(Video) Today's Trackday Highlights


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro1vaa2rn6E]‪July 24th Trackday Highlights‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]


Seriously?!?!? Haha oh come on!!!!!!!!!

Well I think I've figured out what's going on. Turns out my suspension was dialed in to maximum preload. It was super stiff and had like no sag even with me sitting on it.

I've dialed it down now so it should be better for next trackday which is tomorrow. I threw my renthall dirt-bike-style bars on and will need to get a new peg, but if I do I'll run again tomorrow and hope things go better :p.

But until then.......



Wow I was a bit surprised when you went down, didn't expect that (I'll bet it was a surprise to you too).
Good luck, I hope you can ride tommorrow.
is the problem that your butt was off the seat a bit, but your head was still in the center line....?

of course, i've never done a track day :ban: so i should just stfu.
fortunately nothing happened to you, I hope nothing big to the bike.

what do you think was the cause of the fall?

loss of fron traction, what do you guys think?

Nice to see your all right and your pride isn't hurt enough to keep you from posting the video. And to make fun of yourself with the FAIL picture. Very funny! Get back up and keep riding!!
Most people mount the goPro on the front end of the bike.

I just realized why you mount your camera on the tail of the bike....you crash so frequently you know it will get some awesome wipe-out video! :BLAA:
Do you have stock suspension? Are you saying that the hard setting on the suspension caused this? I am wondering because It looks like you are a little heavier than me and I always ride at the highest setting and never felt like I had no sag.
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