Assen 2008


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Feb 21, 2008
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Hi all.

Just got back from my trip to the Assen MOTO GP 2008 event, we rode 952 miles in total and have to say it was a great experience, from the moment I left home at 0630am on the 25th, getting back at midnight yesterday, Sunday the 29th.

I have to recommend to anyone who has never had an opportunity to either Tour in Europe or got to a major Bike event there, to really do it and then make the time to do so.

Apart from the pants rain each morning of the 2 main days, the weather was ok, some sun, mostly cloudy, but nonetheless acceptable.

6 of us from my IAM group went and no there were defiantly no slippers and pips seen, smoked or worn. (New Tiger, Kawaka Ninja and Gixer k7 1k, VFR and my Fazer 600 S2)

The riding was challenging, as I had not ridden in Europe or rode as part of an “observer” type set up in close echelon. There was a fair deal of filtering on the M25 and on the roads to Rotterdam, with long progressive progress squirts on the motorways, fantastic.:thumbup:

We stayed about 15k from Assen in a holiday park, with 2 per caravan / trailer and the whole set up was well worth the money paid. We had 2 long days at the Circuit to watch all the practice. Qualifying and races with a 1.5 mile walk each way, from the coach drop off. On the Friday, with a quick turn around, we went to the Assen carnival, which was blast.

Here I spent the best 10Euros of the trip on a T shirt, that in Dutch said “ I’m now 50, can you help me cross the road” From the moment I put it on to the moment we left 4 hrs and several beers and red bulls later, we had such a laugh watching the locals read the T shirt, with that quizzical grins / smirks, to some actually doing what it said, or some coming up to me and saying “do you know what that means, to which obviously I did, but as the beers took over, the translations changed (LOL) with several offers coming my way… very flattering.;)

Another great moment was when a local Cop was seen pushing a shopping trolley and I got a “bollocking” for taking his picture:ban:, to a local guy, going in to a portaloo and his mates turning it round to face a wall and then tipping it up.

I don’t know what you thought of the GP, Stoner was like at Donnington, on the money, but fair play Rossi was really Awesome and on each recovery lap he got loud cheers and to get the position he did really was breathtaking. Oh yes, the noise those bikes make, wow!!

I’ll try and get some pics attached to this thread.

As for next year, well don’t know where yet, but I’m going!!

Back to work, Wednesday … DOH!!!!
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Down the M4 to Bracknell, x country to the M25, to the Chunnell, then up to Rotterdam, north to cross the 30k causeway and then to the Caravan. Back to Rotterdam, 7 hrs ferry time (uck!!) to Harwich and then x country to M25, south to M40 to Oxford and home on the A40. Not a bad run.

You done it?
damn I'm so jealous!! Me and my brother-in-law wanted to go too, but I only had my bike for 7 weeks, and I didn't want to leave it unattended there for 2 days. And I wasn't sure if I was gonna be confident enough on my bike to handle the chaos around the track.

Now I wish I went though! I guess there's always next year...

How did you arrange a place to sleep?

It was arranged in Jan 08 by an IAM member, with an internet company who do bike tours.

I could find out who the company are and send you a message?

Hi all.

Just got back from my trip to the Assen MOTO GP 2008 event, we rode 952 miles in total and have to say it was a great experience, from the moment I left home at 0630am on the 25th, getting back at midnight yesterday, Sunday the 29th.

I have to recommend to anyone who has never had an opportunity to either Tour in Europe or got to a major Bike event there, to really do it and then make the time to do so.

Apart from the pants rain each morning of the 2 main days, the weather was ok, some sun, mostly cloudy, but nonetheless acceptable.

6 of us from my IAM group went and no there were defiantly no slippers and pips seen, smoked or worn. (New Tiger, Kawaka Ninja and Gixer k7 1k, VFR and my Fazer 600 S2)

The riding was challenging, as I had not ridden in Europe or rode as part of an “observer” type set up in close echelon. There was a fair deal of filtering on the M25 and on the roads to Rotterdam, with long progressive progress squirts on the motorways, fantastic.:thumbup:

We stayed about 15k from Assen in a holiday park, with 2 per caravan / trailer and the whole set up was well worth the money paid. We had 2 long days at the Circuit to watch all the practice. Qualifying and races with a 1.5 mile walk each way, from the coach drop off. On the Friday, with a quick turn around, we went to the Assen carnival, which was blast.

Here I spent the best 10Euros of the trip on a T shirt, that in Dutch said “ I’m now 50, can you help me cross the road” From the moment I put it on to the moment we left 4 hrs and several beers and red bulls later, we had such a laugh watching the locals read the T shirt, with that quizzical grins / smirks, to some actually doing what it said, or some coming up to me and saying “do you know what that means, to which obviously I did, but as the beers took over, the translations changed (LOL) with several offers coming my way… very flattering.;)

Another great moment was when a local Cop was seen pushing a shopping trolley and I got a “bollocking” for taking his picture:ban:, to a local guy, going in to a portaloo and his mates turning it round to face a wall and then tipping it up.

I don’t know what you thought of the GP, Stoner was like at Donnington, on the money, but fair play Rossi was really Awesome and on each recovery lap he got loud cheers and to get the position he did really was breathtaking. Oh yes, the noise those bikes make, wow!!

I’ll try and get some pics attached to this thread.

As for next year, well don’t know where yet, but I’m going!!

Back to work, Wednesday … DOH!!!!
Nice one Mark, great trip. Please put me down for next year, will just need some notice of dates. Cloggy can do translations prior to the event lol.

Nice post Mark, shame I couldn't get there this year, will have to stick it in my diary for next year.
Do you have a photo with the T shirt, I'm really curious.
When you said you took the 30K causeway do you mean the "afsluitdijk" from den Oever to Friesland?
Anyway pleased to hear you had a great time :thumbup:

Down the M4 to Bracknell, x country to the M25, to the Chunnell, then up to Rotterdam, north to cross the 30k causeway and then to the Caravan. Back to Rotterdam, 7 hrs ferry time (uck!!) to Harwich and then x country to M25, south to M40 to Oxford and home on the A40. Not a bad run.

You done it?

No I've not ridden abroad at all but the itch is getting stronger by the day. There's now the small matter of domestic negotiations. I was booked to go to Le Mans in May, but a health problem got my other half nervous so I agreed not to go.

Yes hope so, really got the touring bug bad now.:thumbup:

Only prob was / is my that FZ6 S2, was not quick enough to follow the boys who had 1kcc when they were pulling away / on overtakes when rolling, I had to work hard to catch them at times, but there was no probs when rolling with them. (can't really justify a change up to a FZ1 / or afford it:(:(

If you've not ridden in mainland Europe yet... DO IT NOW!! It's so much better than over here. Do a long weekend in Northern France as a starter to get used to the 'wrong' side of the road. They're much more accomodating to bikers than most people over here, especially the car drivers who make every effort to let you pass.

We rode down to watch the San Marino GP last year, stopping in Florence for a few nights on the way. Fantastic trip.

Bit wierd when you think about it though, you ride a thousand miles to sit and watch a bunch of other people riding round on thier bikes, then ride a thousand miles back again :confused:
Yes I have to agree and endorse this message, please please try a trip to euro land, even if it is to get a few fags (not that I support or endorse this orrible abit (i can say that as a ex smoker) or booze, which I support.. well sort of with moderation. LOL....

Oh by the way in euro land, well in Holland, they don't nod, they shake a boot at you or wave, very quaint.:thumbup:


Yes hope so, really got the touring bug bad now.:thumbup:

Only prob was / is my that FZ6 S2, was not quick enough to follow the boys who had 1kcc when they were pulling away / on overtakes when rolling, I had to work hard to catch them at times, but there was no probs when rolling with them. (can't really justify a change up to a FZ1 / or afford it:(:(

Cool so with four or five FZ6's we could ride in our own group lol.

Only prob was / is my that FZ6 S2, was not quick enough to follow the boys who had 1kcc
Surely you jest?? The Missus managed to keep up with three big Aprilias, a Triumph ST, a Fazer1000 and a ZX12 the last time we went on a Euro ride-out. She was still running in her FZ6s so didn't take it over 8k rpm either.

We used to do a run with some mates from opp north. We'd take the ferry from Portsmouth over night to Le Havre, get off the next morning and blat down to Orleans to a motel with a pizzaria/bar over the road and a big bike shop next door. We'd get fed, watered and thrown out, get some sleep, then take the scenic route back stopping for dinner in Toures, following the Loire for a bit, taking in the bit of the Le Mans circuit that's used as the ring road before heading back to Le Havre to get the night ferry over the channel.

No not jesting as my so called mates took great delight in powering off from lights, on overtakes and when making progress on the motorways. I caught them in the end.. no worries there.:Sport:
