Who here blogs?


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Vancouver, Canada
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I going for surgery tomorrow morning on my unstable shoulder and I'm going to be out of commission for awhile. Thank god my government job keeps money in the bank while I'm out. Anyways I am planning on making a blog to make my days go by a little bit faster. It's not going to be about anything in particular. Just my views on current events, things around me in my life etc. just for some fun.

I'm going to use blogspot cause it seems like the best place for what I'm looking at doing.

Does anyone have any advice or just type away?
Gotta say I HATE blogs! It's just a trendy technology now like ipods, twitter and pod-casts.

Just build a webpage from scratch like Maddox and write pages in that without having to call it a "Blog". Yuck! Much more satisfying and less trendy and a good learning experience!
first blog post ever

im typing with one hand so i cant really try to make a website. plus i dont know how :)

thanks for the offer admin but i looked and i just didnt have the feel i wanted.

its mostly for my friends and family and is just going to be a bunch of funny and interesting nonsense.

check it out guys :)

They call me DJ
Re: first blog post ever

I've been blogging for about a year and a half and really been enjoying it. Mine is for friends and family and anyone else bored enough to see what's going on in my life. I'd say the best advice I have is to be yourself when you write. Make it original and you'll have lots of viewers that you've never even met!

Lost in Greenville