Web tip for the site (All web sites actually)


********* w/ Twisted Fate
Elite Member
Mar 11, 2007
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Dover, NH
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For those running Windows XP or Vista and using Internet Explorer (version 6 or higher), would you like to speed up your browsing? Time the forum homepage opening before and after. Visit some of the heavy graphic sites you'd normally go to and time those as well... Intrigued? Read on!

By default, IE only allows two connections to any given site. It opens one connection for raw HTML and the other for graphics. With this simple registry entry, you can increase the connections from 2 to 10, thus allowing 10 streams per site visited. This means faster load times for the forum (or any other web site).

First, let me tell you that registry hacking is dangerous. I make no guarantees that this will work or not because I cannot account for mistakes made. If you have questions, please ask before attempting this. YMMV!

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way.... :D Here is how you do this:

Below is the proper text to increase your connections. Simply copy the text between the two lines but NOT the two lines. Open Notepad and paste it into the window. Save the file to your desktop as anything you'd like to name it (I called mine 10connections) with the file extension .REG after it. For some, this file *may* be written with a .TXT after it. If this is the case, in Notepad, click "File--Save as..." and using the drop-down in the "Save as type:" select "All Files" then save it again with the NAME-YOU_ASSIGNED.REG

You should see an icon that resembles an all-light-blue rubic's cube in front of a page of paper. Double-click the file to merge the settings into your registry and click "Yes" on the pop-up warning. You Vista folks may have to "Allow" this to take place.

----------------------Copy text below-------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
----------------------Copy text above-------------------------

Once done, close ALL programs and log off the machine. Log back on and open the forum. How long did it take?

You can check up on this yourself if you don't trust my input. Here is a link to the more manual method of doing this: MaxConnectionsPerServer | Simple Tips And Tutorials

I didn't know where else to put this... It's sort of for the forum, but really a tech tip in general? Hope this sticks. ;)

BTW, this fixes ANOTHER problem with windows and IE. Have you ever wanted to download more than two files from one site simultaneously? This will allow 10 downloads.
I DID say it was a tip for IE users. :D

Sorry if I OFFENDED you FF users. :spank: If this doesn't apply to you, then ignore it. Your colorful commentary is a waste of bytes. :Flip:

:rolleyes: ;)
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OK! Just for the Mozilla folks! So you're not left out.... :D

The "MaxConnectionsPerServer" Internet Explorer tweak has a Firefox equivalent that does not involve editing the Windows Registry. Firefox has a more reasonable value of 8 max connections per server. 8 connections is probably enough in most cases.

Still, if you want to change the number of max concurrent connections:

In the address bar, type: about:config
Look for: network.http.max-connections-per-server

Double-click that line and enter a new value (I use 16 in Firefox).

There! Now we covered both! :thumbup:
I DID say it was a tip for IE users. :D

Sorry if I OFFENDED you FF users. :spank: If this doesn't apply to you, then ignore it. Your colorful commentary is a waste of bytes. :Flip:

:rolleyes: ;)

Ha! Ha! Ha! :rof:
Added the registry entry as you explained it. I use vista and IE7. My slower sites load alot faster now. Thanks for the tip!!!
Glad to hear it helped some of you!

I had to give up on Chrome. Too many quirks still, especially with drop-downs which I use a lot of. I'll try their next iteration though.