Ride today and Officer J. Peterson


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May 8, 2008
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San Diego, Ca.
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Sun Diego FZ6 (Luis) asked ealrier this week if I was interested in riding Palomar Mountain's South Grade on Tuesday. So we hooked up this morning with another friend Zee and headed out after a bite of breakfast and topped off tanks.
We road up Pally's (Palomar Mountain) East Grade and road down South Grade. What a great day up there. Perfect weather and the scenery was awesome!

When we got to the bottom of the mountain I suggested we head to Montezuma Valley Road and ride down the mountains to Borrego Springs in the Anza Borrego Desert. They had never rode this area so we headed out. We stopped at the Ranchita,Ca Yeti and took some pics. Then we headed down Montezuma Valley Rd.into the desert. The temps were pretty high in the desert so it didn't take us long to head back up "Monty" to the higher elevations where we stopped at the Ranchita Mom n Pop store for a drink. Ray, one of the locals was at the store today. Goop and I saw him last Saturday mowing dirt! Don't ask!:eek: Ray as usual gets a hold of your ear and it almost seems a shame to have to say good by to him because he is a sweet person but..."We gotta get going Ray!" LOL!

We're headed back toward Santa Isabel and we have a decent head of steam going and then I see it to late. Hiding in the shadows of the trees. CHP sitting on radar. He lights us up and we pull off on the next side road. We get out our papers and he asks us if we know the speed limit. We answer what we think it is and of course he says we were over it. I was the fastest! :eek: Oh crap! I go back to talk to the officer and he says We seem like nice guys.
I see a CHP SUV vehicle pull in behind our officer's car. I ask , "Is that J. Peterson?" He answers yes! Then he goes back to talk to Officer Peterson.

Peterson comes back and asks how I know him and I tell him about last year's forum ride and how he's become famous on the FZ6 forum. he's asks, "Was that down in Borrego?" He stops a lot of groups and he remembered the stop. I asked if we could take a picture so we could put him back on our forum and he said yes.

Luis, J. Peterson, and Me. Yeah yeah I know...I have a new look....I'll explain later....

The officer that stopped us is saying Suzuki in Japanese and Zee and the officer start speaking Japanese! Turns out both of them have Japanese ladies in there lives and have learned the language! Small world!
All turned out well. We got some fix-it tickets and were back on our way. Behaving like a human being and owning up does seem to mean something and the other thing is these guys are really good guys. Make no mistake these officers can and will make your life miserable if need be. I'm very thankful.

Oh yeah, the new look. My sister is in treatment and has lost her hair. I shaved it all off. It's as much for me if not more for me because I feel helpless but love her very much and I also hope it helps her know we're close to her in her battle.

Very interesting and fun day.
Da Boyz! ---------------->Next Photo --------------------------------------------------->Zee and Louis!

Zee's Zuki TL1000 SRAD.
Love the pics and the new look Cliff :rockon: Hope your sister is doing ok.

As for Officer Petersen, he's FAMOUS now :steve:

Can't believe you chased down a cop - love it :D
Well you won't have to worry about "helmet hair"!!

I hope you sister beats it......we have another member here who's sis is going thru this crap also. Prayers to both sisters :hug:
That's awesome Cliff. Officer J. Peterson to the rescue once again. Somehow I think you guys owe Mark and I a beer next time we see you. :BLAA:
Sorry about you sister though, my prayers are with your family.
Hey Cliff,

I hope for the best for your sister and especially for you. It shows how strong of a bond you have with your sis to show support in that way and you have my support too.

Enjoy the riding and be safe!
That's awesome Cliff. Officer J. Peterson to the rescue once again. Somehow I think you guys owe Mark and I a beer next time we see you. :BLAA:
Sorry about you sister though, my prayers are with your family.

You have that beer anyway! :iconbeer::iconbeer:
I am really hoping those are kevlar jeans Zee is wearing... if not, what is he thinking riding with half the gear, on a bike like that?

Speaking of which, that is one of my top 3 favorite bikes of all time. If he ever wants to sell it, let me know! :BLAA:

Also, how in the world did he write you a ticket? He lets you take a picture with him, and seems like a cool guy, and still fines you? Seems like a jerk move.
Good stuff Cliff. I'll have to bring my FZ1 down there this winter.
So what was it in Borrego, 110 degrees plus? You guys are animals!

Oh yeah, I've never seen a chiper with a smile before.
I do miss riding through the desert. Rains too damn much in Italy.

Good luck to your Sister, mine is in the same boat. Just finished chemo & radiation and it's SLOWLY starting to come back.
I can see why you bring the water cliff. I get thirsty just looking at those pics :eek:

I will shave my head as well and pray for your sis :(
Thanks for sharing Cliff , great to see JP again :thumbup: Although I spose you never really want to see him coz he & his mates keep taking your hard earned :D

Love the 'hair do' mate , my thoughts & prayers are with you & all of your family mate :thumbup: I hope your Sister gets better real soon mate.. Send her a big Humpy 'Get Well Soon' for me :thumbup:

I cant see the pics at work so I'll check again at home later. At least it was only a fix-it-ticket! I lost my grandfather to cancer, its a rough road doing the treatment. My thoughts and prayers go to your sister, Cliff.
You're a mensch, Cliff. We need more people out there like you.

Pls send my regards to your sister and tell the wifey I said hi. Great to see you earlier this summer.

And the new hair do looks aerodynamic! Must add a good 5hp to your SV1k.:thumbup:
I am really hoping those are kevlar jeans Zee is wearing... if not, what is he thinking riding with half the gear, on a bike like that?

Speaking of which, that is one of my top 3 favorite bikes of all time. If he ever wants to sell it, let me know! :BLAA:

Also, how in the world did he write you a ticket? He lets you take a picture with him, and seems like a cool guy, and still fines you? Seems like a jerk move.

That is an awesome bike and I really don't get why Honda and Suzuki got rid of the Big V-Twins.

On the tickets, I have to defend these officers 100%. I'm sure if your doing a stop it's recorded cuz you have to log it to dispatch. He can't walk away from us for no good reason. It wasn't the CHP smiling that wrote us and you can write me a cheap $25 fix-it instead of a speeding anytime. If you think being on the job is easy, It isn't. If you take an extra minute to listen and wait. Let the officer say what he needs to say and then responsibly communicate, you may get a better picture of who your officer is. During your stop there is a lot of observation occuring you may not be aware of. Officers get better training all the time and these officers are pro and human.
They were totally kind to us! We all smiled! :D
KOOL CHP photo (deserves a frame)! That is so kool.

BTW, what the F was the fix-it for? Plate angle too high, peg location, mirror, WHAT?
I can only say we had a BLAST yesterday!! :BLAA:

It was about time me and my buddy Cliff rolled out for a day of riding. It's always an adventure with him. I'm def looking forward to more rides with crazy ol' Cliff!:thumbup:
More power to his sister and their family! I too hope she gets well and beats this cancer.

We got minor fix-it tickets for definite legit reasons. Despite having the proper tag on my bike's license plate, I hadn't replaced my registration for the current one. This is why I got a fix-it. :spank:

My friend Z is currently shopping for a the rest of the gear he needs. We all know this can be tough when you're a student on a budget. I can say riding that sweet TL1000 is great fun. Torque is instant at any RPM.

I hope all of you folks enjoyed the pictures and story of our day which Cliff has shared. I will share some pics which I took soon.

-Luis :D