where did your avatar come from?

Mine came from a bicycle tour of the Netherlands that my wife and I did in Sept 2008. We cycled 1000kms in 9 days, fully self-supported.

Heading to Germany this year to cycle the Danube to Vienna!!!

That is awesome!!!

P.S. I'm training for a solo century :thumbup:
From the riding God himself :rockon:

BTW, I think you know my opnion of Mad Max - IT SUX and Toecutter scares me :(

(I STILL, to Prebstars disgust, have not seen any Mad Max movie ;))
A week after I bought the bike I pulled up on the back lawn of our local watering hole about 1 km from our house. Took a quick snap whilst sipping my beer. Beautiful day & I wouldnt want to be anywhere else. :thumbup:
My avatar came from here:



Where is this place & how much is it going to cost me to ride there?

That is beautiful :thumbup:
My avatar is my then 4 months old daughter sleeping in the robot pose back in September 2010. It was just pure luck for me that she fell asleep with her helmet on. ;)

Can you get a small novelty helmet for very young kids. I was looking to get one for my new born a few months back but couldn't find one. Was hoping to freak out my parent and friends saying I'd bring her home from the hospital on the bike:BLAA:

Hijack Over:thumbup:
Me, my fz6 on Cyclops (remote south coast Western Australia) :BLAA:

My wife used to date a "surfer" wanabe long time ago, one day we argued about it and she mentioned how brave surfers are, I told her that, just because I ride a bike, doesn't make me Evil Cannibal.

That picture was basically to pissed her off and I liked it so much that became my avatar.
Me, my fz6 on Cyclops (remote south coast Western Australia) :BLAA:

My wife used to date a "surfer" wanabe long time ago, one day we argued about it and she mentioned how brave surfers are, I told her that, just because I ride a bike, doesn't make me Evil Cannibal.

That picture was basically to pissed her off and I liked it so much that became my avatar.

Evil Cannibal!! That's awesome! :thumbup:
Mine is a pic my husband took of me when we were on our honeymoon! It's in the Czech Republic, and we were on our way back to the hotel from the Moto GP race at Brno in 2007.

(And yes, the motorcycle trip honeymoon was *my* idea...)
Jumped on the "robot pose" bandwagon after seeing Motogiro's and few others in a thread I can't find now. lol I need to redo it though, as my FZ looks a bit different now. But I'm lazy, so, we'll see. :rolleyes:

smersh's FZ makes me want to do the same, only with red halos. Dang that would look mean! lol