Woohoo...another rant!


Avid 4WD Hunter
Elite Member
Sep 6, 2008
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South Australia
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On the way to work Today, I stopped at some traffic lights to turn across the flow of traffic. There was a dude in front of me who didn't quite know what a red arrow meant and had slightly entered the intersection.

After a time he decided to reverse back so as not to be in the intersection any more.

So I honked.

He stopped.

He started again.

I blasted the horn and cursed him out through his window.

He stopped around 1 inch from my front wheel....because I moved back a couple feet.

What a tool.

Then....lol...not two minutes down the road there was an accident. I saw this and decided I didn't want to be there and turned down a side street....In time to hear, screeching tires and a loud crash in the space I would have occupied.

My lucky day I suppose...lol...I knew I was in danger if I stopped there so I escaped and turns out it was a great decision.

Why do people suck so much at driving...lol?

hey... good job for defensive driving.. dunno if i would have bothered cursing out the guy who backed up..

and your lucky that you didnt get hit from behind... just goes to show you that you have to pay atention all the time on the bike, because you never know.. ride safe!! :)
That is a rant worth spewing Mike. I'm glad you came out of that ride with no harm done. I have had many days like that where it feels like every other driver on the road is completely incompetent. Way to listen to that little voice in your head and avoid a very bad situation!
On the way to work Today, I stopped at some traffic lights to turn across the flow of traffic. There was a dude in front of me who didn't quite know what a red arrow meant and had slightly entered the intersection.

After a time he decided to reverse back so as not to be in the intersection any more.

So I honked.

He stopped.

He started again.

I blasted the horn and cursed him out through his window.

He stopped around 1 inch from my front wheel....because I moved back a couple feet.

What a tool.

Happened to me the day after i picked up the bike. I have said it to a few people now that if all cagers had to learn to ride a bike through the same ridersafe class etc they would be more aware of the **** they do and how dangerous it can be for us riders and hopefully more aware.
2 good saves, but that little voice in his head, i dont think is always a good thing, you should see the look in in eyes sometimes after its been talking to him.
Same thing happened to a mate a couple of years back at roadworks and he actually got hit (no damage just tyre). He then rode down to the passenger side window(traffic was moving on the otherside) and hit it with the side of his fist. The glass broke! Funny thing is cop said you pay for your glass and he can pay for the tyre, there was nothing wrong with it. I don't know if the guy learnt his lesson or not.
Good going, Mike! Glad it turned out well for you. Could have been a couple of bad experiences in a row.

Just goes to show: be aware of everything around you, look out for yourself, and trust what your gut is telling you. Thanks for the reminder :thumbup:
2 good saves, but that little voice in his head, i dont think is always a good thing, you should see the look in in eyes sometimes after its been talking to him.

It usually does that after a Red Bull...lol...I'd tell you about it but I am usually incapable of speech at the time. I'd have to just shoot an eyeball out of my head at you, to get your attention...LMAO:eek::D

Same thing happened to a mate a couple of years back at roadworks and he actually got hit (no damage just tyre). He then rode down to the passenger side window(traffic was moving on the otherside) and hit it with the side of his fist. The glass broke! Funny thing is cop said you pay for your glass and he can pay for the tyre, there was nothing wrong with it. I don't know if the guy learnt his lesson or not.

I just cursed him out from behind to get his attention and stop his car. I did give him a serve as I rode past as well, but I could only do this as he lane changed on the turn and so broke another law...lol. He did look a little uncomfortable...lol. I have a bit of a nasty tongue at times:spank::spank:.
If he hit me I'd be cool-ish, right up to the point where he tried to leave the scene...things might get ugly now after the last guy that did that to me.

Good going, Mike! Glad it turned out well for you. Could have been a couple of bad experiences in a row.

Just goes to show: be aware of everything around you, look out for yourself, and trust what your gut is telling you. Thanks for the reminder :thumbup:

I have to listen to what my gut tells me...lol...it's so big it might hurt me:eek::D. I get lots of these experiences 'cause I do so many kays, and each one can help prepare you for another, but usually I'm able to clear some space around me and don't have them one after another like that....lol.

And people wonder why Motorcyclists take out car mirrors!

I've also only done that once, but i figure he was head on on my side of the road and saw me before he did it. I was going to paint a little 4WD on my tank 'cause that mirror came clean off with some firm help from my forearm armour...lol. If I can smack his mirror with my forearm then he is way too close...lol:spank::spank: ( I thought they just sprung back against the car...lol)

Defensive driving is not really how I consider my style to be. It's like an aggressive form of avoidance usually...lol. Like when I saw the accident I bagged it and tore off down a side street, taking the corner at high speed, just to make myself hard to hit...lol.

It's sort of defensive i guess...lol..I just don't feel as "Manly" (lol) considering it this way...LMAO.:ban:

On the way to work Today, I stopped at some traffic lights to turn across the flow of traffic. There was a dude in front of me who didn't quite know what a red arrow meant and had slightly entered the intersection.

After a time he decided to reverse back so as not to be in the intersection any more.

So I honked.

He stopped.

He started again.

I blasted the horn and cursed him out through his window.

He stopped around 1 inch from my front wheel....because I moved back a couple feet.

What a tool.

Then....lol...not two minutes down the road there was an accident. I saw this and decided I didn't want to be there and turned down a side street....In time to hear, screeching tires and a loud crash in the space I would have occupied.

My lucky day I suppose...lol...I knew I was in danger if I stopped there so I escaped and turns out it was a great decision.

Why do people suck so much at driving...lol?


Very simple answer, people are getting lazier, common sense is not so common, and the cell phone, make up, and stupidity seem to be getting more rampant! You know the intelligence level in the US is going down when states are taking the time to perfect a no texting while driving law......