Which Insurance company


Older Member
Feb 4, 2008
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One for the DANISH guys.

Which insurance company are you using and what do you think oftheir prices?

I am paying about 4500,- kasko with Top Denmark and that is with rebate for being in the Touring Club. I have had my licence for 2 years and am over 50. I think it is expensive and am looking for something cheaper.

Tryg: 6.500,- (Kasko & Ansvar, 1.200,- Selvrisiko).

If I want winter-driving as well it would go up to 11.500,-

I think it's kinda steep, but Tryg gave me an excellent deal on the rest of our insurances, so all in all this was the cheapest I could get.
Hi Steve!

4500 including kasko on a bike like this isnt bad.TopDanmark has a reputation for fair bikeinsurance.
I have mine in a company called, Lærestandes brandforsikring, i am 29 years old, and have been riding for 1 year, I pay 5000 with kasko. That is cheap for a guy my age. But to get insurance from Lærestandes brandforsikring, you or your partner need to work as a teacher.

I know Yamaha dealers are offering cheap insurance when you buy a new bike. Maybe it could be an idea to find out what insurancecompany they work with and make them a call. Perhaps they are ready to offer you the same deal.

I hope this is some information you can use, and not just a lot of rubbish:)

Have a nice day
