Witnessed a crazy MC accident today.


R is for Rust Coloration
Elite Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Oshkosh, WI
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I will start with a set up of the street. The street is in the city (Oshkosh) and runs north and south. There is a 10 ft wide median between the north and south lanes. The lanes are rather wide as there is parking on the curb side(s). The speed limit is 25 mph as there are a lot of side streets that intersect this particular street.

I was traveling south on said street when a motorcycle buzzed between me and the parked cars. I made a comment to my coworker riding in the work truck that "where are the cops when you need them". As soon as I said this I saw smoke from the bikes rear tire and then the bike went vertical and the guy was tumbling down the street. A truck had moved into the bikes path to turn right on to a side street, the bike had hit the truck traveling over 60 mph. I stopped and helped due to the fact that this occurred only one vehicle in front of me. The guy was laying on the street trying to get up, others were telling him to stay still and that paramedics were on their way. His bike, a Ninja 250 was a total loss, as the frame had basically folded/buckled in the middle. He hit the receiver hitch on the truck and actually bent the rear frame on the truck where the hitch attaches. There was a flat spot on the back tire that went to the steel belts, but the actual skid mark was not that long, which, to me anyway, indicated a high rate of speed.

The rider kept trying to get up and at one point succeeded, but passed out and fell back down. I asked him a few questions and came to the conclusion that he was drunk. He stated that he had a helmet on, but it was not strapped. We found the helmet about 150 feet from the scene in a front yard. He kept asking about his "baby" which was the bike. When I asked if he had insurance he said no. The cops finally arrived and started further inquiry and started taking statements. The rider became agitated and started arguing with the cops and paramedics. The cop said he smelled alcohol and told him that he WILL be going to the hospital and that he WILL be under arrest. That shut him up and made him compliant with the EMS crew. This all happened by the way at 9 a.m. only two hours into my work day. I had rode my FZ6 on that same street to work only two hours earlier.

The whole incident was surreal, like something you see on YouTube. Now I like speed just as much as the next guy, but I would never willing endanger other motorists on the road like this guy did. There are times and places for hooliganism. City streets are not the place. Luckily for him he will most likely survive with relatively minor injuries. It also showed me that even a 250cc motorcycle in the wrong hands can be too powerful. Ride safe everyone, they are out there and some are even on two wheels.
Your conclusion about 250 cc is an important one.

The idea of 250 cc being a "beginner's bike" or "entry level" is dangerous.

Anything that can travel at high speeds and weighs 300 + pounds can be incredibly dangerous to the rider and those around.

ninja 250 does 0-60 mph in 6 seconds,way faster than most of the sedans on the street...top speed of around 110 mph..

no one should ride or drive drunk!! if this guy was drunk,he should be treated at the hospital and should go directly to jail...

these are the bad apples around us that makes everyone think motorcycles dont deserve respect...
he could have killed someone,,,some innocent kid down the road... a street with 25 mph limit didnt mean anything to this drunk because he thinks he is the king of the road with the fastest vehicle at that time..
well i hope he learned his lesson at least..
thx for sharing
I wonder if he learned anything from this experience? Glad he's not dead so he can appear in court.
wow, like strapping yourself into a rocket and riding it into a obstacle course.....

thats what its like when ur drunk riding a motorcycle at a high rate of speed. you WILL crash holy $#@# what a moron this guy is.....

R.I.P. moron.....when you finally do die that is, which from the looks of it isnt far off. hopefully you dont have any children or family unlucky enough to be your kinfolk. jeez.
I wonder if he learned anything from this experience? Glad he's not dead so he can appear in court.

I have no idea what he learned, I hope a lot. In certain situations most people have a self preservation instinct. In some people this is lacking either due to genetics or drugs/alcohol. Like the guy who used a lawnmower to trim his hedges and lost a leg. It sometimes takes a near death or very painful experience to learn that high speeds and moving objects can cause bodily harm. Watching this guy bounce down the street just made me cringe. I hope he recovers fully and learns from this experience and gets to enjoy motorcycling again..

Yes people like this give motorcycling a bad name. Lately, though there seem to be a lot of people tarnishing my passion. I once talked to a cop and he said about half of the riders they bust for stunting, excessive speed and or drag racing do not have a class M (motorcycle) endorsement.:eek:

The rider was maybe 22 years old. He said he got out of work at 6 a.m. and went to a third shift bar. Why he was in a hurry, I have no idea.
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So my sis works at the hospital ICU where this guy ended up. Obviously she could not disclose much info, but he somehow just had some serious road rash. No broken bones or neck problems. I hope this guy realizes he got a second chance at life. God apparently has a soft spot for idiots.:rolleyes:
I feel weird saying this but , I do wish him well.
What an idiot. Riding and drinking. Almost 40% of all motorcycle accidents are alchohol related. People just don't get it. For those who drink, make sure you leave your bike at home.

I'm still waiting for the first state to ban drinking and driving. Meaning zero tolerance. If you drink, you can't drive. I think there might be some countries that have that law.
I'm still waiting for the first state to ban drinking and driving. Meaning zero tolerance. If you drink, you can't drive. I think there might be some countries that have that law.

I'm not convinced that would do anything but arrest innocent people. The point of the law is to prevent driving while *impaired*. One beer, for most people, will do nothing but be cold and refreshing. The people who need to be taken off the roads are the ones who don't follow the rules that are ALREADY in place. People who get pulled over and can barely stand up, people who don't even consider their condition before getting behind the wheel.

I would be willing to make a wager that the vast majority of drunk-driving accidents are not caused by somebody driving drunk for the first time. Often they've driven drunk before, and even been CAUGHT before. Some even had their license suspended - and continued driving! What we need to do is stiffen the punishment for drunk driving. If you're caught, your license is suspended no matter what. If you're caught driving with a license suspended for drunk driving, you lose it permanently and get mandatory jail time. THAT would make people think twice. Drunk driving is still a game, and people just keep driving even after they've paid fines for drunk driving and gotten suspended. You see in the news people getting their 10th, 20th 30th arrest for DUI or driving on suspended license. If taking the license away doesn't stop them from driving, it's time to take the person out of society and put them behind bars to guarantee that they don't drive.
I'm not convinced that would do anything but arrest innocent people. The point of the law is to prevent driving while *impaired*. One beer, for most people, will do nothing but be cold and refreshing. The people who need to be taken off the roads are the ones who don't follow the rules that are ALREADY in place. People who get pulled over and can barely stand up, people who don't even consider their condition before getting behind the wheel.

I would be willing to make a wager that the vast majority of drunk-driving accidents are not caused by somebody driving drunk for the first time. Often they've driven drunk before, and even been CAUGHT before. Some even had their license suspended - and continued driving! What we need to do is stiffen the punishment for drunk driving. If you're caught, your license is suspended no matter what. If you're caught driving with a license suspended for drunk driving, you lose it permanently and get mandatory jail time. THAT would make people think twice. Drunk driving is still a game, and people just keep driving even after they've paid fines for drunk driving and gotten suspended. You see in the news people getting their 10th, 20th 30th arrest for DUI or driving on suspended license. If taking the license away doesn't stop them from driving, it's time to take the person out of society and put them behind bars to guarantee that they don't drive.

Here in WI drunk driving is a big problem. The revolving door court system just slaps on a fine and revokes the license. Like that will stop them from driving. Take the car away and mandatory sentences for repeated offences is the only cure.
Thanks for sharing. Just goes to show that if you ride around like an idiot on a motorcycle in traffic it will catch up to you.
Sounds like he had this coming. He's very lucky to still be alive. And, yes, God does have a soft spot for idiots...I'm still around. No idea how I survived my younger days, but hopefully this moron will find a few extra brain cells and live to do the same.

What an idiot. Riding and drinking. Almost 40% of all motorcycle accidents are alchohol related. People just don't get it. For those who drink, make sure you leave your bike at home.

I'm still waiting for the first state to ban drinking and driving. Meaning zero tolerance. If you drink, you can't drive. I think there might be some countries that have that law.
I think has that law or the tolerance is so low it is defo not worth the risk.
