What do you all do for a living?....

Well I guess it is my turn. I deliver letters. Very boring and non-reward soul sucking job. Wouldn't really say it pays the bills as it is low paying. Basically ride around on a CT110 all day :/ (Those things are indestructible ! And I named muine "Putt Putt") :)
Tech. director/operations in financial services company. I also do some real estate on the side every once in a while. Been with IT since i was 14, but have also done res. construction full-time while in college.
After sitting in the office all day, part of the allure of the motorcycling (in addition to the riding) is the grease and trying to figure out what all those spare parts are for after you put the motorcycle back together ;) oh well, it will run lighter :eek:
I'm a lawyer (mostly bankruptcy and divorce). Don't get to ride as much as I'd like (who does), but appreciate every chance I get. :eek:)
Currently a student at Iowa State University studying Aerospace Engineering. Senior year, almost done. Sad part is I think I just wanna be a pilot. I work at the local airport right now as a pilot and I love it to death.
It's like being on a motorcycle except way faster and with three dimensions lol.:rockon:
Work for Verizon (Telco) as a Problem Prevention Manager for IT applications. Basically NTSB for internal application and network crashes.
Software engineer. I have done both Delphi and .net windows development professionally in the past. Currently doing asp.net web development. Also did a fair amount of php at one time as well.
Currently a student at Iowa State University studying Aerospace Engineering. Senior year, almost done. Sad part is I think I just wanna be a pilot. I work at the local airport right now as a pilot and I love it to death.
It's like being on a motorcycle except way faster and with three dimensions lol.:rockon:

If you ever get to leave flatlandia and ride out west, you will find the third dimension of motorcycling.

I would love to be a pilot, though. That has to be awesome.
Currently in my first year of a Bach. IT at QUT. Already done a Diploma in IT. Hoping to get in to network design/engineering.
I'm supervisor/shift manager at the local Pizza Capers store to make money, only been there about a month now. :thumbup:
20+ years of fixing paper making machines.. Yep, those big stinky places..

You can thank me for not having to use plastic toilet paper..


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I worked on paper drying machines many years ago in a pulp mill in Tasmania.

I never got to Tasmania.. I did get to do repair work in Victoria, though.. Couple of my co-workers are in New Zealand right now.. I can't wait to hear the stories when they get back next week..:thumbup:
Been a Cnc machinist forever it seems,Now Manage a Cnc workshop with some nice machines, Have a new Macturn 9 axis to make Fz6 parts on, Medical & military equipment, large industrial shredders, my kitchen, anything we can really.
Had a break for 7 years where Mining in Aussie & Indonesia fixing large tonka toys paid the bills.