First impressions


The tall one
Jul 9, 2009
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Nice, FR
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So after my little 2-week adventure with the stripped thread in the drain plug hole my friend and I finally go the bike ready to roll yesterday. I started it up on the parking lot behind my place this morning and rode for about 30 minutes (U-turns, emergency stops, etc). Being a new rider who's only been on the saddle during his MSF class and another 2 hour parking session just before I decided to change the oil, I was practically scared ****less from riding in traffic. I knew I had to bring the bike to a local service so that it can pass inspection (I was 10 days later already) and I had all the needed documents in my pocket ... I was just waiting to feel a little more confident.

Well, it never happened. I got pissed of at myself, forced my body to stop listening to my brain and just headed down the street. The moment I made my first turn I had this huge grin on my face that left all my worries on the parking lot behind me :)

I got to my local service that was literally a mile away from me, and I passed inspection, got all my stickers on my license plate and I was ready to roll. I headed back to my place to pick my GPS up from the car and I headed to [ame=""]destination unknown[/ame] :rockon:

Here are my first impressions:


2. I met around 20+ bikers on my little 60mile trip and all of them were very courteous and regardless of the type of bike they were riding they always waved! That felt awesome :)

3. I stalled the bike around 10 times ... most of which were on hills. I really really need to practice taking off with my back brake engaged. At one point I thought I was gonna stay on the hill forever ... thank god there were no cars around me.

4. As I got into some random city that I spend 20 minutes trying to get out from, I stumbled upon rout 9 and decided to go against my other fears from the highway. Well, the moment I got there those fears disappeared too. The one thing that really caught my attention were the vibrations once the bike hits 7-8K. Jesus I thought it was gonna fall apart. So I just kept it in 3rd/4th gear around the 5K range and called it a day :)

5. When my friend and I were working on the oil pan we decided to first take it off the bike. To do that we had to get the exhaust off and I forgot to order new gaskets and we just reused the old ones. Also I am not 100% sure if the exhaust is all the way in. It looks like it but if someone has a random pic of their bike where the exhaust is visible I would really appreciate if you guys post it on here so I can compare. Some times I felt qutie a bit of heat hitting me under the helmet and I am not sure if this is normal or I have an exhaust leak from somewhere *insert noob icon here*

6. I ordered the ICON elbow and knee+shin armor and a pair of riding pants so now I'm a true power ranger (helmet, jacket, pants, back protector, elbow/knee/shin guards, riding boots, gloves). I've gotta say I don't feel hot at all AS LONG AS I AM MOVING. The moment I enter a city with traffic lights I begin to slowly boil ... Also putting all this gear all the time is a true 10-15 minute long PITA and I've gotta say I'm pretty tempted to leave some of it off but then I think a little more and just put it all on :)

Just sharing my first impressions. Ok time to eat something and head back on the road! I can't wait :cheer:

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:cheer::cheer::cheer:Way to go RADO!:cheer::cheer::cheer:

Hey glad to here you got it up and running. Congrats on taking the plunge and getting out on the street! :thumbup:eek:n the gear too, it's a smart move.

Glad you made it!:D

Post often!








hope it helps
Great to here your up and running. Also nice to see another rider from Ma.I havent seen another FZ in my area yet. btw nice vid. I"ll watch that again!:thumbup:
I know you wrote something in your post, I think, but the video was too damn distracting.

Could you repeat that? :thumbup:
...Some times I felt qutie a bit of heat hitting me under the helmet and I am not sure if this is normal or I have an exhaust leak from somewhere *insert noob icon here*
Okay, I didn't click on the video and was able to read what you wrote. :D

Noob icon indeed! You're feeling heat under the helmet and thinking it's your exhaust??? :confused: Hope you can explain that one!
Great to here your up and running. Also nice to see another rider from Ma.I havent seen another FZ in my area yet. btw nice vid. I"ll watch that again!:thumbup:

Dave G...from western MA....I am from Leominster Ma...where are you from?
I am from Wilbraham. I just picked up my fz6 in may. Traded in an S50 for it this bike is much more fun.

Hey...isn't that home of "Friendlys"?

I was also riding a cruiser before the Fizzer...the Fizzer is a blast!

Good to see another MA Fizzer owner on the forum!
hope it helps

Thanks heaps for the photos man! For some reason I cannot view the first 3 and I'm guessing they are the ones I was actually looking for :D My bad - I didn't quite explain it well. I meant photos of where the exhaust (the 4 separate pipes that is) is getting attached to the engine. No biggie tho ... when I checked them again I realized I had forgotten to tighten the bolts on one of the exhaust pipes :spank: ... no wonder I was smelling exhaust gas while riding :rolleyes: I tightened the bolts and everything seems good now.

n1one: I sure will post often. This is my new favorite forum now :cheer:

Botch: you see the problem is I should really learn how to speak :D I meant to say that I felt heat and exhaust gases coming from under my helmet and as it turns out it was because of the loose pipe ... thank god i didn't lose a bolt somewhere along the way as they were barely attached :spank: As I said before: *insert noob icon here*.

Dave G: now that I took a look at the map and the town you're in I realized I almost passed from there today. I woke up all eager to ride and didn't even have breakfast ... I just jumped on my bike and rode route 122 north from Worcester to the junction with route 202. I then went 202 south until I reached route 9 and headed back to Worcester. If I had checked the forum earlier I would have told you to meet up somewhere and ride together ... oh well, next time :)

All in all I put 300 miles on the bike this weekend and I've gotta say I simply love it. I had a few beers and a bbq with some of my friends in Worcester and I spent Saturday night there. For some reason I decided not to take any other shoes/clothes so needless to say after 2 days of riding I had acquired a rather peculiar smell ... as they say the smell of freedom :D My next investment will definitely be a bag.

Cheers everyone :)
Great to here your up and running. Also nice to see another rider from Ma.I havent seen another FZ in my area yet. btw nice vid. I"ll watch that again!:thumbup:

I saw two FZ6's kicking around Cape Ann today. (other than myself.)

Congrats on your first ride. Wear the gear. It saved me a lot of road rash 2 weeks back. As it was my little oops cost me @ $1200 including a new helmet. :) I did ride today but my arm is still weak so I didn't push or ride very long.