London Bus Lanes

You wouldn't believe if I told you that us poor bikers in Ireland are just waiting for london bikers to get the go ahead for bus lane riding...we've been fighting for it for years but in true democratic style...our government have ignored us!!!

Bikes in buslanes in london = bikes in buslanes in ireland. Sure dont you know by now that the Irish government wont change a law unless the English do it first! :p
What happened to "RED" Ken? Was he fed to hungry gerbils?

Well yes. Our current PM has all the personality and decision making abilities of a grain of rice. This of course reflects on Ken who is part of the same party (Labour) albeit to the left. So, when the Mayor of London election came along a Conservative got in.
Well it's great to hear they are finally allowing bikes in the London bus lanes, things are looking up :thumbup:

Well yes. Our current PM has all the personality and decision making abilities of a grain of rice. This of course reflects on Ken who is part of the same party (Labour) albeit to the left. So, when the Mayor of London election came along a Conservative got in.

Oh yes the good old Left/right swing in England, you've got to love it ;)
Here it's just as bad but generally due to indecision or internal arguements (that's what happens when several parties, "the coalition" share the power) :(
I dont' care as long as we get to use the bus lanes. That will be excellent. Cagers will probably like it as well since it will keep us out of 'their way' a lot.
Here it is discribed as having your choice between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.
I dont' care as long as we get to use the bus lanes. That will be excellent. Cagers will probably like it as well since it will keep us out of 'their way' a lot.

+1. this will be a good move. i wonder if i will get a ticket for my bus lane transgressions over the past couple of weeks.
The wheels of local government turn slowly. I'm also expecting to see a legal challenge by some form of cycling pressure group, so I'm not banking on it happening this side of christmas.

Hope I'm wrong.
+1. this will be a good move. i wonder if i will get a ticket for my bus lane transgressions over the past couple of weeks.
London bus lanes confuse the heck out of me as they are time specific. Its just that they don't tell you if the times posted are when you can enter the lanes or can't?
I hope you don't get a fine. In my home town its £146.00 fine for entering a bus lane.
They only problems with the bus lanes are the buses, seriously though as the bus lane is devided by a solid line. Will that mean that you if you go over it to pass a bus you are in violation of the highway code?

The city I live in, and the ones nearby have allowed riding in bus lanes for years. Only problem is that now and again car drivers don't appear to want to let me get out again.

I don't know why more cities don't allow it anyway, certainly doesn't hurt them. I seem to recall Leeds allows bikes into the car share lanes as well. You never know London, and others, may join the 21st century sometime in the next year or two. Just have to hope that they don't start with the congestion charge to make up for it..
Yep red ken blew it.. told all he would not allow bikes so he got voted out....plonker....the bike lobby is big so it seems

as to the solid line i would say its thicker than the normal solid line so no you wont get a ticket

also you are allowed to cross the line into the bus lane on a sunday etc and you dont get a ticket then so again no ticket

also buses move in and out them all day without getting a ticket

One thing that does annoy me though here in Edinburgh is that the lanes do not get patrolled and now more cars use the lanes than buses, and i know if I do it I will get caught:tard:
One thing that does annoy me though here in Edinburgh is that the lanes do not get patrolled and now more cars use the lanes than buses, and i know if I do it I will get caught:tard:

Are you sure you want more of BIG Brother's cameras?
As for cars using bus lanes, I live in Hull, and I have seen the police sat at the far end of the bus lanes ticketing everyone who uses it illegally. Quite funny to watch, even though they still get in the way while they're being given their tickets. It would appear that they can now use CCTV to do it instead, but I haven't noticed any cases in the local paper.
As for cars using bus lanes, I live in Hull, and I have seen the police sat at the far end of the bus lanes ticketing everyone who uses it illegally. Quite funny to watch, even though they still get in the way while they're being given their tickets. It would appear that they can now use CCTV to do it instead, but I haven't noticed any cases in the local paper.
I was caught by CCTV...........bummer.

No cameras for the bus lanes in Edinburgh as yet

and I know for a fact the police were told to go easy on offenders for a while

how long is a while though?

They are however using cameras to catch dingbats on their moby's

They are also very motorbike friendly running there whats around the corner campaign and getting to know the clients

Home : Around the Corner : Safe Biking in the Scottish Borders

If u get stopped, pass the attitude test and that small number plate may just go unoticed around here
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Whilst not a big fan of cyclists, especially the ones who don't feel obliged to stop at red lights, I have a bit of sympathy with those who have signed that petition.

As one cyclist says-Bus lanes currently keep cyclists away from the bulk of the traffic and make a lot of less confident cyclists feel safer. I also don't particularly see how it is going to make life easier, or safer for motorcyclists. I ALWAYS prefer to filter on the offside anyway as the biggest danger in London is idiot pedestrians running out from behind buses, parked cars etc. Nearest the pavement is not a place I like to ride.

Also, the big problem with bus lanes is that they tend to be full of buses. It's all very well merrily riding up a bus lane alongside a line of stationery traffic, but when you come to a bus at a bus stop you are stuck with nowhere to go.
Its been allowed in Hull for ages :thumbup:

seems to be a bit of a secret though ... I'm not tellin anyone :cheer:
Hi Jonac, that's lucky - for my sins I live there. Also allowed in Grimsby and other places I've visited. Before I saw this thread I didn't realise that any city banned motorbikes in bus lanes.