What other hobbies do you have?

OK, Stink, you started this thread. How about YOUR "other" hobbies?? :popcorn:

Didnt think this would take long ;)

Bowhunting, havnt been out in wayyy to long, the bloke i go with is away at uni (yes they are my arrows:thumbup:)

Riding my quad and slowly modding the crap out of it
I am totally and completely obsessed with motorcycles, I work at the loacal race rack for the motorcycle races.

I love offroading, but i am between Jeeps right now. I need something a bit cushier for the family to come with me.

Not so much a hobby that i like, but i am always working on the house...

I am 100% loving being a dad!
Hi Fi, which includes a little side home theater install business that can proudly boast being the only Dynaudio dealer in Delaware.

Drinking whiskey!:D

Music, listening, seeing it live, playing it.

- my computer (games + this forum + video editing)
- reading up on science/technology
- racquetball
- travel
- food (I love food)
Hmmm....despite what the OP says, i do have interests other than my bike!

Stuff like, watching & help coach my eldest son in any sport he chooses to play...at the moment, Field Hockey, Aussie Rules Football, in the winter, and Cricket, in the summer...

Music...i am a DJ for a living, but still count this as a hobby, cause it's too much fun to call work! :D

Home theatre.....i have 1 room with a 42inch plasma & 6.1 surround sound system, and a projector in the Bedroom...currently building a nice collection of my favourite movies on Blu-Ray.

Motorsport, going to it, watching it on TV, reading about it...Mostly bikes, but have a vague interest in car racing too.

Travelling, and taking photo's...

Annoying the crap out of everyone around me, with the fact that i never sleep, and never stay still for more than 5 minutes.....hardcore multi tasker, or attention defecit disorder...take ya pick!

So there! I do have a life! :D
Photography, Golf, Skiing, Dirt Bike Riding Jet Skiing, Basket Ball, Music ect.
I forgot Drinking. :beer::iconbeer::iconbeer:
This is why I live in Oregon.
Being a mom and motorcycle race photography (not professional and un-edited). Don't have much time for anything else....
1. First Gen Pontiac Firebirds. (hence my screen name). I got my '68 vert in 1988 and was gifted a '69 vert in 1995. The '68 I drive every summer but the '69 is my "some day" restoration project waiting to happen. I haven't the cash to make either one look pretty but I do enjoy doing mechanical work and the '68 is a blast to drive although now it competes for time on nice days with the FZ6.

2) Boating. I love to get out on the water in the nice weather. My wife and daughter love to go out boating as well I could do without having to work on it each spring and fall but hey, we all should be this fortunate

3) Alpine Skiing: A hobby for 30 years. I never got great at it but still good enough to do the occasional black diamond without falling.

4) Guitar: It's been more years than I care to remember since I picked it up but I still have my acoustic from high school in mint condition. I will get back into it, maybe take a lesson or 2, I hope.
Golf (and with courses like this nearby, who wouldn't play?)

And I used to fly these things, but sold everything but a couple of planes and my radio equipment.

Other than that, I snowboard from time to time in the winter and play around on my Roland electric drum kit, guitar, or bass a little.

Oh, and It's always fun to put chicken heads on my cat.
1. Mountain Biking
2. Snowboarding
3. Baking
4. Any sort of handy work (car/moto repair, carpentry, plumbing, etc).
1. I like to collect/shoot firearms.
2. Used to be big into paintball, that's tapered off now though.
3. Motorcycle
4. Computers
5. Basketball (but don't play nearly as much as I'd like to these days)
6. I like to mod/work on stuff I own (numbers 1-4)

I'll edit this post with some pictures of my stuff if I can take/find any.

4. Hmmmm, anything have something else extraordinarily expensive I can do? :spank:
