Please give opinions about ATGATT


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Aug 28, 2013
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So here I am. I'm 19 I'm a full time college student who works full time and rides a 2006 fz6. I strongly believe gear saves lives. Here's my dilemma. I cannot afford gear. I often ride in shorts t shirt and tennis shoes. A local guy I know told me without gear bikes are certain death. I argued with him and told him I couldn't afford it. He told me I might as well stop riding. I totally disagree. All I can afford at the moment is to have my hjc snell approved helmet. And icon gloves. I know plenty of you guys practice wearing everything all the time. In your personal opinions was he right telling me that I'm stupid for riding without it? I would wear it but my budget and bills and such do not allow me to. Please give me input thanks

2006 faster blue fz6
at least go to goodwill or a thrift store and get a leather jacket....its better than nothing, and at least wear pants.
im guilty of squidding it (my commute is 2 miles round trip and Im lucky if I make it to 3rd gear....) but whenever I go ANYWHERE else I put pants and my jacket on....

When I went down last year in the mountains I hopped up without a scratch on me, one hell of a headache, but no cuts or bruises. My joe rocket jacket saved me from all of that, and I went over the bars onto my head/shoulder.
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at least go to goodwill or a thrift store and get a leather jacket....its better than nothing, and at least wear pants.
im guilty of squidding it (my commute is 2 miles round trip and Im lucky if I make it to 3rd gear....) but whenever I go ANYWHERE else I put pants and my jacket on....

When I went down last year in the mountains I hopped up without a scratch on me, one hell of a headache, but no cuts or bruises. My joe rocket jacket saved me from all of that, and I went over the bars onto my head/shoulder.
I was going to suggest a thrift store and get some pants and a leather jacket.

Maybe check craigslist and see if anyone is selling gear cheap, or maybe someone on here will sell ya some for a price you can chew.

I only ride with my Joe Rocket jacket and sometimes no jacket but I'm always in gloves and pants. (and a full helmet obviously)
check out cyclegear (bilt series) or ebay for stuff..or the for sale section of this great forum...
riding in shorts and a t shirt IS kinda asking for trouble.
Just watch a couple vids of sportbike crashes and think about yourself in a tshirt and tennis shoes. Hell, I just posted a good one!

All seriousness-I never, ever go squid. Even when it's 105 here in Tucson. My first jacket was an EBay special, and well worth it. Nobody ever shamed me because I wasn't wearing head to toe Dainese...

Sell something, take another job. Do what you need to do to get some gear. It's not a matter of will you go down, it's when.
Don't be that squid. Check craigslist. Tons of decent moto gear on there. At least get a jacket and some chaps and wear some boots.

You say you can't afford the gear, but can you afford to get hurt?
Even if you can't afford leather, any heavy jacket is better than a t-shirt. I was in your shoes once. I low-sided my Honda 350SL when I hit gravel taking a corner. I had on a heavy Coast Guard jacket and jeans. I tore up my knee some, but it would have been significantly worse in shorts. And the jacket got the one sleeve ripped pretty bad, but I only had a bruise on my arm. So again, anything is better than nothing, but ideally, leather.
I wear a thermal double lined spider jacket on cold days but other than that I don't:/ disappointed but I recently got my bike and haven't got anything else

2006 faster blue fz6
I started off as an all the gear all the time kind of rider, then became a all the gear most the time, but now I'm more of a 50/50 rider. I always wear my full face helmet and short gloves. If I'm just riding around town or running errands, I'll wear my over the ankle boots and jeans, but may ride with a t-shirt. If I know I'm going on the highway or doing any kind of twisties, then I wear my full boots, overpants, jacket, and guantlet gloves.

I don't believe a rider is a 'squid' because they don't wear all the gear all the time. The riders I call squids are the newbs that pop wheelies to try and impress others around them.

Also don't let the 'I can't afford it' excuse be the reason why you don't have any gear. How can you afford a motorcycle, but not afford a cheap jacket and gloves? Try craigslist.
You can definitely find some cheaper stuff on craigslist. I bought all my gear BEFORE i got my FZ6. That way I wouldnt have to spend SO much money all at once when I eventually got a bike.

You can probably get some quick cash by selling your bike, then you'd have enough for gear. lol jk :BLAA:
Investing and wearing full gear will always be cheaper than paying medical bills, taking time off from work or missing school because your injuries could have been prevented or at least minimized. Wearing proper full 3/4 motorcycle boots versus sneakers could be the difference of breaking your foot or ankle or walking away.

My FZ6 is my only ride. I ride everyday, rain, snow, ice or shine. The risk factor is very high for me. You will not see me riding without my gear, I cannot afford to take time off. That being, I also invest in the best gear possible that works best for me. I will not go cheap.
Did we not have this discussion back in 2008?

At a minimum; jacket, helmet, gloves, jeans, ankle covering shoes.

I rode my 5 years on college, yes I took the scenic route, always worn my gear, even to class.
Also don't let the 'I can't afford it' excuse be the reason why you don't have any gear. How can you afford a motorcycle, but not afford a cheap jacket and gloves?

I think this statement says it all.

Get some gear, wear the gear and enjoy many years of riding.

I wear a thermal double lined spider jacket on cold days but other than that I don't:/ disappointed but I recently got my bike and haven't got anything else

2006 faster blue fz6

Friend, please get and wear the gear. The few times I've been down there's no doubt the gear saved me from more traumatic injuries.:)

I wear Kevlar pants (not the Kevlar jeans) in the really hot weather. Leather pants in winter. CE approved armor in my jackets.
You can not put a price on your well being and you should afford any and all protection you can attain.
If you cant afford the gear, you cant afford the bike.
Be safe - 2nd hand gear is better than no gear.

Seriously, check out the web for squids after crashes. You'll never be a squid again.

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Yup, craigslist and thrift stores are great ideas. I found a cheap, but heavy leather jacket for about $25 on CL. I guess that was lucky, but I've worn it a lot. Found some gloves, and a while later bought some new kevlar lined jeans when I was able to. And at least some kind of boots will be worth your while.

You can make it happen, man. :thumbup:
My riding instructor just said
"wear gear that protects the bits you want to keep"
its simple really.

I went to Aldi ( a supermarket that sells bike gear for one week a year) and bought cheap gloves and jacket. I bought jeans (draggins) the day I picked up the bike and made sure I had them and the insurance was paid for before I took to the road. I rode in hiking boots to give ankle protection til I was licensed and that was my gift to me in congratulations- a pair of dainese boots.

Every year I make sure that at least one bit of gear is replaced... lightens the financial imposte! I now have three jackets, wet weather, leather and mesh and a full rain suit. I have 3 pairs of draggins, two set of boots about 4 sets of gloves, only one lid
And whenever I go out I am always in a combo that suits the weather, but has me covered 100%

remember if its too hot for the gear its too hot to ride-period

take a car, a bus.. what ever
ATGATT, is spot on and you should pay heed to the advice, it may not be certain death without gear but its gonna be certain pain.
Imagine running a belt sander down your thigh or chopping off a few fingers with bolt cutters or gouging your kneecap off with an angle grinder
This is one of those topics I can get up on a soapbox and preach about, 'til the cows come home coz its just common sense

sorry Sky I dont wanna sound like a cranky old man, its just my skin crawls when i think about the damage that can be so easily avoided
I started off as an all the gear all the time kind of rider, then became a all the gear most the time, but now I'm more of a 50/50 rider. I always wear my full face helmet and short gloves. If I'm just riding around town or running errands, I'll wear my over the ankle boots and jeans, but may ride with a t-shirt. If I know I'm going on the highway or doing any kind of twisties, then I wear my full boots, overpants, jacket, and guantlet gloves.

I don't believe a rider is a 'squid' because they don't wear all the gear all the time. The riders I call squids are the newbs that pop wheelies to try and impress others around them.

Also don't let the 'I can't afford it' excuse be the reason why you don't have any gear. How can you afford a motorcycle, but not afford a cheap jacket and gloves? Try craigslist.

Eek, "but may ride with a t-shirt" is not good advice. The South is a hot place, MO ans MS I'm sure, but even in 100 degree heat in CA I wear ATGATT. I have a leather jacket, boots, jeans, gloves, etc. take everyone's advice on here, at least a jeans jacket will suffice. Being hot and uncomfortable for a short amount of
time is better than having your skin scraped off or broken parts.