Why do we mod our bikes?


Junior Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hey all,

Just thought I would ask this as my bike is basically brand new (Well 650km on the clock!) and already I want to mod it. Of course my g/f does not understand, I have tried to explain and well thought what you all think about it :)



Edit : Forgot to add, she doesn't see why you need to mod a brand new bike, which I guess makes sense ! :)
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my reasons for modding:

- creating a unique bike (sort or less)
- owning a bike is cool, but owning a bike where I put some work in, and looks great is cooler.
- Mods give me a better understanding of the bike.
- I also think the mods that are done, are an extension of the personality of the driver.

If you're a sissy, then you're gonna have to install a sissybar. If you're a racer, then install some decalls. and if you're badass and think you're dangerous and want everybody to see it, then you should probabely buy a Harley.
(Just kidding, wasn't trying to insult anybody here ;-) )

mine is: I'm the regular guy who loves riding a bike in general and occasionally carve the twisties, so my mods are subtile and clean (I hope so).

I can't describe the reason for modding better then this.
but I can tell you that a self-modded fz6 is something to be proud of, and you should treat it like it was your girlfriend.... Riding hard when she's warmed up, the in-love-look when you see her, and the maintenance to keep every moving part lubed, and everything else sparkling.
I'm guessing you'll find as many different answers to this question as you will different mods on bikes.

As for me and why I like to mod...

I mod just about everything I own. I bought my own AR15 pieces and put that together because I wanted a completely custom gun. I've modded/upgraded paintball guns, real guns, computers, cars...if I have a hobby and it can be modded, it is. I think I do it because I like having a one-of-a-kind item. I want to be able to say that no one else has exactly the same thing. Also, I like working with my hands. It helps me to understand how things work, and pays off if/when I have to fix/replace things.
Mike has had a lot of bikes in the past. I used to screw my nose up at the amount of mods he used to do. I would get annoyed at the $$$$$ spent.

Then I bought my FZ6.

I'm sorry Mike. I'll never doubt you again :D

I don't know why I mod - I'm just hooked on it. I suppose it's nice to have a bike that is unique. :D:D:D
It's either that or the house/apt., etc, right? Can't mod the dog.

Although some people try... which is one more reason why I don't like those little purse dogs! People try to accessorize them. They're as much a fashion statement as they are a pet. /rant
I'm gonna say that the FZ6 gets modded so much because it's so versatile,
I bought mine for recreational riding and a bit of medium distance touring,
so anything I've done to it is to increase comfort and stay in the saddle
longer...many on this site have different roles for their bikes and as such
look at different mods, exhaust, rearsets etc. that have no value to me,
I think it's also what makes this site such a good sounding board, people
from all over the planet doing different things with the same bike, priceless
I didn't read all the responses, but this is my way of looking at it. No two riders are alike. Everyone has their little quirks, their own personal desires and their own personal goals for what the perfect motorcycle should be. We get the bike that matches what we desire most closely, but rarely is exactly what we want made exactly the way we want it. Once we have the canvas of a new bike, we can start changing and improving turning that bike that was *almost* perfect into the bike that *IS* perfect for the person doing the mods.
I didn't read all the responses, but this is my way of looking at it. No two riders are alike. Everyone has their little quirks, their own personal desires and their own personal goals for what the perfect motorcycle should be. We get the bike that matches what we desire most closely, but rarely is exactly what we want made exactly the way we want it. Once we have the canvas of a new bike, we can start changing and improving turning that bike that was *almost* perfect into the bike that *IS* perfect for the person doing the mods.

nice summary, You should write dictionaries :thumbup:
The poster who said "improvment" got it right in a nutshell.
We all seek to improve the bike in some manner.
For some it would be an increase in preformance-Speed, braking, handling
For some-increase in comfort
For some-practicality for daily use
For some-a long distance tourer.
For some-More astetically pleasing to the eye.
For most-some combination of the above.