VS02 wind protection


Junior Member
Dec 27, 2011
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McAlester, OK
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I have been comtemplating going naked for quite a while now. I love the FZ, but I have never really cared for the look of that stock fairing. I love the the streetfighter look! The only thing holding me back is that I like being able to lay over the tank and be protected from wind at high speeds. I am curious how bad the wind is with the VS02 kit? Has anyone installed a taller wind deflector?
I too am curious. I have been ready to pull the trigger on a naked kit, but I fear wind turbulence will be substantially worse on the highway - which is where I do most of my riding. I don't lay on the tank much, but it would still deter me if I discovered that a vast number of people regretted going naked due to the lack of wind protection.

Any thoughts? Any of you guys that have gone naked - do you regret it in any sense? What is the wind protection like at speeds over say 50 or 60mph as compared to with the OEM plastics and windscreen?
Any thoughts? Any of you guys that have gone naked - do you regret it in any sense? What is the wind protection like at speeds over say 50 or 60mph as compared to with the OEM plastics and windscreen?

Thoughts: do it - Wind won't be an issue.

The design of the OEM fairing/wind screen isn't great for deflecting the wind, it mostly just caused buffeting for me.

You'll have more wind, more constant/consistent wind, but I think that's better than the alternative. It really isn't bad

50/60, nbd. I've had mine up to 120 while naked and she performed fine, it gets windy up that fast but I didn't feel like I was about to be blown off or anything.
Thoughts: do it - Wind won't be an issue.

The design of the OEM fairing/wind screen isn't great for deflecting the wind, it mostly just caused buffeting for me.

You'll have more wind, more constant/consistent wind, but I think that's better than the alternative. It really isn't bad

50/60, nbd. I've had mine up to 120 while naked and she performed fine, it gets windy up that fast but I didn't feel like I was about to be blown off or anything.

Wind is an issue. Any naked bike will have a wind issue. My last 4 bikes have been naked. All had wind issues. I have the VS kit on my 06' and the wind is bad, but I'm used to it. Don't expect a smooth wind free ride with it. That's being said, I would never go back to faired again. I love the wind!
I have a naked FZ6, i just did a 400 miles trip last week on mostly highway and honestly the wind is not that bad.

If you ride at legal speed limits, 75 ish, there is little wind and you can comfortably stay upright for unlimited time.

Things get rough at 90, i could not keep 90mph for long upright, but lying on the tank was completely fine.

On the return i ended up riding between 90 and 120 for the best part of 200 miles and after scooting back on the seat and lying on the tank the wind was not a problem at all, even wearing a backpack.
My top speed was 136 and that felt nice to, very stable, no real wind if you tuck right, all good.

Unless you do mostly highway, and plan on riding at 140 all the time i would not worry about going naked.

On a side note, the FZ1 bars really make lying on the tank a lot more easier and comfortable.
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