Seriously... WTF


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Hillsborough, NH
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So, This thread is probably long overdue for me since i have ridden about 65k miles in my career and have never had an incident while the bike was moving (i have had two non-moving tip overs on my previous bikes)

I was riding through the neighborhood where i live on my way out of town to head to a concert the next town over that my father in law was playing in. the roads in my neighborhood are mostly all dirt.

So, i was traveling at about 15-20 MPH down the road when a dude in a maroon Chevy Silverado pulling a trailer pulls out in front of me. I jamb on the brakes and the front tire locks up on the dirt road and tosses me onto the right side of the bike. Luckily it was at such a slow speed that i didn't even fall over, just the bike.

Now. here it gets annoying....

The guy pulls up and:

Dude: "are you alright"
Me: " yeah, but WTF? I was going straight"
Dude: "Yeah, and?"
Me: "AND?!? You pulled right out in front of me coming out of a side street and i was going straight!"
Dude: <Shrugs shoulders and drives of>

I grab my bike and pull it up, try to start it and the darn tip over sensor had tripped so I looked at the back of his truck for a plate number and the trailer had no plates. By the time i got the bike started he was gone and i could not find him.

I will be looking for him tomorrow in the daylight since i went to the concert and it is now dark.

Here are the pics. It is mostly plastics, but the frame got scuffed and the engine covers also scuffed.






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so.... How do approach this? find the guy and call the cops? There was no actual contact between the vehicles

Or just call my insurance? My fear with that is that they will not even give me what i owe on it if they total it.

or just suck it up and live with the scrapes?
Bloody hell mate,sorry to hear about your bike,but glad you didn't get hurt.
I can't believe that guy didn't give a crap.I hope you find him and report him to the police,good luck.

Don't suck it up.
Have you seen the guy around before ?
Someone in the area must know him.
Go naked, buff the scrapes on the crankcase and engine, new mirrors and barends, new clutch and brake lever. bang

i would still call the cops and drive around and find the guy - in your car!

i tend to take things too far sometimes though. At least your alright man.

Man that really sucks. I would find the guy and ans him to pay for at least part of the repair. If he refuses I'd leave and make him pay for it other ways.

I don't need to tell you, but dirt=rear brake.
Call the police first. Get it on record with as much detail about the truck/trailer/guy as possible. Then, see if you can find him. Is he from the neighborhood? Contractor at someone's house doing work?

Sorry this happened Rob! Totally sucks!
I can't comment on what I'd do. It would be illegal in most places. I have a real problem with vengeance and I like to serve it cold.

BUT now you can go naked :)
Always a tough call on these type of crashes.

Unless there is contact between the two vehicles, there is really nothing you can do. Well, at least that has been the case for most of the members here who have had similar incidients.

I'm not a leo, but I sure would like to get their professional thoughts or facts on the matter.

Please chime in.

Sorry about your bike, bummer. At least you were not hurt riding your FZ as a dual purpose bike.
Yeah, i will call the police tomorrow, but the guy must be in the neighborhood, i can't imagine that he is driving on main roads with an unregistered trailer.

I will ask around and see if anyone knows him. I am just not sure what legal recourse i have since i didn't actually hit him.

and I did use the rear brake too, it also locked up, but i can handle a rear tire locking up without too much of an issue.

I am just more pissed that the bike is not as pretty anymore. and even though i DO need to get sliders i am not sure what they would have helped on this (duh... probably the frame scuff)
Since the guy got away and you don't have a plate number, he has plausible deniability and will never admit it. Anyone else see this? Anyone outside their house and see the guy? You'll be hard pressed to get anything from the guy unless he admits it but even then, I don't know if, in NH, without contact that another person would be responsible. Damn!
Always a tough call on these type of crashes.

Unless there is contact between the two vehicles, there is really nothing you can do. Well, at least that has been the case for most of the members here who have had similar incidients.

I'm not a leo, but I sure would like to get their professional thoughts or facts on the matter.

Please chime in.

Sorry about your bike, bummer. At least you were not hurt riding your FZ as a dual purpose bike.

Good call, i actually have a LEO friend that i will ask his opinion. thanks for the idea.
That sucks Rob! I'm not sure how it works, esp when there is no contact made. You can go to your local police station and talk to them, and call the insurance company, but I don't think anyone is going to help you. Part of me says go hunt him down, but you never know what type of psycho you're dealing with. Remember, you need to be around for your girls :thumbup:
sorry about your tip over, but if you have to crash, that's the way to do it. I hope you can find him, but with no witnesses, it sounds like your word against his.
I am just more pissed that the bike is not as pretty anymore. and even though i DO need to get sliders i am not sure what they would have helped on this (duh... probably the frame scuff)

Frame, engine casing and likely some of the plastics but maybe not all. Hope you find him.
Man that sucks......:(

I would look for him if I were you, but I would also call the insurance company and ask for advice.

Not to pour salt on the wound....but I did not see any frame sliders on the bike?...Probably would not have helped much though, as you said you were on a dirt road.

Man...I really feel for you, I would be so pissed that I would be up all night. My Fizzer is my pride and joy. Don't F**k with the Fizzer!

Good luck!
In Oz it wouldn't matter if there was no contact made,if he didn't give way and you had to brake or change line,same deal as hitting you.

A guy did it to me right in front of a motorcycle cop ,had a smile on my face as I drove past while he was getting booked :thumbup:
man that sucks! I don't know the law in NH but there has to be something about him denying you the right of way even if there was no contact no?
I hope you find the guy and hopefully a witness..
Since the guy got away and you don't have a plate number, he has plausible deniability and will never admit it. Anyone else see this? Anyone outside their house and see the guy? You'll be hard pressed to get anything from the guy unless he admits it but even then, I don't know if, in NH, without contact that another person would be responsible. Damn!

that is my thoughts too, but i sent an e-mail to my LEO friend to get his opinion.
looking at it again, i can paint the engine covers, and most of the plastic scrapes are on the "eyelid" part of the bike, so that is a small and relatively cheap part of the bike if i choose to replace it.

Frame sliders are the next thing (i have been saying THAT for much too long too)