Safe Cut HD swirl and haze remover.

Good luck!
Some finishes like baked enamel type paints may be more inert to strong cleaners than you think. Acetone may bite and remove the rattle can toluene type paints with out harming your original finish. I would at least try some acetone on an inconspicuous area to get an idea if it would attack the original OEM paint. Keep in mind that the tank may actually have a different finish than the plastics so test them as separate possibilities.

Sorry to here someone is so full of fear and cowardice to do this.
Nail polish with acetone didn't harm the under surface but pure acetone melted all the plastics besides for the sail panels they are a different plastic. Main faring was snapped I'm half when I took of off from so that wasn't save able anyways. Pure acetone doesn't harm gas tank or seat it seems. Side panels destroyed by the graffiti remover I bought to try first
looks like a lot of work. maybe slow progress is good? "easy does it" as they say and things oft times come out as they should

posting this so others can see where you are heading. very interesting i will be following your progress as my own FZ6 may go naked after some miles are racked up

i tried to embed the video but the feature seems disabled, perhaps

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFtClwCZb0E"]FZ6S to FZ6N Naked Conversion - PART I - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Xx76c3ABY"]FZ6S to FZ6N Naked Conversion - PART II - YouTube[/ame]
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