Arrogant Harley Rider

Ryan T

Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Woodbridge VA
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So, the other day I'm out riding and I see a gun store. I figure I'll go in and see if they have the Sig Sauer I'm looking for. I pull up and there is this guy getting ready to get on his Harley. He's looking at me and my bike with this disapproving smirk on his face.

Me being nice and sociable say, "Hi, you have a nice motorcycle". Instead of him saying thanks or something along those lines he says, "I know". That's it, nothing else. No hello, no nothing.

I know it's not all Harley riders, but he sure did make me like them as a group that much less. I'll try to give the next one the benefit of the doubt.

The audacity, I tell ya.
So, the other day I'm out riding and I see a gun store. I figure I'll go in and see if they have the Sig Sauer I'm looking for. I pull up and there is this guy getting ready to get on his Harley. He's looking at me and my bike with this disapproving smirk on his face.

Me being nice and sociable say, "Hi, you have a nice motorcycle". Instead of him saying thanks or something along those lines he says, "I know". That's it, nothing else. No hello, no nothing.

I know it's not all Harley riders, but he sure did make me like them as a group that much less. I'll try to give the next one the benefit of the doubt.

The audacity, I tell ya.
How about next time you run across a situation like that ....intead of saying Nice Bike" .....say "You want to race"??? then laugh real loud in anoying way as you walk off !! :D HE HE HE HAWW HAWW HAWW !!! LMAO!!
...yea the creep or nice factor applies to all bikes. I'll wave to several Harley riders only to be ignored and the first time I say, "to hell with it" and don't wave, the next Harley guy gives me a pleasant wave and I feel like a jerk.
Not all Harley riders are arrogant douchebags. I have an old high school buddy who owns a very nice 2008 HD that cost him well over $20,000. He's the most genuine, outgoing person you'll ever meet.

Some people think their $hit doesn't stink... it does not matter what kind of bike they ride.

Keep being nice to all bikers, no matter what kind of ride they're on. They might snub you, or even be rude... at least you tried to show common courtesy, and that's about all you can do.
Not all Harley riders are arrogant douchebags. I have an old high school buddy who owns a very nice 2008 HD that cost him well over $20,000. He's the most genuine, outgoing person you'll ever meet.

Some people think their $hit doesn't stink... it does not matter what kind of bike they ride.

Keep being nice to all bikers, no matter what kind of ride they're on. They might snub you, or even be rude... at least you tried to show common courtesy, and that's about all you can do.

Now that's the truth.
I remember riding my Suzuki Cavalcade to Sturgis in '86. We were at a gas stop near Rapid City South Dakota and a bunch of Harley Dudes were there too. The one dude comes up behind my bike and starts to stamp out "The little Japs coming out of my muffler". I just looked at him like he was a dick and knew what Japanese technology vs. Harley mystique really meant. That I rode my bike west and didn't haul it in a trailer till 30 miles out and then unload the Harley and ride into Sturgis like they had ridden the entire distance. Yeah Right! I don't get it?
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I have a female friend riding a Suzuki GSX650 and in leas than 6 months she has had two "verbal confrontations" with Harley riders
If I saw him smirking I would have probably said "what are you smirking about?" and see if he had the balls to say what he was thinking.

Harley riders seem to forget, going along with that Sturgis story, they don't know how to really ride bikes, they know how to cruise and kick over sport bikes. They're a bunch of punks.
I don't get it. I am going to have a Polaris Victory and have the cash to buy one now but what does it matter??

I wanted a FZ6 to learn on and man I love this bike.

WIth that said it is about 50/50 that I get a wave from the HD guys. A bike is a bike in my book and as long as you are having fun. I also want to take a trip to sturgis this year but I may be so pissed off half way into it I wonder if it is realy worth it?? Has anyone else taken the FZ to the rally??
I don't get it. I am going to have a Polaris Victory and have the cash to buy one now but what does it matter??

I wanted a FZ6 to learn on and man I love this bike.

WIth that said it is about 50/50 that I get a wave from the HD guys. A bike is a bike in my book and as long as you are having fun. I also want to take a trip to sturgis this year but I may be so pissed off half way into it I wonder if it is realy worth it?? Has anyone else taken the FZ to the rally??

Get a Vegas 8 ball! If I got a cruiser, that would be the one.. Bad ass bikes..

Anyways, I took my naked FZ6 to a couple ralleys.. One was a chili cook off with about 500 harleys and just 1 Yamaha sport bike :) No one talked **** or anything and I actually hung out with a few of the harley guys.. I think it just depends on how you carry yourself and who you normally hang out with
So, the other day I'm out riding and I see a gun store. I figure I'll go in and see if they have the Sig Sauer I'm looking for. I pull up and there is this guy getting ready to get on his Harley. He's looking at me and my bike with this disapproving smirk on his face.

Me being nice and sociable say, "Hi, you have a nice motorcycle". Instead of him saying thanks or something along those lines he says, "I know". That's it, nothing else. No hello, no nothing.

I know it's not all Harley riders, but he sure did make me like them as a group that much less. I'll try to give the next one the benefit of the doubt.

The audacity, I tell ya.
Your first problem - you lied and told him he had a nice motorcycle :eek: :D

Okay. You know, today I was doing my job on the mountain and I might say doing it well. Hahaha! I had a great time riding South Grade on Palomar mountain. There were a lot of fast riders but you didn't get that squid factor that seems to be prevalent too often on South Grade. I think there were 4 photographers and It was nice to maybe get some shots of the new R1. Even greater, the temps were up and I was getting some good sticky grip and only pushed the rear out a little when I was toasting it out of those tight ones. I'm talking fun. It was hot in those leathers and I never took a break. I was finally reaching my physical limit. I could feel I better break off and when I looked at my miles on my trip ODO I knew I should get gas. I hit hwy 76 and knew there was a gas station a few miles away. As I rode I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach and it began to get worse and felt like I was going to barf. I came up on the gas station and pulled in and knew I was in trouble because I started to get really light headed. I went into the store and sat right on the floor and told the clerk I needed water and he ran and got me one. I got rid of my leather jacket and poured some of the cold water on the front of me and drank as much as I could, all the time feeling I was going to pass out. Not a fun feeling.
Now here's where it relates to what we're talking about on this thread and others of late. Three people came in and they were Harley riders from outside, taking a break. One says, Bro are you okay? Can we help? You know what I thought about? For real! I thought about this post!

I don't want to be the kind of person that puts people into boxes and categories that can eventually hurt or harm them or myself. I know it's a process but it's something that's important to me. It won't diminish anything in me or my life and can only build me stronger in every way. I'm not saying that sport bike riders wouldn't do the very same thing. I'm saying it's an individual attitude. I know it can be easy to generalize with these identities but I don't believe it's fair and a lot of times we get what we expect. We help and solidify what it is we experience.

Man I had fun!


and oh yeah!

YouTube - nccoder's Channel
Well said Cliff!

For me, the only people with Harleys near where I live are REAL BIKIES (believe me - I wouldn't acknowledge them, in case I gave them a rivals gang sign by mistake :eek:) and accountant :squid: squids who spend $40000 on a HD, $5000 on genuine branded HD gear and only ride on Sundays.

I think the HD riders that tried to help you were just genuine guys who were concerned that someone was ill. Nice guys. Nothing to do with their bikes.
Its kinda funny when I take the Harley out for a cruise and all the Harley riders and cruisers give me a wave, then some of the sport bikes will kind of wave just because I waved first, but definately not most of them! Then I take the FZ6 out the same day for a little experiment and VIOLA!!! The EXACT OPPOSITE happens!!! Same riding gear, same helmet, same guy. :confused::confused: In the words of that one dude; "WHY CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?? sob...sob... Is it all just the bikes??? Bike racisim??? They ALL have round wheels, a motor, and a gas tank, right? Ok I might be stretching things a bit but you get the point.
Coder's got it pretty much nailed down, but I will say this. There are harley riders I despise. They are this sort of guy:


You know he is just a tax analyst or something.....why pretend to be such a gangster? And there are tons of this sort of fellow. Sometimes they wear the leather jacket and half face mask of bones with token helmet. Sure some of us look like power rangers....but our dress is functional. Since when does dressing up like Skeletor from Heman do anything for your riding?

Note the limp wrist action shown here:


That explains it....