Get better soon Rob!!!!

Thank you for the post. Yes, Rob...take it easy and get back on the bike soon.

Wow! From the street it didn't look so scary, but from down below the! Seeing his FZ hanging by its tail was kinda neat - but sad.
I immediately sat up and knew something wasn't right with my shoulder. My left flank and left lower leg were also sore, but nothing wrong there except some soft tissue swelling (thought I might have broken some ribs and my fibula, but xray proved me wrong).

Spoken like a true medical professional! Take care of that're young, with plenty of riding years ahead of you.
wow that is scarey!! Glad it turned ok, I guess if that's what you can call it. Glad he wasn't hurt badly.
OUCH! Damn Rob you've broken just about everything. Shoulders are slooooow to heal. I had a Berhard tear and impengment operation about two years ago and it still isn't 100%.

Get well soon.
but nice to see Rob sitting on the side of the road in FULL GEAR :steve: So happy to hear you will be okay, you are probably experiencing a lot of pain, and I hope you have help in your recovery; you know, someone to bake you cookies and brownies and stuff like that that helps you recoup.



Hopefully my girlfriend will bake me some special brownies to "help" with the pain. She did bring me some chocolate cake though.:thumbup:

Hopefully my girlfriend will bake me some special brownies to \"help\" with the pain. She did bring me some chocolate cake though.:thumbup:
aren't you a PA? can't you just write yourself a perscription for prop 215?

:justkidding: as Nancy Regan would say, "just say no"
aren't you a PA? can't you just write yourself a perscription for prop 215?

No, I'm not a PA, I'm a doctor thank you very much:cheer: I was offered heavy pain meds from the ER doc, but declined them because I didn't think they were necessary (should have taken them and sold them on the street).
Thank god for California and it's awesome weed laws ;) hahaha

Medical Marijuana Dispenseries. I hear best one is in WeHo. Around Fairfax and Santa Monica.

Gotta Love California.
No, I'm not a PA, I'm a doctor thank you very much:cheer:
Sorry no offense intended :thumbup:
I was offered heavy pain meds from the ER doc, but declined them because I didn't think they were necessary (should have taken them and sold them on the street).
there you go!!!! I'm like that too, I think there is a lot to be said about pain management. I don't like the whole "we got a pill for everything" philosophy. I think you'll heel up faster then you think. when I separated my shoulders (yes, plural. did um both in one shot) my right heeled a little faster but I bought an EVS shoulder brace and was riding again in a few weeks. (and I'm talking motocross) the right wasn't as severe as the left but both were dislocated, the left the tendon from the top that hold the shoulder in the socket is torn( I don't remember what it's called but I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about) I was supposed to have surgery on it but I wanted to wait until I couldn't stand it any more, I ended up just building up the muscle in my shoulders and that kept it from dislocating so often, it's been a few months now since I had one come out of socket, and that only happened from over doing it at work lifting something at an awkward angle
it wasnt totaled? the wheels have to be gouged too he wrapped the chains through them.... lil confused....
it wasnt totaled? the wheels have to be gouged too he wrapped the chains through them.... lil confused....

The rims looked pretty dinged up, but still round and straight. Nothing a little powder coat couldn't fix.
The rims looked pretty dinged up, but still round and straight. Nothing a little powder coat couldn't fix.

That's the spirit :thumbup:

You seem really lax about the whole thing. How's the GF and the family taking it? I'ver learned a lot every time I've gone down - you take anything away from this?
That's the spirit :thumbup:

You seem really lax about the whole thing. How's the GF and the family taking it? I'ver learned a lot every time I've gone down - you take anything away from this?

The family and GF seems to be taking it pretty well. The GF is taking it harder than the rest, but she is always worried when I'm on the bike. My brother Jon (MtnCarver) was right behind me on the ride, so I hope he has learned something from this incident.

I've learned that you just really need to be on your A game when you are on a road you aren't familiar with. Calirider will tell you that this is a trick turn because it starts off as a sweeping left with a banked lean - then turns into a tight left with no banking at all, so you really gotta get leaned in. I underestimated the darn thing and this is the result. The good thing is, I still here, still alive, still kicking, and even went to work on Monday. Will I ride again? Probably. Will it be any time soon? Not likely given my injuries.:rolleyes:
The family and GF seems to be taking it pretty well. The GF is taking it harder than the rest, but she is always worried when I'm on the bike. My brother Jon (MtnCarver) was right behind me on the ride, so I hope he has learned something from this incident.
He finally signed up? Good! Time to e-stalk and see what he's been posting...

Sorry to learn we have something in common. It really sounds like your description of what took place was similar to my own experience. Was drifting because of decreasing radius and too much speed, stood the bike up a bit to slow down and before I knew it I was leaning but without traction.

I think I need to take some lessons on falling from you, I think you might have done a better job of that than me.

I wish you a speedy recovery.