What is your bad habit on your bike?

The annoying thing is that sometimes I set off and think "right, just do 70mph and that way you're safer, have time to take in the view and use less fuel. Lovely." then I look down and the speedo reads 120....
I KNOW.......and don't let anybody try to pass while your allready 20mph over the limit.....THE RACE IS ON!!!!!!!!!:D:D:rockon::rockon:
Same as Steph:

Not wearing riding pants all the time
Not coming to a complete stop at stop signs

AND braking with two fingers :(
Not wearing riding pants all the time
Not coming to a complete stop at stop signs

Yet another guilty one here. I will also admit to being a total squid for distances shorter than 2 miles. No jacket, no gloves, no helmet..... Haven't had the occasion int he new house yet, and probably won't, as everything is at least 5 miles from me.
Whenever I'm stopped at a light with the bike in first gear, I'll raise my foot and and tap the gear shifter down even though I know the bike is in 1st gear and the shifter has nowhere to go but up. Not sure why I do it...I'll even do it multiple times while waiting. Wierd.
I also two-finger brake and don't think that's a bad habit.

But the worst habit I have, and one that can potentially get me in a TON of trouble, is braking in a curve. I know, I know...

It's something I've REALLY been working to stop this year. I've always known it was a terrible thing to do, that if you squeeze the lever just a bit too hard you're going to wash out the front tire and then BAM...you're on the ground.

I've really taken to riding mostly twisties over the last year and I just can't seem to get comfortable with my entry speed. I'm always either entering too fast (at least that's how it feels, causing the above-mentioned braking in a corner) or too slow and finding that I could've taken it much quicker. Is the solution to this just saddle time???
I KNOW.......and don't let anybody try to pass while your allready 20mph over the limit.....THE RACE IS ON!!!!!!!!!:D:D:rockon::rockon:

If someone wants to go faster than me go for it, they can draw out the cops.

I guess my bad habit is "THE NEED FOR SPEED".
+1 on speeding. The other one for me is yellow lights. Lately I made a few questionable decisions to go through an intersection on yellow. I got through the intersection before red (or maybe a fraction of a second after), but lets just say, that it took some pretty high speed to make it...which brings me back to my first issue
+1 on speeding. The other one for me is yellow lights. Lately I made a few questionable decisions to go through an intersection on yellow. I got through the intersection before red (or maybe a fraction of a second after), but lets just say, that it took some pretty high speed to make it...which brings me back to my first issue

Can't do that here. The "Revenue Raisers" have put a lot of Red Light camera's on intersections, and all these cameras have a radar in them as well.. speed through yellow, and it gets you for speeding, speed through red, and you get 2 fines.

I have NO bad habits...........


except for the not stopping all the way at a stop sign thing
and maybe leaving my blinker on

but other than that! I'm good!
I don't have any bad habits.:eek::D

Repeatedly canceling the turn signal is a good habit to get into.:thumbup:

Practicing wheelies is good for controlling the bike when it happens by accident.:Flash:

Stoppies happen sometimes when you practice emergency braking.:cheer:

Speeding has saved my life more than once.:rockon:

I don't put my foot down at stop signs very often....I do stop though. (You want to stay as ready to move as you can be, for your own sake):D

Going through bends hanging off the bike with your peg on the ground and the back wheel stepping out is good practice for.....ummm.....for if you wanna race someone.


I think I might've blown it with that last one:spank::spank::spank:

So maybe I've got a bad habit or two..lol...but I've got some good ones also.

I would say my worst habit is following too closely.

Other than that, :spank: on the following:
Repeatedly cancelling the flickers
Looking for 7th
Not putting feet down at a stop (although I always stop completely)
Tapping the gear lever repeatedly when stopped at a robot
Not wearing riding pants
I don't see that as a bad thing, probably safer to keep a grip on the throttle... Just in case the need for power arises.

I too brake with 2 fingers.


I also have the two finger braking habit. I think its not too bad though.But my MSF instructor didn't agree and would call me out everytime I did it :)

Not using riding protective pants is also on my list of sins.

Other than that I guess I am doing ok.:thumbup:
I go a little too fast at times and I like to do a wheelie every once in a while.

**Behind every great woman is a man staring at her a$$.**

And BTW, Keira (Mrs. reiobard) I like your signature. Now can I see your a$$.
Don't take me too serious, Mr. Reiobard, I just thought the signature was funny.
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Good question.

I could be found guilty doing some of the actions that are mentioned here. However, the biggest one is related to attitude.

I find there's an unlimited supply of curses I can give to those retarded cagers.
I fidget with the shifter at lights as well. I also tend to be OCD about checking my zippers at the beginning of rides. Then other times, I totally forget and ride 50 miles w/my jacket pocket unzipped, and my house keys contained within.

I have this love of being faster than everyone else on the interstate especially. Not blowing doors off, mind you, but just pickin 'em up and settin 'em down. At least, that's how it is to me. On 2 lane roads, I have a bad habit of following too closely. It nearly bought me a rear bumper or two.
Add me on the speeding list, also put me on the "taking my left hand off the bars to rest while going to fast anyways" list.