Why I don't Like Cats (Slight Gore)


Touring Mod
Nov 10, 2007
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Lexington, NC
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Yea, so last night after getting in from a nice ride with the folks I decide t ostop by my g/f's house since I wasnt planning on spending alot of time back home this week during spring break.

Well, its abour 12:30am, and I am heading out. As I am walking out th door, her sisters cat (which was from one of her previous relationships) bolts out the door. So we start chasing it.

It gets on th back side of the house and decides that he, has had enough. And stops, but starts growling. I have never heard a cat make these noises. It was pissed.. But then again, if I was male cat and named Roxy and dressed up in bikinis from time to time, I would be pissed, too. (Yes, I am serious about this)

Well he, I mean she, or what ever you want to call it isnt moving and continues to growl. It was Jordan (my g/f) and her mother outside with me stanfing around phsyco cat at the time. When the cat got distracted by Jordan's father coming down the stairs I grabbed the cat. Left hand around its neck, right hand on its hind end. The cat when nuts, one of its paws (oh yea its not declawed either) got Jordan and snagged her. I tried to roll the upwards off Jordan's hand, when it slipped a bit and locked down on my finger!

I began choking the cat with my left hand and pinned it down with my knee. The harder hit bit the harder I squeezed. We werent getting very far.

Jordan's mom starting getting upset and a I released. The cat took off. My finger starded pouring out blood.

The cat ended up under my fathers car, which I was driving that night. I tried to help, but it was obvious that cant wasnt doing anything while I was around. So I went inside to clean my finger and help clean up Jordans hand.

About 2 am they got the cat under control and put him/her/it in the basement where it normally stays and it hasnt come upstairs yet.

I got the swelling down last night, only to wake up with it swolen again this morning. So, Dad took me to th urgent care to have it looked at. The soaked my hand in a dish that was too small for about 10 mins and gave me a tetnis shot and some antibiotics.

Those photos were taken this evening. As you can see the swelling is still there, and I am a wus. (spelling) There is one major punture under my finger, and a couple decent ones on top. Doesn't seem as though it went to the bone, so we are good there. The cat stays inside and has had all its shots.

While this hole things is my fault, I still do not like cats... esp this one. Its physco, even before this. It would come up to you, be all nice and rub against you, then attack you for no reason, and like I said, it isnt declawed.

Thought I would share this with you all. Maybe you'll get a laugh at my stupidity.

This took forever to type without using my index finger...

Maybe Roxy and Pinky here have something in common. :)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VywxLBN-Pos"]YouTube - Pinky The Cat Attacks Adoption Man Hilarious[/ame]
well... its time you took the ol' furrball to the local dog pound... see how tuff it is :thumbup:
Damn man, I love cats but they are not real keen on being grabbed up. Hope you heal up soon.

Its spring man, they got to get out and do what cats do.
wow, my cats would never act that way.....i'd wonder how that one was raised to behave in such a manner.
"I like cats, its just that their owners are nuts...wearing sweaters with thier cats on them...Hang in there!!"...ROFL

To be honest I don't much care for cats anymore...when I was younger I liked kittens and playing with cats. But as I got older I started noticing just how mental the little creatures really are...
None of my cats have ever acted that psycho. In fact, I have never been bitten hard enough to even leave a mark, much less loose blood. Something made that cat crazy though.:eek:
While this hole things is my fault

I'm afraid you've probably got it right there. While I appreciate many people seem just built to prefer either dogs or cats, a lot comes down to how you approach them. In this case, much as I'm sure you're a very nice guy a) you probably give off this "I don't like cats vibe" which they pick up on and b) grabbing any animal by the neck probably isn't a good start.

Clearly, I am biased as someone who does like cats, but I had two for 18 years and where I live now is full of them and I've never had anything like your bite. I really hope your finger clears up soon: I for one really enjoy your posts and blogs.
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I'm afraid you've probably got it right there. While I appreciate many people seem just built to prefer either dogs or cats, a lot comes down to how you approach them. In this case, much as I'm sure you're a very nice guy a) you probably give off this "I don't like cats vibe" which they pick up on and b) grabbing any animal by the neck probably isn't a good start.

Clearly, I am biased as someone who does like cats, but I had two for 18 years and where I live now is full of them and I've never had anything like your bite. I really hope your finger clears up soon: I for one really enjoy your posts and blogs.

Your right, I was probably giving off bad vibes, dogs can pick up on that, too. And like everything else, everyone take everything differently than others.

It wasn't the smartest choise to grab by the neck, but I knew he was going to go nuts anyway, so I graabbed there in hopes of limiting his range of motion. I limited it alright, right to one spot!

Ah well, I will stick with my big dogs. There is a Great Dane and Lab that are the funniest and most faithful animals back at home.

Thanks for following my blog. I plan on getting some posts on it from this weekends ride, but it may take a while with this finger, lol.

Sweeeeet! Psyco cat!

All kidding aside, I hope you heal up fine. Just remember, just because one cat does that doesn't mean they are all bad...... and quit playing with bobcats/tigers/lions/lynx/etc because no housecat I have ever seen could do that :eek:
I don't think it would've mattered how you picked it up....he was already pissed. Some cats "snap" when you least expect it. They can also sense when you don't like them.

I had a cat about 10 years ago that would do the same as the cat you're talking about. She acted like she liked you, then, no joke, she would lay her ears flat, her eyes would turn red (seriously) and attack! One day she did that to Danny and she went for the eye and ripped his contact right out!

Glad you're ok. :thumbup:
Cat people are cat people for a reason. Cats will screw you over any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

I dated 3 girls that were cat people. They're now exes. The only 2 that I could see long-term were both dog people, and I'm marrying one of them.
I don't think it would've mattered how you picked it up....he was already pissed. Some cats "snap" when you least expect it. They can also sense when you don't like them.

I had a cat about 10 years ago that would do the same as the cat you're talking about. She acted like she liked you, then, no joke, she would lay her ears flat, her eyes would turn red (seriously) and attack! One day she did that to Danny and she went for the eye and ripped his contact right out!

Glad you're ok. :thumbup:

That's when you find out how far you can drop-kick a cat. I have no patience for animals like that.
None of my cats have ever acted that psycho. In fact, I have never been bitten hard enough to even leave a mark, much less loose blood. Something made that cat crazy though.:eek:

"if I was male cat and named Roxy and dressed up in bikinis from time to time, I would be pissed, too. (Yes, I am serious about this)"

Maybe it's tired of playing "dress-up"

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Yea, so last night after getting in from a nice ride with the folks I decide t ostop by my g/f's house since I wasnt planning on spending alot of time back home this week during spring break.

Well, its abour 12:30am, and I am heading out. As I am walking out th door, her sisters cat (which was from one of her previous relationships) bolts out the door. So we start chasing it.

It gets on th back side of the house and decides that he, has had enough. And stops, but starts growling. I have never heard a cat make these noises. It was pissed.. But then again, if I was male cat and named Roxy and dressed up in bikinis from time to time, I would be pissed, too. (Yes, I am serious about this)

Well he, I mean she, or what ever you want to call it isnt moving and continues to growl. It was Jordan (my g/f) and her mother outside with me stanfing around phsyco cat at the time. When the cat got distracted by Jordan's father coming down the stairs I grabbed the cat. Left hand around its neck, right hand on its hind end. The cat when nuts, one of its paws (oh yea its not declawed either) got Jordan and snagged her. I tried to roll the upwards off Jordan's hand, when it slipped a bit and locked down on my finger!

I began choking the cat with my left hand and pinned it down with my knee. The harder hit bit the harder I squeezed. We werent getting very far.

Jordan's mom starting getting upset and a I released. The cat took off. My finger starded pouring out blood.

The cat ended up under my fathers car, which I was driving that night. I tried to help, but it was obvious that cant wasnt doing anything while I was around. So I went inside to clean my finger and help clean up Jordans hand.

About 2 am they got the cat under control and put him/her/it in the basement where it normally stays and it hasnt come upstairs yet.

I got the swelling down last night, only to wake up with it swolen again this morning. So, Dad took me to th urgent care to have it looked at. The soaked my hand in a dish that was too small for about 10 mins and gave me a tetnis shot and some antibiotics.

Those photos were taken this evening. As you can see the swelling is still there, and I am a wus. (spelling) There is one major punture under my finger, and a couple decent ones on top. Doesn't seem as though it went to the bone, so we are good there. The cat stays inside and has had all its shots.

While this hole things is my fault, I still do not like cats... esp this one. Its physco, even before this. It would come up to you, be all nice and rub against you, then attack you for no reason, and like I said, it isnt declawed.

Thought I would share this with you all. Maybe you'll get a laugh at my stupidity.

This took forever to type without using my index finger...


Man if you would have cornered Big Morris like that.....you would be
shredded. Scared animals do not like to be cornered.
Corner a Pit Bull? No thanks
Those bite and scratch wounds always get infected, stay after it as it
can get serious if left unattended.
Hope you get well soon. Watch out for the wildcats....