Was I wrongly "Lit Up" by the Cop?


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May 5, 2007
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For passing on the right?

NRS 484B.210 When overtaking on right side allowed; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone.

1. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle only under the following conditions:

(a) When the driver of the vehicle overtaken is making or signaling to make a left turn.

(b) Upon a highway with unobstructed pavement which is not occupied by parked vehicles and which is of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles in each direction.

(c) Upon a highway with unobstructed pavement which is not marked as a traffic lane and which is not occupied by parked vehicles, if the vehicle that is overtaking and passing another vehicle:

(1) Does not travel more than 200 feet in the section of pavement not marked as a traffic lane; or

(2) While being driven in the section of pavement not marked as a traffic lane, does not travel through an intersection or past any private way that is used to enter or exit the highway.

(d) Upon any highway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement, where the highway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles.

2. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety.

3. The driver of a vehicle shall not overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right when such movement requires driving off the paved portion of the highway.

4. A person who violates any provision of this section may be subject to the additional penalty set forth in NRS 484B.130.

(Added to NRS by 1969, 1499; A 2003, 3239; 2009, 153)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.297)

Came upon an intersection where I was taking a right turn. There were four cars qued up in the very right lane because of a red light. 3rd car was an unmarked cop car. I rolled passed all four cars on the right side of the roadway, plenty of pavement (for a bike). I came to a complete stop with signal on, so I didn't put my foot down big deal but it was a full stop. Turned and rolled on the throttle and kept it steady at 45mph going down the middle of the three lanes.

The cops catches up to me on the left lane and starts pacing side by side with me. We made eye contact, as I stared down at the cop through the passenger window as what are you doing? Dangerous in my view so I sped up to 48mph to distance myself from the car. Came up to another red light and I switched to the left lane since it was qued up with only one vehicle, which put me in front of the cop.

Now I never stop directly in the center of the lane, I'm always off set either to the very right or in this case, the left part of the lane. This Bozo Cop pulls right up next to me in which the front left bumper is about a foot away from by bike.

I turn around and give the cop a WTF sign with both hands and I start shaking my head. I am entiled to the full use of my lane and this cop decides to pull inches up beside me during a red light. This is where the lights come on, the woman cop gets out and starts threatening me about how she is about to give me a ticket for illegally passing on the right on the curb.

I said she can do whatever she likes since she is the LEO but I definately let her know how unsafe she stopped her car next to me. We were both arguing for about 10 seconds while the light turns green, she walks away and I took off.
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You're lucky she didn't taser you. You could have died man. That was a close call.

I hate over-eager traffic cops too. When someone is being genuinely dangerous sure, I'll give it to them there. But for that trivial stuff? Way to save the world officer.
If this was in Brooklyn, NY.. you'd be in a prison cell right now :BLAA:
I rolled passed all four cars on the right side of the roadway, plenty of pavement (for a bike).

Now I never stop directly in the center of the lane, I'm always off set either to the very right or in this case, the left part of the lane. This Bozo Cop pulls right up next to me in which the front left bumper is about a foot away from by bike.

You're wrong on this one Vegas. Just because there's room (for a bike) to pass those cars doesn't mean you're allowed to. Essentially you pissed off the cop because you butted in front of her and others. So she returned the favor by pulling up next to you (just like you did to her!). I'm a cop, but I'm not biased. You're wrong. Were you in a hurry? What if the car didn't see you and turn right into you?
You're wrong on this one Vegas. Just because there's room (for a bike) to pass those cars doesn't mean you're allowed to. Essentially you pissed off the cop because you butted in front of her and others. So she returned the favor by pulling up next to you (just like you did to her!). I'm a cop, but I'm not biased. You're wrong. Were you in a hurry? What if the car didn't see you and turn right into you?

Read the NRS carefully, you are allowed to pass on the right under certain criterias and I felt that I did.

I would not have attempted to pass along the right if any of the vehicles, especially the very first one had their turn signals on. Since they did not show any intentions of turning, that gave me the communication that they all intended to continue to go straight. Doesn't mean that any of them were not going to turn, as many will not use their turn signals. But that's what I saw so I rolled on by.

Really, how many have you stopped at a red light in a car or bike in the right lane. Even though there is no designated right hand turn lane, if there is enough room for a vehicle to pass you on the right to take a right turn, what do you think the driver or rider who needs to take a right will do?

Once again, read the NRS.

1. As a motorcyclist I had plenty of pavement to pass, there were no soft shoulders to ride on.

2. There were no driveways or entry or exit points between the two points where I was passing.

3. I was well within the 200 foot rule, which I honestly thought it was 100. Here in Vegas, the light poles are spaced 100 foot apart, how convenient and I bet 90% of the drivers around here aren't even aware of that.

4. The vehicles in front of me all indicated that they were not turning.
I reread the statue and I think you're using the following excuse, I mean law:

(c) Upon a highway with unobstructed pavement which is not marked as a traffic lane and which is not occupied by parked vehicles, if the vehicle that is overtaking and passing another vehicle:

(1) Does not travel more than 200 feet in the section of pavement not marked as a traffic lane; or

(2) While being driven in the section of pavement not marked as a traffic lane, does not travel through an intersection or past any private way that is used to enter or exit the highway.

While I agree that you did not violate c1 or c2, I have to dispute the fact that you think you were allowed to go 'around' the cars that you said were "qued up in the very right lane" just because there's enough room. If they were at the very right lane, there is no lane right of that. So when went around them, you're invading their lane space. This is unsafe, no matter who does it, you or the cop.

If I were you I would be worry about "fliers". Fliers are parking tickets that are written but never put on the cars. They arrive by mail asking why you didn't pay and sometimes come with late fees.
You rode away without a ticket and that in itself is a miracle. You got lit up because you were being confrontational, which is a stupid thing to do on a motorcycle with any other car, but even more stupid to do so with a cop! You are a MSF instructor.. you should practice what you preach.

You teach others to pull over when they are being bullied by aggressive drivers. I bet if you backed off instead of pulling ahead, this would have played out differently.

You can recite the NRS all you want and while it does seem like you weren't breaking the law, LEO could have easily written you up for it and your chances of beating the ticket in court would at best be 50/50.
Vegas I agree it was petty of the cop to comment on this manoeuvre, but even here in the Netherlands (where splitting is legal) it's illegal to ride "inside" the first lane of traffic, but of course things could be different in the states.
You rode away without a ticket and that in itself is a miracle. You got lit up because you were being confrontational, which is a stupid thing to do on a motorcycle with any other car, but even more stupid to do so with a cop! You are a MSF instructor.. you should practice what you preach.

You teach others to pull over when they are being bullied by aggressive drivers. I bet if you backed off instead of pulling ahead, this would have played out differently.

You can recite the NRS all you want and while it does seem like you weren't breaking the law, LEO could have easily written you up for it and your chances of beating the ticket in court would at best be 50/50.

Yes I do practice what I preach, and I always stress the importance of making sure you ride with a safety margin and try not to hang around riding in peoples blind spot, or in this case, riding alongside other vehicles. The cop purposely decided to ride side by side with me, when there was nobody ahead or behind us. The cop was being the one who was confrontational, not me.

Yes I could have throttled off and let the cop get ahead of me, but it was clear to me that the cop intended to make her presence known. Therefore, If I dropped back, the cop would have just slowed down because they prefer to be following you, rather than being ahead of you. So why play that game, therefore I increased my speed. So yes, she could have gotten me for going 3 over the posted speed limit right there.

From my observation, this was not a normal cop, It may not even been a cop. It was an unmarked vehicle, with emergency lights on the visor and inside the grill. The cop was not in uniform, just wearing a badge around as a necklace, but I don't know what kind of badge it represented. It could have been a constable, school officer, federal cop, Gaming Officer, who knows, but definately not a traffic cop because she clearly did not know the rules of the road.

She specifically said I cannot pass on the right, period. That's where she was wrong and that is why I posted the NRS showing you and asking you if I did anything wrong.

Doesn't matter if it's a cop or not, I will defend my rights as a motorcyclist. If the cop makes a bad lane change and swerves into my lane, which they have done in the past, I will use my 140 decible Stebel Air Horn and let them know they F'd up. Stopping their vehicle inches away from my bike at a red light is totally unacceptable coming from a LEO.

I can assure you that if I were to get cited I was going to pull out my camera to document how close her car was actually stopped behind me during a red light. I would then request a marked vehicle to show up to verify that she was not an imposter. Then I would take this to court and take my chances. To be honest, I don't think this cop even had the right paperwork to even give me a ticket.
So do you have a video of this or what (helmet cam?)? If so, let's see it. Then we'll let you know if you're in the wrong or right. But in a mean while, I think most of us would say that you're in the WRONG.\

The cop may have been wrong when she said you couldn't passed on the right, period. You posted a section of the law regarding passing on the right. What about the section about sharing lanes. If one lane is wide enough for two cars, can both cars be on it side by side at the same time? Think about that. You still haven't answered my question about the very right lane.
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Really, how many have you stopped at a red light in a car or bike in the right lane. Even though there is no designated right hand turn lane, if there is enough room for a vehicle to pass you on the right to take a right turn, what do you think the driver or rider who needs to take a right will do?


It's a right hand turn, even though there is actually no right hand turn lane, there was enough room alongside to pass. Obviously, not enough for a car, but for a bicycle, scooter or motorcycle yes. I'm betting that you do the very samething along with most everyone on this forum when you come up to a red light and need to take a right hand turn when the vehicle in front of you is obviously waiting for the light to turn green and go straight. I just happened to do it to a cop, and If I see one again, I'll do it again. Under the criterias given under that stretch of the road, I had that legal right.

No video, but as I mentioned If I were to get cited, then I would have taken a picture of the car stopped behind me. I could go back to the very same intersection and take a picture to show you even with the cars ques up, but maybe I can google earth it.

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I don't know man, I don't there is such a thing as being "wrongly lit up". They can light you up any time they think you did something wrong.

I was pulled over twice when I was first driving because I looked too young. Even though I was 16 and licensed, insured, registered, etc, I got pulled over. I wouldn't say I was wrongly lit up, even though I hadn't done anything wrong. Giving me a ticket for being too young even after I had proven otherwise would have been wrong.

Also, I have never and would never speak to a cop like that.
you think you were allowed to go 'around' the cars that you said were "qued up in the very right lane" just because there's enough room. If they were at the very right lane, there is no lane right of that. So when went around them, you're invading their lane space. This is unsafe, no matter who does it, you or the cop.

Got to agree with this bit here.

You're getting upset with the cop for something you yourself did. The cop didn't pull up in your lane......she just "passed on the right".


Sometimes I get buzzed by cars, and I used to get mad until another rider pointed out that if I am going to be buzzing cars I can't get mad when I myself get buzzed by them. And by "buzzing" cars I mean lane splitting at a speed a fair bit quicker than the cars split through. Not Ghostrider type stuff, just a fair bit quicker than the typical speed. So when cars push by me and are technically in my lane space I just back off and don't let it bug me. If I give I have to take as well.

And as much as I hate the way traffic cops operate, I always bite my tongue. Sure I'll state my case briefly, but in the end the less you say the better. I will never say I am wrong when I don't feel I am, and sometimes when I say I am actually doing things the right way this irritates the cop. But I'd rather get a ticket and feel morally superior then not get a ticket and have to feel sheepish.
Just curious, at what point did you realize this was a cop? When she pulled alongside you after the turn? Or when she pulled up, put on her lights and got out of her car?
You're getting upset with the cop for something you yourself did. The cop didn't pull up in your lane......she just "passed on the right".


No, she stopped her vehicle about a foot away from my bkie during a red light. The corner of the left bumper was diagnally across with my tail end. Even though I don't think there is a law stating how far you have to stop behind a vehicle during a red light, you would think you wouldn't pull up inside 12 inches behind another vehicle.

Just curious, at what point did you realize this was a cop? When she pulled alongside you after the turn? Or when she pulled up, put on her lights and got out of her car?

As I rolled passed the cars, I noticed that one of the vehicles had a spot light on the right side of the car. It wasn't unitl the car sped alongside me where I looked over and saw through the passenger side window and saw the computer in between the two front seats that it might be a cop. It wasn't until the lights came on she got of the vehicle and saw her badge that it was probably a cop, but still not 100%.

Like I said, it never got to a point in which I had to request a marked unit to show up to verify that it was indeed a cop. I have that right whenever an unmarked unit pulls you over. Could be a wannabe cop.