What to do with your helmet?

Helmet Placement

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Hello everyone, my input on this is to lock it up. I got a lock from cycle gear, installed it on the frame near the rear peg and it works great.
most of the time it goes with me inside for what ever I may be doing. But sometime I lock it to the bike and the bike has a lock on it also . thats with my FZ I allways take it with on my Ducati I dont trust the weak a$$ helmet lock on it
I usually leave it on the rear peg. If I'm going to be away for a while, then I use the helmet lock. Sometime still leave it on the rear peg but I string a steel cable thought the D-rings and then lock the other end with the helmet lock
Slightly different take: When I'm on base, I'll leave it with the bike, sometimes locked (at the Commissary) or not (HQ). If it's cold out, though, I'll take it in with me; a cold helmet is about as pleasant as wet socks.
When I take off my helmet @ the High School i ALWAYS carry it around, not always for security, just to be a bamf :D

I think that's why a lot of kids at college carry theirs around with them. I just put mine in the bag to make it easier to carry. Of course when someone carries theirs around everyone whines, "Oh my gawd! He thinks he's so cool with his motorcycle!" Which is obnoxious but hell with it.

Motorcycles are cool.:Flip:
If I won't be able to see the bike I take it. If I'll be gone for more than 5 minutes I take it. If I feel like the neighborhood isn't so great I take it.

If I can get a window seat I leave it. If I'll be coming out of a store with things in my hands I leave it.

I think that's why a lot of kids at college carry theirs around with them. I just put mine in the bag to make it easier to carry. Of course when someone carries theirs around everyone whines, "Oh my gawd! He thinks he's so cool with his motorcycle!" Which is obnoxious but hell with it.

Motorcycles are cool.:Flip:

I also carry my helmet sometimes so I don't look like a dork in goofy boots and a weird leather jacket. The helmet makes me look more legit.
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I only carry my helmet with me if there is a security issue leaving it locked to the bike. They way I see it, if you can't put it together that I am dressed in these goofy boots and a big a$$ suit for a specific reason, then you're an idiot and I don't give a $#!+ what you think. I do worry about coming back to a surprise in my lid though, so if I can find an inside stash for it on a longer errand then I do.
If I have room in my trunk I'll lock it up in there. It's nice to be able to throw it in there and have it completely out of site and not worry about carrying it around. Otherwise it comes in with me.
If I won't be gone long, I'll lock it on the bike. But if I'll be more than a half hour, I take it inside with me. I'm more concerned about bugs or trash getting in it or if it's Hot/Cold/Wet out.

I have a Joe Rocket helmet backpack to keep it in but until I get inside to class or w/e I carry my helmet in hand so I don't look as much like a lost sky-diver.
I leave my helmet on my bike and use my snowboard lock, it fits in my pocket and is pretty simple to use.

I put mine on the mirror if I am going to be right back, and it is in sight. If I am going to be a while or in a bad part of town, I take it with me.
... I did not spend $500 for ARAI helment just so some dumb a$$ decides to steel it. No way no how.

I just bought last week an Arai and I am seriously thinking the same thought. I do wonder if the helmets, that are stolen, are because of brand name or the graphic design or both (?).

The '07 has a nice lock setup but... ...I remember when I left my dive gear alone for 5 minutes to survey a dive site and it was stolen - what a horrible feeling that was.
fz6alain that snowboard lock looks cool. I think that would do great for my backpack I carry to put my gear in. I do realize it's not theft proof but if they want it bad enough they will get it one way or another.
could you imagine catching some dumbass half kneeling by your bike trying to pee in your locked helmet? After promptly kicking him in the jimmys with my bigass A*'s I'd help him zip up, without the tuck in of course. :thumbup:
Oh best believe I take my helmet with me. I did not spend $500 for ARAI helment just so some dumb a$$ decides to steel it. No way no how.

true that! my Arai RX-7 with custom paint was damn near $1,000 so I ain't risking it. Plus at work (I work at a warehouse out in the sticks) a buddy of mine had a ferile cat piss in his with a 40 mile commute back to town.....not fun :(