How many fingers do you use?

How many fingers

  • 4 Fingers (Brake)

    Votes: 62 25.8%
  • 3 Fingers (Brake)

    Votes: 50 20.8%
  • 2 Fingers (Brake)

    Votes: 123 51.3%
  • 1 Finger (Brake)

    Votes: 11 4.6%
  • 4 Fingers (Clutch)

    Votes: 129 53.8%
  • 3 Fingers (Clutch)

    Votes: 52 21.7%
  • 2 Fingers (Clutch)

    Votes: 51 21.3%
  • 1 Finger (Clutch)

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters
Thank you for your compliment,

just tell me, if you use 4 fingers to control you brake lever, what will you use to control acceleration?
a little hint "trail-braking..."

And Dan - directed towards all of your posts - You obviously aren't concerned with safety, nor have you ever taken a riding course. And, on top of that, you should never be applying front brake while accelerating. I'm not quite sure what your points are.

And to be honest, I'm mildly offended by your attitude. The "family" here on the forum is friendly and always brings positive advice and energy to the table. You don't seem to understand what this forum is about.

You have a lot to learn, regardless of how long you say you've been riding.
Can I also toss out there that if you've thrown it so hard into a corner your using the front brake, you obviously need to learn a thing or two about smoothness, corner entry, and riding within your limits? Or would that be redundant...
And to be honest, I'm mildly offended by your attitude. The "family" here on the forum is friendly and always brings positive advice and energy to the table. You don't seem to understand what this forum is about.

I go along with you. Don't you think that sometimes, you have to be rude with your friends to teach them do right things, to learn more about riding, do you???
A. No, being rude rarely accomplishes anything positive. Maybe thats how you do it in russia, but not here.


B. You're blatantly wrong. We don't teach wrong techniques. And we don't learn from people who don't know what they're talking about.:thumbup:
B. You're blatantly wrong. We don't teach wrong techniques. And we don't learn from people who don't know what they're talking about.:thumbup:

It's ok. I understand that the opinion of a foreigner, especcially from the RF, cannot be considered, but look at the articles and books of Nick Ienatsch and you will find out more about riding
We can learn agressive riding in the "Racing Corner" of the forum, if there is one. But I think that it is better here to promote a safe riding technique especially that there are a lot of other people reading this, not just the members.
Good lord, does it really matter if i use 3 fingers or 2? No. To each their own... if you wish to control the way people do things seek political office.
If your that concerned about the way others do things than your missing what riding is all about... it isn't about riding with perfect track technique, It's about enjoying your bike on the open road, no matter how many fingers you use...

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Again, self-deleted because it doesn't add to OP's conversation or topic
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Before this thread breaks down into unpleasantness we should first:
a) Get back on track with the thread or stop posting.
b) Perhaps discuss the wider areas of breaking that have been highlighted.
c) Most, importantly respect each others opinions.

It would be a shame for the thread to be closed just when it's coming to life.

Your logic lacks sense front brake + throttle= safety???

I've been in MX for 15 years, don't tell me i don't know how to ride a motorcycle :Flip:

Front brake + corner = lowside
Back brake + corner = stability and control :spank:

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Turns out i forgot to vote :D
Voted 3 clutch 2 brake, probably what i use most of the time, although as i said it all depends on the situation :thumbup:
you know nothing about lowside, highside and trackdays...
...ok, dude,... what would you do, if you are leaning,,,,,and

1. you can't lean and brake?
2. i'm done with this conversation... move on
These options should be included in the poll to give it better depth.


To be honest I did originally intend to add these to the options, but thought it would open it up too far and so could of gotten confusing and possibly lost all meaning :confused:, however thinking about it now I think your completely right, is there any way of changing this now?

A lot will depend on what levers you have. I've got ASV shorty levers and use 2 on the brake and 3 on the clutch.
:Im With Stupid:

I just installed some shorty levers and found that I do the same: three on clutch, two on brake. Seems to work just fine. Prior to that on the regular levers, I used 4/4.
I can have a look in the morning. It might be easier if we just work on a few assumptions. Say for instance we assume that the braking is done in a none emergency.
The clutch is being used to change gear once the bike is up to running speed.
What do you think?
It's a good question to ask as it has already invoked some spirited debate.
Sent from my HTC Desire S
Nelly, To be honest I'm keen to keep this subject as open as possible, as I'm sure it would be interesting to see exactly what people do in different situations, this does mean we need to edit the poll if we can or hopefully people will post explaining their personal preferences.

Would like to say I'm very happy with the response, but could we make sure from now on we all try and keep this as friendly as possible, as from what I've seen up to now, this is one of the friendliest forums out there :D

I'm sorry but this is the thread has turned into the most absurd argument. Waste of time arguing here.

I agree with dx, do what you want - its your life and your bike.