Motopete down - but not out


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
Well I finallay got to meet up with "motopete" last night as he joined us for one of our Safety Council Alumni Group Rides. It was good to finally meet Pete and see his amazing bike up close and in person. It's a thing of beauty folks!!

We had an enjoayble group ride and chit chat afterwards and everyone departed for home just after 9:00PM.

This morning I get this PM from Pete's wife:

Hi there, this is Pete's wife. I just thought I would let you know that Pete was in an accident tonight, he hit a deer on the way home, I haven't got many details until I can see a police report but I am deeply thankful for quality gear, he is in pretty good shape all things considered... he has broken both lower bones in his right leg and they will have to operate on them in the morning. He'll be in hospital for a couple of days but apart from that he should clean up okay. Not sure the condition of his ride but the officer said it didn't appear to be in too bad shape. I'll let you know when I know more.

After my heart restarted, I've contacted Colleen to let her know we are thinking of him and I am available to help in any way needed.

As luck has it I'm leaving tonight on a 3 day riding trip so I probably won't be able to check in on him untill I get back.

I'll keep everyone posted as to how he (and his bike) are doing.
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Pass on my best wishes.

I 've done the Tib & Fib,in fact that was the last time before this,I had my leg in plaster.
If they don't have to pin it,he should be good to go in a few weeks :thumbup:

Tell him to keep his chin up.I know its easier said than done (I'm slowly being driven stir crazy) but as long as he's in one piece,thats the main thing. just never know what's coming up, do you.
Where was he riding when he hit the deer? It seems like there's been quite a few deer strikes this year by bikers in BC.
Glad to hear he's "ok" and should make a full recovery.
That's terrible.

Hopefully you'll be back to your old self soon Pete.

Also, hope your girl's not too badly damaged.

Get well soon :thumbup:
Hope everything's ok! :thumbup:

Hey guys, thanks for the good wishes and all. Yup broke my tib and fib, got a pin from my knee to my ankle and four screws to hold everything together. All titanium of course, only the best for this guy LOL. All in all, I count myself pretty lucky it could/should have been much worse. I don't remember much of it at all (lucky for me). The cops said judging from the amount of blood (deer's) and the fact that my bike slid just over 90 meters. It must have been a good impact. So a broken leg is not as bad as could have been. I can't say this enough in my 20+ years on the street !!!!!! ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GEAR!!!!!!! I'm total convinced that without top quality gear (and the big dude upstairs watching over) a broken leg would have been the least of my worries, and sweat stings a lot less than skin graphs. Haven't seen my bike yet tho sniff sniff.
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Heya fella, I'm a newb here, but just dropping in to say its good to hear you've been all glued back together :thumbup:

Heal fast and get back in the saddle ;)

Hey guys, thanks for the good wishes and all. Yup broke my tib and fib, got a pin from my knee to my ankle and four screws to hold everything together. All titanium of course, only the best for this guy LOL. All in all, I count myself pretty lucky it could/should have been much worse. I don't remember much of it at all (lucky for me). The cops said judging from the amount of blood (deer's) and the fact that my bike slid just over 90 meters. It must have been a good impact. So a broken leg is not as bad as could have been. I can't say this enough in my 20+ years on the street !!!!!! ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GEAR!!!!!!! I'm total convinced that without top quality gear (and the big dude upstairs watching over) a broken leg would have been the least of my worries, and sweat stings a lot less than skin graphs. Haven't seen my bike yet tho sniff sniff.
Good to hear you're slowing recovering. Hope you recover as fast as Rossi did :thumbup:

Bloody deer - all they're good for is venison - yum.....