What's your biggest fear whilst riding?

always terrified of cars moving into my lane when i have no path of escape (eg. tailgater etc too) and getting run off the road into obstacles like poles etc

that one is always at the forefront of my mental lobes.
Biggest fear are things that I can't predict. Wind, Wind gust, Blow Outs, Wildlife.

Left hand turns, cars pulling out of driveways, intersections, bad lane changes, those are the things that you deal on a daliy basis and you should have the ability to identify these hazards, and adust your speed and lane position accordingly so it doesn't become a surprise.
The C.P.S.C banning motorcycles :eek:, getting nailed by a car coming up behind me at a crowded no escape intersection...
lol thats funny, infact its hilarious :rof:

Yeah it was great, putting along with my new Yoshi exhaust (V-twin motor makes loud when those go on) and the horse broke away from it's handler, ran after me for about a mile, Rob had to stop behind me and just wait for the horse to slow down so I could pull over and shut down. Terrifying.

I feel the same when I am on the bike :rof:
My biggest fear is of what I will do to the person that causes me to wreck because they weren't paying attention. One of the biggest things I've learned while riding is that you have to anticipate what everyone else around you might do and then be able to react.
Biggest fear are things that I can't predict. Wind, Wind gust, Blow Outs, Wildlife.

Left hand turns, cars pulling out of driveways, intersections, bad lane changes, those are the things that you deal on a daliy basis and you should have the ability to identify these hazards, and adust your speed and lane position accordingly so it doesn't become a surprise.

+1 on that:thumbup:

A good motorcycle rider should be able to predict various aspects of the traffic. At least to some extent, and thereby adjust speed and position. Just like you say. By doing this, it gives you room and time to react to those potential hazards.

With that being said and using the same logic elsewhere, wildlife and the like shouldn't be a surprise either. If you're driving on rural roads with trees and such close to the sides of the road, you should adjust speed and postion here also. If one doesn't do this, then it would be considered a calculated risk and it wouldn't be something you'd be afraid of. At least in my mind:ban:

What's left to be afraid of: Well... Me not taking the above elements into consideration and facing the consequences...
head-on collision in the twisties (lowsiding under a car or otherwise)

failing to react propertly to a hazard in the road (twisties again)

failure to avoid an avoidable traffic "accident" (city or otherwise)

mechanical failure at a high rate of speed

tank slapper at a high rate of speed
head-on collision in the twisties (lowsiding under a car or otherwise)

failing to react propertly to a hazard in the road (twisties again)

failure to avoid an avoidable traffic "accident" (city or otherwise)

mechanical failure at a high rate of speed

tank slapper at a high rate of speed

I have a stupid question... what is a tank slapper?
I've changed my fear after seeing this at the top of the new posts so many times... my biggest fear is someone saying "whilst" to me while riding.
I am most worried getting caught with one wheel in the air by a local law enforcement officer....
a close second is getting caught exceeding the speed limit by a local law enforcement officer

I try not to have "fears," however; I do think of risks constantly! I am a believer in stay alert, stay alive!
My biggest fear?


im gonna crash into something trying to watch out for cops so that i dont get another BS ticket

Man I can't tell you how many times I thought I saw a cop and about lost it. I can't help it either, it's just a reaction. I see them and instantly my mind fills with "Did I signal? How fast was I going? Do I smell like donuts? Was my front wheel on the ground? Did I accelerate away from that light to fast?.........". Damn cops are a road hazard.
mine would be on coming cars,wildlife,The Man,tire failure, crap in the road, not really in that order it changes moment by moment . last weekend I was headed to meet up witha couple friends and I had some nutcase in a cage" from the way they were driving they were more than likely drunk " move over into my into the on coming lane . AKA the one I was in and I slowed way down and this person passed me on my right side . all the other cars stoped and this " person " keep right on truckin down the road weaving all over the place . I should have turned around got the plate number off the car and called it in. needless to say I don't normaly pull out the O man I need a beer quote at 7:30 in the moring but I could have used it then
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