You ever catch a wasp in your jacket on the highway??

Adrenaline Junkie

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Jul 7, 2009
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Hartford, CT
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The name says it all. What a horrible event. I was going about 75 on the highway when a wasp or some sort of large stinging insect collided with my neck and then somehow made it in the collar of my t-shirt under my jacket.
It stung me five times on my back, and at first it burned so bad I thought I could have caught a cigarette butt. I stopped as fast as I freakin could and actually locked the rear wheel up (a little scary at high speeds). I ripped my jacket and shirt off so fast and proceeded to shake vigorously and slap my back with them. I could only imagine what passing traffic thought. And the scariest part was that I had my already motorcycle-timid girlfriend on the back.
buahahaha :rof: sorry but that was funny, especially picturing you on the side of the road getting naked :) Hey, you're an Adrenaline Junkie right? you should be happy you got your fix!!! :D

I've had a bee sting me on my chest once... it had found its way through the top of the jacket as well...
Aw, so sorry that happened to you. If it was today, take some Benadryl (or other antihistamine). It will help with the reaction. (Tylenol or Advil PM has benadryl in it, too.) I hope your neck heals up quickly, and your girlfriend isn't scared off. :(
On the VT run Saturday, Reiobard caught SOMETHING with a stinger that can keep going, right on the neck. He got stung about 5 or 6 times in the nck before getting stopped. He had Keira on the back of the bike with him too.
:eek: I would be dead. And not from the motorcycle. After Rob's weekend experience I'm thinking I need to keep an epipen in my jacket pocket.
Oh yeah...I was out riding this weekend in NH and got a big old fuzzy bumble bee that flew into my helmet, I just opened face sheild for a couple of minutes to get some fresh it flew and crawled on my forehead.........I got stopped in a hurry and ripped off my helmet and it flew sting.....whew!:rolleyes:
IF you have such a severe reaction, then YES, you should carry your Epi-pen with you at all times!! :spank:
I have (twice now) had a sweat bee decide to hang out on the inside of my face shield. :eek: The first was on a ride with Stryken and fz6nick, and I tried opening my shield to get it to fly off, but it hung on for dear life! The second time was just Saturday, when I was doing my Test the Track class and zipping around the track, looking cross-eyed at it. :) I was glad I wasn't stung either time, and feel bad for you guys that got stung. :(
That was FUNNY!!! I had a red ant once crawling down the back of my shirt inside my jacket!! No bites but it was interesting.
I got stung a few weeks ago while riding with my jacket unzipped a coule inches on a dirt road. Immediately stopped and started ripping gear

Hope you're GF didn't get to spooked.
I remember a few years ago Rossi had a wasp fly into his helmet. He just opened his visor & it flew out without stinging him.
The cheeky bugger is truly blessed.
Got stung on the neck earlier this year. I kept hitting my neck trying to kill the little b@st@rd. When we stopped for lunch my neck was bruised and I had bee guts all over the front of my shirt.

I still alive and the bee is not.
Ok this thread is mad of pure win :rof:

OP: I've gotta say your little account created a pretty vivid image in my head :)
a similar thing happened to me on the FZ meet this past weekend. I determined that it was a horse fly (Hurts worse IMO than bees and they just keep biting)

The fly got lodged between my neck and the part of my helmet that the strap comes out of. The thing bit my 5 or so times on the side of the neck before i could get to the side of the road.

I was also 2nd in a line of 15 or so bikes...
a similar thing happened to me on the FZ meet this past weekend. I determined that it was a horse fly (Hurts worse IMO than bees and they just keep biting)

The fly got lodged between my neck and the part of my helmet that the strap comes out of. The thing bit my 5 or so times on the side of the neck before i could get to the side of the road.

I was also 2nd in a line of 15 or so bikes...

Flies don't bite, they spit an acid that dissolves and digests their prey/food into a slurry and they slurp it up through a long straw-like tube appendage; predigested for their stomach.

That sting is your skin melting, and YES they hurt.
I've been stung 3 times while riding. My dad's house is on that country-ish road in my video I posted. Since I'm mostly traveling around 30 mph sometimes I get hot and pop my shield up. I got tagged in the temple once on his driveway by a yellowjacket. I got tagged on the neck traveling the road to his house and once under the eye. Both of those were by unseen / unknown flying instruments of pain.

Winged punks!!
Yeah, I remember Rob getting stung...really scary situation while riding.
On our way home from VT at our first gas up in NY, I got stung by maybe a bee or a wasp right through my meshed jacket. Now my right arm below my elbow developed cellulitis, ER doc gave me some Keflex for it and I'm using heat packs to reduce the heal time. Feels better already, but ITCHY as hell..... Damn bugs.
haven't had the pleasure of my jacket, but had one get me on the inside of my leg as i brought it in on a corner...not pretty. ended up getting a lot of peticheal bruising and swelled up most of my thigh. guess i'm a little allergic. :(