Computer Backdrop. post your screen shots!

that's pretty funny chaskell....hope you enjoy this:

Element: Men

Symbol: MCP

Discoverer: Eve

Atomic Mass: Accepted at 60.6kg but known to vary from 50-200kg

Occurrences: Found in all areas but especially prevalent within 6 feet of televisual equipment

Physical Properties:

•Surface usually covered in copious amounts of hair, especially in ear and nasal cavities
•Generally larger than Wo except for brain capacity
•Reproductive appendages inversely proportionate to engine size of specimen’s car
•Characteristics range from malleable to hard as steel
•Right hand specially designed to support pint pot, beer can, remote control and steering wheel (Note: left hand is physically incapable of touching steering wheel during driving process)
Chemical Properties:

•Energy dissipates immediately when exposed to household chores
•Activity and usefulness greatly reduced by saturation in alcohol. Reproductive ability is especially affected
•Bonding with other specimens triggered in the presence of mechanical devices and by insubstantial materials such as televised rugby
•Specimen hardens in presence of superior Wo specimens
•Appears hard and cool when surrounded by other MCP specimens but reverts to natural warm, soft state in isolation
•Genetically programmed to bond with Wo specimen. Once bonded, testosterone causes isolation to have magnetic effect. Specimen often attempts to break bond again or at least lets other MCP specimens know that he could if he wanted to.
•Eyes vitrify and brain viscosity increases when exposed to Wo specimen’s attempts to eradicate less desirable MCP characteristics.
Common Uses:

•Labour saving devices for taking out the rubbish, mowing the lawn etc
•Desirable heating properties on cold winter nights
•Useful sacrifice in the event of external attack on Wo

•Formation of average specimen only completed after contact with Wo.
•Volatile – turns red and explodes when subject to pressure and unable to progress on predetermined path.
•Uncontrolled gravitation towards heat, e.g. BBQs, 98% of the duvet etc.
•Easily absorbed by disproportionately large female mammary glands.

•Greater size in comparison to Wo makes specimen liable to claim unduly high proportion of physical environment, e.g. bed, sofa etc.
•Reproduces uncontrollably by attempting to fuse with Wo at any given opportunity
Lytehouse... That was great!!! I especially got a kick out of the left hand being physically incapable of touching the steering wheel during the driving process. Good one. :thumbup:
LOL I couldn't help but notice an icon titled poop located just below your calculator??? Secondly how long does it take you to find the icon your looking for?
Without the icons (seemed safer for work security and I just have too many anyway). We just got done "working on our motorcycles" and the little guy wanted to take a picture....
Nothing on the DT at all. Only two icons. and the background is deep blue. As a tech, I know it wastes kernel resources the computer can better put to use, it's always covered with the browser opened to one of four "Dennis owned" FZ forums, and I just really like a clean desktop. Everything on my machines has a place to live and the desktop is off limits. Oh yea... and no fancy themes to tie up resources either. Straight setup for performance and not looks.


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My current desktop is black with a few to many icons because I haven't cleaned them up yet. Normally I have some Anime pic. :ban:

I liked the counter to the female chart. I found it funny but I tend to drive my car with my left, and not my right because of the manual transmission. :BLAA: It made me wonder if it was written by someone in the UK. Especially the refference to rugby.
Debaser, is that wallpaper standard in Lucid? It looks pretty cool. I'm waiting to upgrade from Karmic until the official release.
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