Winter Poll

Do you store your bike over the winter or ride all year.

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I usually store the bike for the winter. I used to try and go for a few rides when the roads were clear, as road salt does nasty thing to motorcycles, but this winter has been a "real" winter, lots of snow, and single digit temperatures. Frost bite is not fun.
i store it as of now due to the lack of covered storage at my condo, i am hopefully rectifying it this year so i can ride year round.
Winter is the best time to ride here, it's 85 degrees at the moment and hardly a cloud in the sky.

Summer is not good when the rainstorms show up.

Having said that, I did ride all year round in the UK as well.

It's been raining for so long in UK i've been considering trading bike in for an Ark , i'm on it every day though cos I don't drive a car and promised myself never to get a bus again once i'd tasted 2 wheels.
It's been raining for so long in UK i've been considering trading bike in for an Ark , i'm on it every day though cos I don't drive a car and promised myself never to get a bus again once i'd tasted 2 wheels.

I would have thought you would have been used to it coming from the wet side of the pennines :justkidding: . My brother works in Manchester, and I've spent many a wet weekend there.
It's not the snow that I hat so much, it's the -55°C wind chills!

Yep totally agree with that, it's frickin' cold!!! :rant: I have not ridden the bike since the middle of october and I had to bundle up for that ride! Last year the first time I rode was at the beginning of June last year and I rode though a bit of snow! :( At least if I had a heated and insulated garage I could work on mods in the winter. Project for next winter I guess.

Enjoy your winter riding you lucky southerners! :Flip:
This is my first winter with a motorcycle, I've kept riding it so far although its usually only once or twice a month, anytime the roads are clear and the temp is above 22 F (any colder and my faceshield frosts over and I can't see). It's supposed to be in the 40's all weekend, yeehaa!

I've seen photos of guys riding on snow-covered roads; do they use special snow tires, or what? I almost dropped my bike coming into the driveway, slipping on the 2-foot ice path in the gutter, it's not too bad going straight but as soon as I tip to turn, I wouldn't want any ice or snow under me.
I guess I fall into the all year round category by default.

I'm not one of those hardcore guys out there in a snowsuit on those 10 degree days but Richmond gets enough 50+ degree days during the winter to be able to ride at least a few days a month during the winter.
My bike's in my garage, so theoretically, I could ride in the winter. The cold doesn't bother me too much but ice and snow do. Even when it is clear, there is so much salt on the road. Basiclly...I'm too lazy to wash the salt off, so I just keep the bike covered in the garage.
I am riding through the winter. But I mostly use my DR Z these days in the Ice and Snow.
But when the roads clear I take out my Fazer. Last time that happened was in beginning of January for a few days.
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We get snow and ice with temps that will go into the minus 8 to 10C range. If the streets are clear I may take a bike out for a short run 20-40 miles. If it has rained the night before, no chance as the FZ6 doesn't come with blades. So I ride year round when I can.
i've riden several times this winter season, as long as there's no ice or snow i'm good to go.
How low does the temp guage get?

I had zero C yesterday on the dash with an outside temp of -4c.
Whats the lowest temp any of you have seen on the dash of your FZ6?
Hooray for old polls.

I'm a bit of a pansy, so if it is below freezing, I'm in my car. But, there are a few days each month that typically get into the 40s, so now that we have our covered parking, I will probably ride year round, at least once or twice a month. Usually it goes into storage early November and comes out late March.