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Which year model do you ride?

Which year model do you ride?

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09, purchased with 27k on the clock in Feb '14. Closing in on 31k now, purrs like a kitten, gets ridden in winter (Our winters are fairly mild for the most part - mid 50's afternoon temps are 'perfect').
I have an 09 that I bought new as a hold over in Sept 2010 with half a mile on it (pre sale check ride). I now have 33500 miles on it.
Mine is an 04. It was bought new in that same year, March I think. It has 25k miles. Career change and other obligations have kept the miles down.

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2008 bike bought in August 2012 just after I passed my bike test with about 21,000 miles . Now at 28,330 miles .

Just weekend warrior and after work biking for me , with a rest in the garage during the winter.
2007 (S2) model with ABS, touring version (yamaha taller windscreen, rack and 44 litre top case). Bought new, it now has over 110000 Km's on it.
I use it mainly for commuting (all year round) but also for a couple of long weekends and some day trips.
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Hmmm, post up a pic under this link and I can have you join my elite club!

It probably wouldn't be until October that I will be able to join your club. That gives me some time to buy a camera. I never replaced the one that broke three years ago and I still use an eight year old Nokia phone with buttons on it. A Jitterbug would be an upgrade at this point!
I have a 2009 (bought in 2011) FZ6n and ride 5 days a week commuting and try to get out at least once over a weekend just because the bike is mine and I can.
I have been known to take the long way home!
Bought my Silver 2004 in March 2014 with 11,750 km on the clock (3rd owner, 2nd owner did less than 500 km on her). Just passed 40,000 km this week. Do all my own servicing.

Set of Michelin Pilot Road 3's have done 29,000 km so far, almost due for replacement.