Did Some Moto Camping on the Coast this Weekend


Former '04 FZ6 Rider
Aug 14, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
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EDIT - some vid of the trip: Untitled on Vimeo

Leaving Friday morning after a good breakfast

Stopped for some coffee in Jenner, CA. It was a good 65F and sunny on the coast by 10:30 am. I'm sure it was much warmer inland.

BAM! :rockon:

Unseasonably warm way up North

The campsite :thumbup: Had camp set up before sunset.

Things were looking up

Looking the opposite direction...
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Woke up Saturday morning and had oatmeal, some cooked sausage left over from Friday night, and some coffee! Then I hit this road...

OH! But not before I was chased by a huge Rottweiler! Got it on video and he chased me for a good while but no photos of that. :eek:


And even some of this...

Name that road!!!

Some guy and his whole family got stuck for quite a while Saturday night back near where I was camping again.

Vino, fresh steak from a local farm, and some veggies. yeah yeah.

Woke up to this Sunday morning...see that guy over there on the right? yeah...that guy


Roosevelt Elk...up to 1300 lbs.
Leaving on Sunday

My bike fell over and slammed onto the ground pretty good shortly after this photo was taken. FAIL. Can you guess which way it went?

All cleaned up and ready for bed

With the short days and the lower dirt speeds, did just over 700 Friday through Sunday. I never rode in the dark and about 200 of it was dirt.

Hope you enjoyed the pics. :thumbup:
Very cool. Would love to do a trip like that one of these days.
Epic! That's the way to camp! Some of those photos are National Geographics! :rockon:
Thanks DefyInertia! Great pics and thread! You guys are very lucky in the States to have access to the big outdoors like this - the true wild places. What a beautiful country. There's nothing more wonderful than strapping a tent on the back of a bike and hitting the road.

I already have a burning desire for some adventure touring, and this has only fed it some more! I'd love to buy an old enduro bike and just disappear off for a while! It was my big plan a few years ago to do Alaska to Argentina, but things changed and my adventure fund has long gone :(

But once the situation improves it will be done! Pictures like these are great motivation to make it happen! :thumbup:
sick pics you mofo! :D

I need a dual sport.... looks like so much fun...

check your email... will call you soon...
Great pics once again Nate. :thumbup: You couldn't have planned the weather any better for last weekend if you tried!
mattole road ??

did you go to the mattole beach campsite? that kinda looks familiar.

Yup...Mattole Road.

No I did not camp there. I camped in a more remote place.

Great pics once again Nate. :thumbup: You couldn't have planned the weather any better for last weekend if you tried!

Seriously...I was very thankful for the weather. I had made my mind up that I'd be going rain or shine so the good weather was very exciting.

as always those touring trips you post are way nice!

I'm with Davey and Wavex regaridng the dual sport bike ... I really want one.

Unfortunately two things keep me away from that.

- I already have two motorcycles, my lovely black naked 08 ABS and a locally assembled 125cc chinese bike, nothing beats the little one for conmuting purposes ... and we lane split here as well :cheer:
so no more space for another one.
- I don't have the money yet for being able to afford it

Anyway sometime in the future, I really hope not to far I will own one.

Dual sport stuff is great!
