What's your biggest fear whilst riding?


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Oct 24, 2007
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I was just reading the thread on gravel. Some people seem to be really hung up on it but gravel is just one of many many hazards that could affect us riders. There are so many things waiting to trip us up and have us off, here's some off the top of my head:

mud & crap from farms on the road
diesel spillage
fallen branches
rain/the wet
cars poking out of junctions
escaped livestock
birds - pheasants/pigeons
bread rolls!

The last one, whilst about as rare as hens teeth, did happen! 10 years ago a friend of mine was riding past a bakery on his Z650 and went down after hitting a bread roll. It was a brown one, if it had been white he would have seen it - or so he says.

My point is there are so many hazards it's a wonder we're not all gibbering wrecks. I have come across all the items in the above list (apart from a bread roll) but (I'm getting to the point of the post here) there is usually one which stands out above all the others. So which is yours?

I don't mind admitting at the moment I have quite a high fear of......rabbits running across the road!!!!! This may not seem as insane as it sounds. My commute is entirely rural and the little buggers have a habit of flying out of one hedgerow and crossing the road at full speed into the hedgreow on the other side. This scares the life out of me when I'm doing 80 and tucked behind the fairing.
cars in front of me changing lanes while im passing them without signalling/checking.

I've totalled 2 (yes two) CBR600's this way.
Oncoming idiot cutting the inside of a turn and hitting me head on. Thats toppers on my list.

Crashing and sliding under oncoming.
I am not afraid of road debris because it is me that is in control of how fast i am going and how i can react to them. If i am going too fast to account for something in the road then it is up to me to slow down...

what does scare the heck out of me is drivers that don't pay attention and Deer/Moose/Smaller animals. I have been almost hit already about 5 times this year and if i weren't looking out for the idiots in the cars then i would be a pancake...
I have actually had a tree fall in front of me mid corner,one scary moment !

Barry Sheene swore that he slid of mid corner due to a worm !
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Seeing my mother-in-law while i take a happy Sunday Ride...

Happened once....ruined the day...
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Seeing my mother-in-law while i take a happy Sunday Ride...

Happened once....ruined the day...

Now that is funny!!!!! But, must be a real life hazard to you.

I think one of my biggest ones is someone not seeing me and turning right in front of me at the last second giving me little or no options.... :(

I think twice now I saw wheels rolling at the last second but didn't pull out. Another one would have to be a deer. Only because we have many around where I live and I have hit one with a car and did over $3K worth of damage.
animals and other drivers. i don't like gravel (or general junk on the road). especially in a turn when it seems too late to do anything about it. but my real fears are deer and such (that would include rabbits) running out in front of me. i too live in a rural area. i do most of my driving during the day because of that, but every now and then (like tonight) i'll be coming home after the sun goes down. you never know what those forest rats are going to do.

but the biggie is other drivers. a driver deciding to turn in front of me... or not seeing me and pulling over into me. or following too close, me having a blow out and then running over me. especially when i travel fast i worry about the tires.

good grief... why do i even ride?
Right hand sweepers (we drive on the left) cars coming the other way running wide while my head is over the white line. Cars at intersections hoping they have seen me,
A 98 year old half blind, totally deaf nursing home patient wannabe turning left in front of me in the last second.

A teenage girl on a cellphone.

A car full of teenage boys.

A middle aged executive in danger of being downsized and late for the fifteenth time to a meeting.

Being ambushed by a deer at dusk and dawn on my wooded country road.

Road colored, zero profile sand, gravel, and oil.

Other than that it's a breeze.
Mine is cars not seeing us and drivers not paying attention to the road ( texting, cell phones or painting their nails * RIP Anita * )
Other cars in general worry me all the time never know what kind of hair brained stuff they'll pull. Most of all though tractor trailers in the mountains taking up both lanes on blind curves is probably my #1 worry.
the insane amounts of people that drive to the dump on the freeway without securing their loads.
Ive hit so many crazy things inmy car and every time i thank god for not being on my bike.
I once saw a guy lose 10 5gallon ceramic plant pots. some smashed the hoods of cars others would sneak under the lifted trucks and at the end get sucked 5 feet into the air.
garbage is very erratic and unpredictable with the winds of other cars.

otherwise its a woman on a cellphone
You know I was going to say something silly like the batteries going dead in my radio.then I read a little and this thread could really help new riders become more aware of the many dangers we do face daily.I got a wake up call from a van backing over me a couple months back.so I guess I would have to say distracted drivers are what i'm watching the most.:spank:
Oncoming idiot cutting the inside of a turn and hitting me head on. Thats toppers on my list.

Crashing and sliding under oncoming.


This almost happened yesterday. The lady in the minivan just cut the corner, and I was right there (about 30 ft away, but we were only going about 30mph). Luckily, she saw me and darted over. I hit the brakes, and headed to the shoulder. I am just glad she was looking at the road, and not a phone.
Soccer moms in minivans (or SUV's) being distracted by the kids and talking on the cell phone (even in parking lots!)


Vehicle turning left in front of me

Vehicles changing lanes without looking

Traffic Roundabouts

Losing control and crashing....dying doesn't bother me but the thought of losing a limb or being a physical vegetable with an OK mind does........

I used to obsess about things and almost scared myself out of riding. I since have learned to put it all in perspective - life is a risk and riding is my passion, I couldn't imagine life without it.
A 98 year old half blind, totally deaf nursing home patient wannabe turning left in front of me in the last second.

A teenage girl on a cellphone.

A car full of teenage boys.

A middle aged executive in danger of being downsized and late for the fifteenth time to a meeting.

Being ambushed by a deer at dusk and dawn on my wooded country road.

Road colored, zero profile sand, gravel, and oil.

Other than that it's a breeze.

Do you also live on Cape Cod?? It is very scary to drive on these roads, as the Snowbirds are back. I am fearful of them when I am in my truck let alone my bike. I drive with my highbeams on during the day so that I look bigger.