Why aren't you going at the speed limit?


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Cocoa, FL - USA
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To start with, I wanted to go on a nice long ride yesterday, take many pictures and have a different day, well, I ended up heading for "a ride" around 8:20pm!!!!!!

After dealing with everything that was "required" to be done before, my friend and I finally are on our way on a ride. I do have to mention that on Sunday she got a "Warning" for going 34 MPH (on a car that might be able to reach 60MPH maximum!!!!!) on a 25 MPH street (even the cop said such a speed limit is ridiculous, but he has to enforce it, and being Memorial day weekend, they were everywhere!!!!!!)

So, she asked me to lead the way and I'm mindful of the speed limit and that she just got a warning. There was a place I was going faster since I wanted to make sure she would not get caught between cars as I wanted to make a turn we do not usually do. After that, she was getting behind and after waiting for her (going 15-18 MPH on a 35 MPH road) I did not see her any more, so I turned back. She simply stopped to see if I would realize that she was not riding with me anymore... long story short, she was pissed up she was trying to get my attention because I was going too fast and she was not going to risk a speeding ticket (which I understand and that was not my intention).

From there on, I was spot on the speed limit (until I filled up the tank and by mistake I changed the speedometer setting to KPH instead of MPH!!!!!!!). I was getting so bored on the ride as I was "spot on the speed limit" and she starts asking me "Why aren't you going at the speed limit" (I guess she was thinking I was being a smart a$$) and I see the speedometer and I'm spot on the number (of course, I did not read the small indications KPH instead of MPH) so I'm like now what??????? of course, lots of bugs on the attempt to communicate with each other... After I realized the situation, then it was a big joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, this was my "riding" story related to the Memorial day weekend!!!!!!
It was not a wonderful long ride (as I was hoping for) neither a close call (or even worse) but instead, it will end up being a big joke!!!!! :D

Interesting thing, I bought a bluetooth helmet device so that we could keep in touch during rides, but my riding buddies won't buy one now because of financial limitations!!!!!!!!!!!!

She trusted me her bike as I was learning to ride and she took me on many rides (before I got my bike - letting me ride many times). Now I'm thinking to buy them a pair of the bluetooth devices. There will go my new set of Pazzos and part of the HID lights....
A lot of roads in my area are nothing more than speed traps.
Nice four lane highways with 45 mph limits. It is a joke.
Recently, a lot of roads have had speed limits lowered and cameras installed.
Did I mention I HATE traffic cameras.
I can understand reasonable speed limits in subdivisions where children are playing and school zones.
We have a very small town close by that has installed speed cameras. This tiny town has ten police officers
Andy and Barney could easily take care of things in this town.
Personally, I think things are getting out of control.
Too many laws and too many regulations.
A lot of roads in my area are nothing more than speed traps.
Personally, I think things are getting out of control.
Too many laws and too many regulations.
AMEN to that! It's all about revenue. We're no better than the cop in another country pulling over somebody and demanding a bribe. Obstensibly, it's about "safety" but, lemme tell you, that's secondary or not the case at all. Of course, there's always some anecdote that officials will point to. And, I like how a lot of new laws start with a small, inconsequential fines and then, rapidly, build up to HUGE, astronomical levels. It's all about revenue---especially now because gov'ts are all scrambling for more money, anywhere.
Well I guess at least you got out for a ride !! But it sounds like here as well, speed is the only thing that kills, not the driver, not there skill level, not the level of training.

At the end of the day (I feel) they are there to **** you over however they can to keep the politicians happy.

We have new speed cameras coming out soon that take pictures from front and rear and can cover 4 lanes at once. The only thing I heard about them from the government is how much money they will make.

There was a accident here in Perth yesterday where a bike got knocked down and the pillion passed away :( No speed camera in the world would have saved them as it was at a intersection. (Also it is known that it is a dangerous intersection there but of course there is no money to be made in making it safe)


I wouldn't ride with her (on fun rides that is) until she was over her warning fear. Nothing worse than two people riding who have different needs on the ride.

Communication devices are nice, but if you all have an understanding at the start about what you want out of the ride then it should be fine. Ie if you want to creep over the limit I'm sure you'd pull over every now and then to wait.
I'm confused here. If you were going 30 kph that would only be about 19 mph. I could see it happening if normally you ran on kph and accidently switched to mph, or did I miss something.
You should marry this girl.....she sounds and acts just like a wife!

Scary:eek: but true :rof:

Powerman said:
I'm confused here. If you were going 30 kph that would only be about 19 mph. I could see it happening if normally you ran on kph and accidently switched to mph, or did I miss something.

You did not miss anything!!!! First it was too fast, then it was too slow!!!!! is there a "comfort" zone? and of course, she thought I was plain simple being a smart a$$ by going so slow!!!!!
Scary:eek: but true :rof:

You did not miss anything!!!! First it was too fast, then it was too slow!!!!! is there a "comfort" zone? and of course, she thought I was plain simple being a smart a$$ by going so slow!!!!!
After re-reading your post I realized I did miss something. My apologies.
the way I see it anyway is the last rider sets the pace, and within reason
those at the front should watch the mirrors and try to keep the formation,
as long as you're all on the same page I find it a very safe, enjoyable way
to travel, but it does take some communication first to make sure all are
on the same page
My cousin taught me a good way to communicate. The front rider watches for the back rider to turn on their high beam, as a signal that they need to stop for some reason. It has worked well for me and my riding buddies.
My cousin taught me a good way to communicate. The front rider watches for the back rider to turn on their high beam, as a signal that they need to stop for some reason. It has worked well for me and my riding buddies.

Yes, when I'm riding at front, I'm always keeping an eye on the riders following me, now, depending on how far they would be, unless I see the change from low to high, I might not realize the high beam. In our case, all our headlights are stock.
Vibrations on the rear view mirrors don't help either. We always try to keep a short distance among us, but on this special case there was a gap (created among some turns) and I was initially looking (and waiting, going slow) to see the head lights as I was expecting my friend to go much faster than me (at least at the speed limit) and catch up.