I use protection every time... do you?


Junior Member
Dec 8, 2007
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Orange County, CA
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This is my annual PSA...

As riding season approaches I would like to remind everone to not overlook one extremely important piece of saftey equipement...

Ear Plugs! Yes, you heard me right. Ear Plugs.

But don't take my word, this is a PSA!
Timberwoof FAQ said:
An hour at highway speeds will subject your ears to enough wind noise to cause some hearing loss.
Wiki Answers said:
At higher speeds (50 or more), a helmet gets very loud. Hearing damage due to loud noise is cumulative, so the more you ride at 50+ MPH, the more you will benefit from ear plugs. It's also far less fatiguing to ride at highway speeds with ear plugs in--the fatigue being pretty much exactly what you feel after attending a long, loud music concert.
WebBikeWorld said:
Hearing damage can be cumulative and permanent, especially at levels above 85dB, a level at which most motorcycle riding takes place.

Here is a link to the WebBikeWorld quick review of their top choices for disposable earplugs.
Disposable Ear Plug Reivew

Here is a link to learn more about hearing loss.
Motorcycle Hearing Loss Information Sheet
University of Southampton

If you are wondering about my choice; well I am pretty simple. No custom molded ear protection. No fancy noise canceling headphones. I simply go down to my local CVS Drug Store and buy the CVS label bulk ear phones (50 pair/$9.99).

Buy CVS Ear Plugs Foam online at CVS.com


I think I am going to order the sample kit of plugs listed in the WebBikeWorld article to see if there REALLY is a difference. I am pretty happy with what I have, but if I can find something better for less $$$ I'm all for it.

Please people, make sure you wear proper ear protection when you ride. If you don't, you might find yourself as one of the 18million people in america suffering from hearing loss. Don't let it happen to you. You CAN prevent it from happening.

Take care, and enjoy the riding season.
I'm very guilty of not wearing plugs and will start very soon. I generally don't and usually have a Chatterbox going when I ride with certain groups. I actually keep some with me at all times. Just never get them in.

Thanks for the PSA it made a difference today!
been wearing them since i started riding 4 years ago. the few times i've forgotten have been very frustrating. all i hear is wind. can't even hear my bike that well because of all the wind.

now i wear them and have speakers in my helmet to list to music. i can still hear the music just fine and i don't have to worry about my hearing.
Thanks Kevlarian,
Now I feel like an idiot. I never even thought about wearing ear plugs. I'm going to get some and start wearing them. Thanks for the PSA.
What I have found is the people don't know how to put them in... Here is a video on how to PROPERLY put soft foam earplugs in...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v60rdMrLoW4"]YouTube- How To Fit Snore Calm Foam Ear Plugs[/ame]

This was the best video I could find on b00bt00b about the subject, but you get the idea. Don't simply PUT them in your ear. You must ROLL them into a "matchstick" put, them in your ear canal, and let them expand.
This is always a good reminder at the start of riding season! Good on ya, kevlarian! :thumbup:

I started wearing earplugs during the first season I had my FZ6 (this will be my 4th season). It's amazing how much more enjoyable a ride is when you wear them. You can hear what the bike's doing much more as well and I believe it makes you a better rider, since you can concentrate on riding and not on how loud the noise in your ears is.
For me generally, riding in heaviy traffic I do not wear ear plugs. For highway travel, I have been known to insert a disposable pair.

But it also depends on what type of helmet you have? Some helmets are quiter than others, for example the Shoei RF1000 is considered one of the quietest helmets around. Whether it's a full face helmet or 3/4 or open face helmet will aslo greatly effect the amount of wind noise.

If it thats serious, why is there no law? Shoud be no different than eye protection or a helmet law.
I don't need a law to tell me to protect my hearing. Utah doesn't have a helmet law, but I still wear it and all my gear.
I ride with good noise canceling buds. If I want some music, it turn them on. For the most part, I ride without music, the sweet sound of my pipes is all I need.
If it thats serious, why is there no law? Shoud be no different than eye protection or a helmet law.

people making the laws don't know or care?

they're too busy intruding into other parts of our lives to worry about protecting our hearing?

they think that even though we're too stupid to protect ourselves from other things we might be smart enough to protect our hearing?

the earplug lobbyist haven't seen the numbers to know their sales will increase enough to make it worth their time?

no way whatsoever to enforce it?

just some guesses.

personally, i wear them... but i'd be ticked if it became law. if i'm too stupid (this is not a judgment on anyone here who doesn't wear them) to protect myself from myself how was i smart enough to elect them to do it for me? they have too many other things to worry about before they could even think about earplugs. who knows, if we get state controlled healthcare there might be a lot of lifestyle things that are legislated for our own good and to save "the state" money.
For me generally, riding in heaviy traffic I do not wear ear plugs. For highway travel, I have been known to insert a disposable pair.

But it also depends on what type of helmet you have? Some helmets are quiter than others, for example the Shoei RF1000 is considered one of the quietest helmets around. Whether it's a full face helmet or 3/4 or open face helmet will aslo greatly effect the amount of wind noise.

If it thats serious, why is there no law? Shoud be no different than eye protection or a helmet law.

If I forget to put them in when crossing the city, no huge deal. But I much prefer to have them in as I feel that I am better able to concentrate.

If I forget to put them in for anything other than 35 mph and under, I hate it and will stop to put them in.

I have an RF-1000....see above.

We don't need a law for everything...geeze...and we dont' have helmet laws in half the states (must not be that serious?). That's some weird logic.
If it thats serious, why is there no law? Shoud be no different than eye protection or a helmet law.

Should the Gov't put a law in place to tell you to pee too (a dictorship would be great about now)?

There is a helmet law in many states, but nothing that says you can't ride with flip flops, and no shirt... but that would be unsafe, and most would agree!

The argument that you don't need them hold no water to me. You WILL loose your hearing if you don't wear ear protection. It is gradual, and over time... so you won't notice it until one day, you wonder why you can't hear anything... it is what it is.

This is common sense.
I'm very guilty of not wearing plugs and will start very soon. I generally don't and usually have a Chatterbox going when I ride with certain groups. I actually keep some with me at all times. Just never get them in.

Thanks for the PSA it made a difference today!

I am guilty of the same. got a pair of ear plugs in my pocket, and I think I've used them at most a couple of times. Usually have my music via chatterbox jamming at a medium level. Guess I should follow westgoinzax's example and be religious about wearing the plugs all the time. :(
I am guilty of the same. got a pair of ear plugs in my pocket, and I think I've used them at most a couple of times. Usually have my music via chatterbox jamming at a medium level. Guess I should follow westgoinzax's example and be religious about wearing the plugs all the time. :(

I wear earplugs every day (I am a daily commuter) and I still have a Scala Bluetooth headset in my helmet. The plugs still allow me to hear the bluetooth when I am on a call; The headset also has a pass thru for a MP3 player plug, and I can talk/listen without a problem when I wear the plugs. It is wonderful!
Tried them but can't use them.
I like to hear what's going on around me.I even crank my window down in the car a few inches,whether it's raining freezing cold etc.
They also affect my balance in slow moving traffic. :(
For about the past 10 years I have taken to using hearing protection for some common things. Anytime I use a circular saw, leaf blower and even the lawn mower I prefer to have ear plugs in. It is just a more peaceful experience than a constant loud droning in my ears. Now that I ride a bike I have worn ear plugs each time and I like it for the same reason, it is a better experience with ear plugs.
very good point!

Thanks for bringing this up. I have been on some long rides where the noise just bothers the crap outta me and you guys are right; it would suck to get hearing loss OR get into some trouble on the road because you're distracted. I've tried wearing some passive noise isolating earphones w/ music (not blow-your-eardrums-out loud...kinda defeats the purpose...just @v med) a handful of times on long rides, but after a couple of hours, the helmet pressing them in slightly begins to hurt a little. Fine for the first hour or so, though. Any suggestions on good comfortable earbuds?