Whats the coldest ride you've taken?


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Sep 22, 2008
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Last week I was itching to get back to my hometown because the weather was beauitful. It was in the 60's or so and after I arrived home from college the temperature dropped down into the 30's when I arrived. I was upset..to think I couldn't ride my FZ6 (I had been waiting all winter to get her out!). So when I woke up in the morning for work I decided the weather wasn't going to stop me! I drove 10 miles in 19*F weather. It was nice getting out, but I was damn cold lol. Enjoy the riding everybody!


P.S. I'll have photos of my fz6 being restored from a totaled bike into a like new FZ6 soon! :p
I have ridden in colder weather on my previous bike. I don't know how cold but my visor froze on the inside, tears froze on my face, ice formed on my neck and in the bends of my arms.
It was very chilly indeed.

Well, one time I rode to work in warm sunny weather, and then a cold front blew through and the sun went down, and I rode home (30 miles) in sub freezing weather. That was cold.

Then there was the time I got caught by a blizzard as I was crossing Rocky Mountain National Park. I was better dressed for the cold that time. I didn't get as cold, but the air temperature was colder. And there was that snow problem to contend with.
Set my new personal record this year. It was 9 degrees F for my 45 minute ride to work back in Janruary. I don't know what the wind chill factor was, but I sure didn't run 80 for very long :D . Ride home was in the 20's.

I ride in the 30's all winter, and many days in the 20's. Just gotta dress for it :thumbup:
-14C (7F in old talk) for a couple of days at the beginning of January on my ride to work in the morning, fingers were frozen to the bone by the time I finished my 45 minute commute.
Last year we decided to start our trip to Illinois a little early by leaving late in April. When we left Bar Harbor ME it was in the low 40's. By the time we hit Jackman ME some 160 miles north it was around the mid teens to low 20's and the snow drifts along the side of the road were taller than me. We pushed on another 100 miles to reach Quebec later that night but with the cunning use of several of those shake-em-up heating packets we avoided any serious complications :rolleyes:

Incidentally, I saw my first moose on that ride and we frequently take the trip up to Jackman and back to our island because the scenery is amazing. The ride through all of those woods has often been completely deserted. An eerie but wonderful feeling.
I ride every day (unless I know the roads will be icy.) The coldest I've ridden in was 5F (-15C.)

That was on my XT in January. I was happier to be out than it was. That little carb'd single did not want to start or run that morning... pansy. :Flash:

I don't have any heated electrics. Next winter I may invest in a vest and gloves. It would be novel to be toasty and warm on a long 15F ride.
I live in SoCal so no records here...49F is the coldest so far...that's like summer to some of you guys.
I picked up the bike in 23 degree weather maybe 18 with the windchill...
I got home after about 45 minutes and didnt realize that my mustache was covered in snot...

I love this bike!!!!!:D:D:D:D
I did one morning to work at 26 F. I just don't have the gloves to go any colder. My hands were in pain when I got to work and it's only a 20 min ride. My upper body was ok and I've since bought some cold weather underarmor that seems to help. I still don't like to go out if it isn't going to get about 50 in the afternoon!
Low 20's, maybe the high teens, 30 highway miles. That was on my SV650 too (naked version). I'm sure the air temp with the wind chill was well below 0. Living in new england I regularly ride in the low 30s.

It was a brisk ride to say the least.
i thought i was crazy riding in the cold sometimes, but some of these posts, damn. least for me was probably low to mid 20's. less with the wind factor of course tho.
My first highway ride was my coldest ride. I got my bike about two years ago in late March, and where I live in Idaho, the weather can be very spring-like or very winter-like, or a mix of the two. I rode my bike to a town 30 miles away (and 2000 ft up) to turn in a job application on a seemingly nice day (mid 60's). I wasn't able to come back down until dark, though, and it had dropped to below freezing and was snowing. I hadn't geared up for a cold ride and by the time I got back home my legs were shaking so hard I had bruises the next day where they were smacking the tank. What a first ride!:thumbup:
I rode through my first winter with my FZ6 here in DC. I dont know how cold it got but I only rode the Metro 3 times cause of snow/ice. Finally put some of those powermadd handguards on for the winter (took them off for the spring!).

My ride is only 10 miles to the hospital so we are talking <45 mph ride for 15-20 mins.
17 degrees and I still regret it. It hurt, I didnt like it, and I was unhappy.
Damn... Some of you guys really don't care if it's freezing temps, do you? :D

For my part, I rode my moped (50cc with a little "extra") one winter in -25C. That was cold, and we're talkning maybe 70 km/h. I did that, since my birthday is in late december and I had just turned 16 (gotta be that age to drive a moped or scooter around here). I think I lasted ten minutes. When I got back, my fingers were blue, despite that I wore thick gloves designed for tough winters. I'm never gonna do that ever again!
I commute every day also in winter. The coldest so far is a 30km ride in 1F or - 17c. 5F or -15c even for a couple of day's.
For all of you arctic riders out there..

It becomes a sickness, doesn't it? You wish it would get even colder so you can test youself and your gear's limits further. You love being the only bike on the road. When it's 10F out and you actually do see another bike you don't just wave, you give them a big thumbs up. You know that all the cozy cagers are looking at you and thinking "what a lunatic" and you love that reaction.

Or is it just me?