Worthless Cops!

I'm going to mirror the sentiment of most that responded:
1) Most important fact is that this altercation did not end in disaster.
2) In my state (Delaware) There is no further recourse the officer could have taken for the traffic offenses. I wasn't there and am only monday morning quarterbacking(and I don't know Ohio law)but if the van intentionally tried to crash into you then that would be attempted assault, a criminal charge and not a traffic charge. However, I assume the van driver was inside of the Hospital by the time the officer arrived and not immediately available to be interviewed. If the incident occured exactly the way it was presented on the forum, I would have told the officer I wanted to file criminal charges against the van driver. Here in Delaware, the officer would then write a report including your statements and the statements of the witness. With that report in hand, go to a Justice of the Peace court (or the Ohio equivalent) and swear to your statements before a judge and then the judge decides whether you have merit for criminal charges.
I will admit though that convincing an officer that the incident was serious enough to take all of those steps could be difficult. Had you actually gotten hit (injured or no) that likely would have completely changed how the officer handled the situation.

Based on the information you have given and realizing this is simply an internet forum and that everyone is entitled to their opinion, I still think your title for this thread is pretty unfair..........just my .02 cents.

Its the same here in Florida, the officer would get statements, do a report, and get her side of the incident if possible. Everything would get forwarded to the state atttornetys office for review/summons/warrant. As stated earlier, if my kid OD'ed on some pills, I'd be in a hurry to get to the hospital too. Why she didn't call EMS, who knows..... Glad your ok thou...
My wife was driving the speed limit when some guy started tailgating her and beeping at her. He then pulled up next to her and started taking pictures with his phone. She got his plates and called the police because well, she was freaked out and I told her to call. The police said there's nothing they can do. They don't won't to investigate something until someone is dead or injured. And it's not that I hate cops (my dad is a cop) but the cops in my city are pretty bad.
as a parent of 4 I can relate totally to trying to get a kid to the ER...and have had to do so more than once...That doesn't justify endangering others. I can see how in this case the driver was probably distracted by her desire to get her kid to the ER. but it sounds like she may have had some instability issues.
I was riding with a friend yesterday and a lady pulled out right in front of him.. It was at one of those places where you KNOW she saw and pulled out anyway. I was behind him a few lengths. anyway he changed lanes and went around her...proceeding to 'fly the bird' and that woman went in to a rage and tail gated us and honked her horn for about 2 miles..so I know from recent experience..there are psychos out there on the road.
My wife was driving the speed limit when some guy started tailgating her and beeping at her. He then pulled up next to her and started taking pictures with his phone. She got his plates and called the police because well, she was freaked out and I told her to call. The police said there's nothing they can do. They don't won't to investigate something until someone is dead or injured. And it's not that I hate cops (my dad is a cop) but the cops in my city are pretty bad.
Did you try mentioning that there could be a donut or two thrown in the deal (lol)?
Glad you're OK mate. They just keep coming, you just need to keep dodging them.:thumbup:

Average response time for an Ambulance in the Adelaide metro area is 6 minutes. After six minutes, you've got trained paramedics looking after your kid, and they've driven there with lights and sirens blazing. If your phone's not working, grab the nearest person, and say, HELP MY KID'S JUST TAKEN PILLS! Most folk I know would hand over the phone. Or start dialling for you without any fuss.

Compare that to me jumping in my car in a panicked state, to drive to hospital with my sick kid. From where I am (about 6km from the Noarlunga Hospital) I'm betting that an Ambulance would be here before I could get to hospital, and I'd be doing unexpected things in traffic, which is not good for avoiding accidents. There are 2 schools between me and the hospital also.

I don't know her situation with regard to how close to a hospital she lives, or how long ambulance resonse time is, and I don't really care. She needed to call an Ambulance. I don't want to die because of some distraught mother panicking and thinking her kid's life is more important than mine. I'll give you the hot tip....she'd be wrong.;)

The Police dude, I would have thought would be able to advise you that you'd need to go to court to do anything about the incident.

Anyhow...glad you're OK.:thumbup:
a QR to everybody saying that because her kid ate pills its ok to jump in the car and drive like crazy:
i have a question for you.
what if she crashed somewhere and her kid died because she couldn't get to hospital fast enough? not to mention killing sombody else too. i have kid and cant imagine being in this situation but the smartest thing to do is call for emergency and ASK what to do. there are plenty of things in the house like milk, olive oil or something that could give extra time for the ambulance to come and you dont even need to know it if you call they will tell you.
I'm going to mirror the sentiment of most that responded:
1) Most important fact is that this altercation did not end in disaster.
2) In my state (Delaware) There is no further recourse the officer could have taken for the traffic offenses. I wasn't there and am only monday morning quarterbacking(and I don't know Ohio law)but if the van intentionally tried to crash into you then that would be attempted assault, a criminal charge and not a traffic charge. However, I assume the van driver was inside of the Hospital by the time the officer arrived and not immediately available to be interviewed. If the incident occured exactly the way it was presented on the forum, I would have told the officer I wanted to file criminal charges against the van driver. Here in Delaware, the officer would then write a report including your statements and the statements of the witness. With that report in hand, go to a Justice of the Peace court (or the Ohio equivalent) and swear to your statements before a judge and then the judge decides whether you have merit for criminal charges.
I will admit though that convincing an officer that the incident was serious enough to take all of those steps could be difficult. Had you actually gotten hit (injured or no) that likely would have completely changed how the officer handled the situation.

Based on the information you have given and realizing this is simply an internet forum and that everyone is entitled to their opinion, I still think your title for this thread is pretty unfair..........just my .02 cents.

I think it would have been appropriate for the officer to have explained Dave's options, as you have done. Just saying there's nothing that can be done was disingenuous. So, in my opinion, the title should have been Worthless Cop!
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After talking to some folks around my area, it sounds like the cop should have presented me with the option to file criminal charges. I think he just didn’t want to deal with the paperwork. I am not going to purse the issue any further and instead hope the “talk” the officer had with this women was enough for her to never do this again.
Just to add another layer to the story, I am a registered nurse who works in pediatrics. I realize the importance to get the child to the hospital quickly. But driving the child yourself is NEVER the right thing to do even more so when the child is vomiting. A bad situation can become worse if the airway is not protected and the child aspirates possibly leading to respiratory distress. It doesn’t matter if you live one block from the hospital or 20 miles… call an ambulance.
Just to answer a couple of questions people had. I didn’t doze at the light, it was on a rather steep incline and there was a car in front of me. I always allow space between me and the car in front of me just so I have an “out” if I need one. The “good” reason for her to be driving like that was because her two year old “got into pills” and was vomiting. I however should not have my life endangered because of her stupidity and failure to call an ambulance.

How the heck does that explain her trying to back over you while stopped?
(I think she was the one on the pills!) Glad you're safe man!
i know here where i work we do have to see it to make a citation. however me personally i can promise that at the very least she would have been missing a mirror. this is the reason i carry magnets stuck to my triple tree ;)
the only thing that doesn't make sense to me in this story is the throwing it in reverse part. I could see myself running some one to the hospital from my house but I know I can get there in under five minutes without driving like a bat out of hell. But with something like my kid swallowed pills I would call 911. The important think here is that no one was hurt. Glad your ok and watch out for the crazies they're everywhere.

oh and you cant not see the irony of almost being hospitalized just to find out they on there way to the hospital
just sayin
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