Stupid Cagers!!!!!


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Mar 7, 2011
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So today coming home from work, 2 people almost hit me ... One lady didnt know where she going so she cut all the way from the right lanes all the way over to the left turning lane (we were going speed limit of 50) and i had almost no time to react but thank goodness to the dual caliper brakes i was able to slow down enough to not run right into her.....2nd time i was going about 25 (there was a residential street and there was a post office as soon as you leave the residentail area, and this lady looked (already moving to the center divider to turn into the post office) looked at me and thought she could make it but ended stopping right in front of me... so i immediated slamed on both my breaks... i grabbed them so hard i locked them up.. i had no choice but to or else be a new hood ornamnent. i got so close i thought this was going to be a head on collision i mean that how close we came.. This %^*%$ didnt even say sorry. Im just glad to be home alive. REALLY guys please just watch out for these stupid cagers. :shakehead:
I think everyone here can relate.

It seems pretty often cagers are just totally oblivious to conditions surrounding them. As you gain experience, you learn to expect these idiots to do something stupid so as to predict and prepare yourself for a quick reaction.

During season 1 I used to get so infuriated by the stupid cager tricks. Season 2 underway now I feel alot more calm about dealing with situations that pop up.

Not sure if you feel this way but I totally profile everyone I come across. I could list a big long list of what cars are driven by what type of driver but perhaps that is a subject of another thread.

If you are expecting cars to see you you are already starting off with a false premise. You must expect that cars just don't see you for whatever reason and form a game plan to deal with it
I think everyone here can relate.

It seems pretty often cagers are just totally oblivious to conditions surrounding them. As you gain experience, you learn to expect these idiots to do something stupid so as to predict and prepare yourself for a quick reaction.

During season 1 I used to get so infuriated by the stupid cager tricks. Season 2 underway now I feel alot more calm about dealing with situations that pop up.

Not sure if you feel this way but I totally profile everyone I come across. I could list a big long list of what cars are driven by what type of driver but perhaps that is a subject of another thread.

If you are expecting cars to see you you are already starting off with a false premise. You must expect that cars just don't see you for whatever reason and form a game plan to deal with it

I totally agree with you but i just didn't expect her to bust out in front of me the way she did.. im always looking for a way out in case a nutbag does stuff like this. gosh i wish i had it on video.
Seems we have to account for every possible scenario to include indecisiveness, in a hurry, don't even see you, don't care that you are there, talking on cell phone, playing with the radio, making illegal lanes changes or u-turns, driving too slow or fast, drunk, on crack, on meth for 4 days straight,........ see if you can add some more
Seems we have to account for every possible scenario to include indecisiveness, in a hurry, don't even see you, don't care that you are there, talking on cell phone, playing with the radio, making illegal lanes changes or u-turns, driving too slow or fast, drunk, on crack, on meth for 4 days straight,........ see if you can add some more

Don't forget the putting on the make-up in the rear view mirror. :eek:
Or how about reading the paper or a book....
I had a incident today where a lady during rush hour didnt know where she was going, i was in the right most left turn lane and she was 2 lanes to my right when she realized she was needing to take a left, She flew across the lanes almost slamming into me. I hit my horn just in time then she proceeded to give me a dirty look and yell something. I love people. Oh and earlier this week i was heading down a back road when they guy flew out of a parking lot just stopping before the street scaring the **** out of me. After that he decided to ride my ass, to which i almost stopped to ****ing murder him. Another case happened today, That of riding me.
I totally agree with you but i just didn't expect her to bust out in front of me the way she did.. im always looking for a way out in case a nutbag does stuff like this. gosh i wish i had it on video.

Yep, and many times, one can predict WHAT they're going to do. When passing an on ramp on a freeway and there is a car entering the road, PLAN on them cutting you off regardless of the lane your in. Recently, I had a woman (on a cell phone) enter the freeway (three lanes, I had moved to the middle as I saw here coming), cut right through the right lane and straight into me. Fortunately, the left lane was clear for me to shift.

Bottom line, always have an egress plan.