my bike is a flower


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2009
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Oklahoma City, OK
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Went out for a great 120 mile ride this afternoon! We took the Highway 7 scenic route down towards Hot Springs. It has lots of pretty good twisties if you can manage not to get stuck behind a cage for too long.

Before heading out we stopped to fill up with gas. Right as I finished closing up the cap, a fairly good sized bee landed on my tank. As I looked at it closer I realized it was pushing it's butt/stinger into the Yamaha logo decal that's on the tank. :eek: I swear it must have thought my bike was a flower! It finally gave up but left a bit of gooey yellow stuff on the decal. I know my bike's color is good for making me noticed in traffic but I don't think attracting pollinating bees is such a great idea. Pretty funny nonetheless!

In the end it turned into being one of those most awesome rides ever! I only have about 5000 miles total and less than 1000 of that on the FZ6. I feel like so far I've been riding pretty conservatively so I took the opportunity to experiment more on this trip. I spent more time with the bike in higher revs, breaking before corners instead of just slowing down way before, and accelerating faster out of the corners. This is the first trip out where Hubby wasn't leaving me behind on his warrior! I don't feel an ounce of fatigue or discomfort after getting home and really feel like I pushed myself to increase my riding abilities.

I love those rides when you get home feeling like a true rider! :cheer:
Hey, I need to take that route on my motorcycle. I've taken it to help a friend go buy a motorcycle in Hot Springs while I was in my car, but I have yet to ride it on my FZ. Sounds like a lot of fun!
Theres nothing better than getting time in the saddle!!:rockon: :D

Yeah, Smokenu and I got together and went out for a ride on Friday and it was so much fun. I felt even more energetic after the ride than when I started.
Twisties are gods gift to mankind. If there were no more twisties, I would shoot myself in the head while doing 140 down a straight. LOL, thank god for twisties huh?
Awesome! Nice to see you out testing your limits and really enjoying the bike. Well done!

As for the bee.... Are you sure it thought it was a flower? ;) I think it thought the bike was just dead-sexy! :D
sounds like fun... gratz for your good ride... too bad there are practically no twisties here... I'm thinking it's time to save for a track day... the straight highway ride to work is just not cutting it any more...
I'm not sure, but that might be the road I layed mine down on... Is that the one that goes through Mt Magazine Park?

That would actually be Highway 309 which is about 40 miles west of me. I've ridden that route twice (once in each direction on my ninja and on the shadow). It does have some very tight turns! I personally don't like it too much. The trees are so close to the road that it makes it covered in lots of shadows. I haven't been able to get my confidence up cause I feel all the shadows ruin my perception of the corners. I'm constantly tense thinking there's going to be something in the road that I can't see. Seems it would be very easy to lose it on that road. I prefer sunny, clear, sweeping corners!
Twisties are gods gift to mankind. If there were no more twisties, I would shoot myself in the head while doing 140 down a straight. LOL, thank god for twisties huh?

sounds like fun... gratz for your good ride... too bad there are practically no twisties here... I'm thinking it's time to save for a track day... the straight highway ride to work is just not cutting it any more...

Northwest AR is definitely a great place to live for riding some twisties! Sometimes we'll go somewhere that requires taking the straight highway or even just the horrid interstate if we're on a time crunch. In the end I'm always unsatisfied with those trips.